Top 10 geographies by business environment score (10 represents the best possible score) Geography Total score Rank ' Singapore 8.70 1 1*1 ■ H I™ Canada 8.45 2 Denmark 8.45 3 \ us 837 4 + Switzerland 8.34 -|— 1 Sweden 8.30 6 Hong Kong 8.25 7 ' Germany 8.25 8 New Zealand 8.21 ™ 1 Finland 8.11 10 Source: EIU. (0 The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2023 Competitiveness Ranking 2023 COMPETITIVENESS RANKING Score 01 ■ 02 9 03 1 04 -I OS 1 06 1 07 08 09 1 10 ") 11 3 12 6 13 e 14 15 1 16 Sa 7 s 19 20 OVERALL 9 o Argentina 61 62 63 62 63 Australia 18 18 22 19 19 Austria 19 16 19 20 24 Bahrain . - . 30 25 Belgium 27 25 24 21 13 Botswana . - 61 58 59 Brazil 59 56 57 59 60 Bulgaria 48 48 53 53 57 Canada 13 08 14 14 15 Chile 42 38 44 45 44 China 14 20 16 17 21 Colombia 52 54 56 57 58 Croatia 60 60 59 46 50 Cyprus 41 30 33 40 45 Czech Republic 33 33 34 26 18 Denmark 08 02 03 01 01 Estonia 35 28 26 22 26 Finland 15 13 11 08 11 France 31 32 29 28 33 Germany 17 17 15 15 22 Greece 58 49 46 47 49 Hong Kong SAR 02 05 07 05 07 Hungary 47 47 42 39 46 Iceland 20 21 21 16 16 India 43 43 43 37 40 Indonesia 32 40 37 44 34 Ireland 07 12 13 11 02 Israel 24 26 27 25 23 Italv 44 44 41 41 41 la nan an M 31 34 Vi Factor Rankings ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE Macro-economic evaluation of the domes!ic economy Score Ireland 64,47 02_JSA_^^^^^^^^^^M^^^^^^^M_80,40 03_Singapore__80.27 04_UAE_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_79-18 rjatar_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M_74.11 06_Saudi Arabia_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^m_71 56 07_Malaysia__70 69 OS_China_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M_69.26 09_Canada_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M_68.41 >• 10_Australia_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_67,10 ' 11 Netherlands 66J0 -» 12_Germany_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_83-30 13_Baloium__62,73 14_Korea Rep._^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M_62.67 ' 15_Oenmark__62 66 16_Thailand_^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M_62 52 17_Nuiway__62.45 18_Switzerland_ 19_Kuwait _ 20_Taiwan. Cnma 21_Hungary 26 22__Austria 23 26_Japan Czech Republic Sweden Indonesia 30_Mexico_ 31 Israel GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY Exten; to wnich government policies are conducive to competitiveness 09 10 11" \2 13" K 15~ 16" 17" 13 15 20* 21" 22' 23 24' 25" 26" 27' 28' 29' Switzerland Score 93.53 Hong Kcn;j EAR 93.41 Ireland 06.79 □alar Ö514 □snmark Taiwan. China 04.19 Sinqap-re 84.14 UAE ai.90 77.50 L...