Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 23 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (IJEMP) www.ijemp.com INFLUENCE OF INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION TO BRAND AWARENESS AND BRAND IMAGE TOWARD PURCHASE INTENTION OF LOCAL FASHION PRODUCT Nahda Ihzaturrahma1 , Nurrani Kusumawati2 1 2 School of Business and Management, Institut Technology Bandung, Indonesia Email: nahda_ihzaturrahma@sbm-itb.ac.id School of Business and Management, Institut Technology Bandung, Indonesia Email: nurrani.k@sbm-itb.ac.id Article Info: Abstract: Article history: Received date: 01.08.2021 Revised date: 15.08.2021 Accepted date: 30.08.2021 Published date: 01.09.2021 To cite this document: Ihzaturrahma, N., & Kusumawati, N. (2021). Influence Of Integrated Marketing Communication To Brand Awareness And Brand Image Toward Purchase Intention Of Local Fashion Product. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices, 4 (15), 23-41. DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002. This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Many young Indonesian entrepreneurs have opened clothing brands to introduce local fashion products that are not inferior to other well-known brands. Business owners are still confused about how they can increase brand awareness and brand image through effective information dissemination methods. This really affects several things in the business they have, such as sales, followers on social media, consumers, etc. Therefore, this research aims to identify Integrated marketing communications methods can affect brand awareness and brand image toward the purchase intention of local fashion products by using smart PLS analysis. This time, the object of the questionnaire this time is using a local brand from Dama Kara. Six hypotheses are proposed based on the needs you want to analyse and a quantitative approach was adopted with 215 respondents. This study confirmed that one of the most influential factors on purchase intention towards local fashion products is sales promotion, in which people will purchase local fashion products if they get many promotions that are offered from the local fashion brand they want to buy. According to the data processing results, there are two aspects that influence brand image and brand awareness: advertising and sales promotion. Thus, this finding highlights the need to analyse many local fashion brands in Indonesia more deeply and more specifically so that they can find out the problems that occur in each local fashion brand in Indonesia and get perspectives from various consumers from various local fashion brands. These findings from this research will be used as a recommendation for the Look at Me brand to develop a sustainable marketing strategy for the more specific Indonesian target market with methods from integrated marketing communication. Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 24 Keywords: Local Fashion Product, Purchase Intention, SEM PLS, Brand Awareness, Brand Image, Integrated Marketing Communication Introduction The global apparel market is projected to grow in value from 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars in 2020 to about 2.25 trillion dollars by 2025 (Shahbandeh, 2021). Revenue in the Fashion segment is expected to reach US $ 759,466 million in 2021. The East and Southeast Asia region with a growing middle class and an underdeveloped offline shopping infrastructure will drive this growth. One of the leading trends in Asia is the direct integration of shopping functionality into content viewing on social media, enabling high-speed customer conversions. In the first 3 months of this year, Indonesia apparel industry production grew by 29.19% on an annual basis. On a q-t-q basis, this sector grew by 8.79%, the second highest after the furniture industry (Kemenperin: Industri Pakaian Jadi Catatkan Pertumbuhan Paling Tinggi, 2021).Young people in Indonesia are generally more comfortable with simple clothes and seem relaxed, especially for carrying out daily activities such as going to campus or playing with friends (Setiawan and Sesilia, 2021). Local fashion brands are gaining popularity among people of all ages and social backgrounds. The purpose of the fashion brand is to increase public awareness about social issues that occur in the surrounding environment. According to a survey, 63% of customers want their favorite brand to raise social issues. It may also help brands create an image for themselves (News and News, 2021) Many people are not aware of the social issues that occur in the surrounding environment due to the lack of literacy or education regarding these social issues. Many types of negative conditions and behaviors are considered negative enough to get social problem status. Some become social problems only when citizens, policymakers or others pay attention to the condition or behavior. a lot of people do not accept this consideration and thus do not become a social problem. Therefore, Industrial fashion is one of the industries to meet the needs of many people. There are social issues and fashion into unity, fashion becomes a bridge to educate the community about social issues that occur around them through patterns that are made into look at me fashion products. not only being aware, but they can spread positive vibes to the public. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is the method of coordinating all consumer relations practices across all applicable audience points. IMC emerges as a valuable method for marketers who want to create and execute marketing messages in a more coherent and efficient manner (Ciletti, 2013; Nadube, 2018. The goal of integrated marketing communication is to inspire and improve consumers' attitudes so that they are interested in the benefits of the product or service brand. Therefore, with this research regarding integrated marketing communication and purchase intention of product fashion, especially those that have value in the product. It is necessary to understand the influence of marketing communication that can significantly affect the purchase intention of fashion products. Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 25 Literature Review Local Fashion Clothing Local fashion clothing brands refer to fashion clothing brand local to a specific country, locally designed and produced. Currently in Indonesia, local fashion clothing is a business that is being sought because the Indonesian people think that local products tend to be cheaper, easier to obtain, and more in line with the conditions of the Indonesians (Setiawan, 2014). Dama Kara Dama Kara is a local fashion brand that focuses on patterns for helping friends with disabilities to develop their potential through painting, where the results of paintings from friends with disabilities will be processed into fashion products. The products offered by Dama Kara include one set, cardigan, lanyard, t-shirt, etc. For this analysis the Author uses Dama Kara Brand, because it can be seen from they have similar value like Look at Me, the number of followers on social media and consumers owned by Dama Kara more from Look at Me. This makes it very easy for the author to analyse the brand awareness and brand image of the Dama Kara brand through the integrated marketing communication method that has been used by the Dama Kara itself to see their consumer's purchase intention. Brand Awareness Brand awareness refers to a consumer's ability to recognise and recall a brand in a variety of situations (Aaker, 1996). Brand recall and recognition are two aspects of brand awareness. When people can connect a product category, brand recall refers to their ability to recall a specific brand name, whereas brand recognition refers to their ability to recognize a certain brand. Brand Image Brand Image one of the first concepts developed to understand the impact of consumers' expectations, behaviors, mindsets, and attitudes on their perception of a brand (Meenaghan, 1995; Low and Lamb, 2000). As a result, the brand image has been described in a variety of ways. Integrated Marketing Communication IMC is described as organized communication that employs a variety of marketing promotion resources to achieve a marketing campaign's goals (Ruswanti, Gantino and Sihombing, 2019). Advertising Since Internet access is widespread, social media advertising is a form of digital and web network advertisement that has become a successful way of marketing communication. This is the newest and most popular form of social media marketing. From connections to websites to banner advertisements on websites to tiny ads on websites to pay-per-click ads, the Internet now has it all. Sales Promotion One of the most popular and successful marketing messages that is broadcast on social media platforms is sales promotion (Straker et al., 2015a, 2015b). Promotions lower the daily selling price for a limited time in order to elicit immediate favorable feedback from customers (Kumar/Leone 1988; Van Heerde et al. 2004). Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 26 Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WoM) The expression "electronic word of mouth" (eWOM) has been coined to describe a modern concept that has arisen in the last ten years and is relatively new in the scientific field ( Chan & Ngai, 2011). Purchase Intention Purchase intention is described as the transaction behavior shown by customers after evaluating the goods and services they want to purchase, this factor is measured by consumers' willingness to buy and return to buy more (Tariq et al., 2017; Khoa, Nguyen and Nguyen, 2020). Conceptual Framework The following is the research framework and hypothesis for this research. Methodology Research Design The aim of this study is to identify the Integrated marketing communications tools method to affect consumers' purchasing intentions for local fashion products and to find out the strongest tools method of Integrated marketing communication that can influence the purchase intention of fashion products among Indonesian consumers. The author chose to take a quantitative approach, as shown in Diagram 4.1. The author's first move in this research is to classify the problem or problems that the author can find, which turns out to be the influence of integrated marketing communication to deliver value toward purchase intention of local fashion products. In addition, the author conducts preliminary research to determine the factors that influence purchasing intention for local fashion products using a Google form. After conducting the preliminary research, the author also found the importance of how to communicate the value the local fashion products to their customers with strategy integrated marketing communication. The author then conducts a literature review to supplement the data and identify variables relevant to the research's goal. Then, the author gathers all of the knowledge and information and creates the hypothesis development and conceptual framework. After that, the questionnaire is created by the author, who also conducts the pilot test. The questionnaire will be circulated more widely via an online form after the pilot test has confirmed its validity and reliability. The author uses the local fashion brand of Dama Kara for analysis, because the Dama Kara brand is more widely known by people, it can be seen from consumers who buy a lot of their products and Instagram followers who reach 50 thousand followers, so it makes it easier for the author to analyze. Following the collection of data from survey study, the author Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 27 will use survey research to analyze the data. The findings of this study will be used to establish long-term marketing strategies for the Indonesian market in particular. Research Approach This study took a quantitative approach, as previously discussed. The quantitative method seeks to assess scientific theories by examining the relationship between variables (Creswell, 2012). The author chose to conduct survey research in this report, which will examine quantitative data from a sample of the population. Data Collection Method Questionnaires will be used to gather the majority of the data for this report. Bahasa was used for both interviews and questionnaires, as well as online channels such as Google Form. The author gathered secondary data from a variety of online sources, including journals, articles, ebooks, web pages, and other sources relevant to the research. Population and Sample Male and female participants in this study range in age from 18 to 55 years old and are from Indonesia. Based on previous studies by Arina Ilmalhaq (2020), the age range of respondents who are in productive age (15-55 years old) was chosen. Furthermore, since this study is classified as marketing research, the author chose to use a previous study by Malhotra (2010), in which the minimum sample size for respondents was determined to be 200, with the typical range of 300-500 participants as the sample size in marketing research. Sampling Technique (Non Probability Sampling) This study for a sample method used judgment sampling. The author decided to use this judgement sampling because the respondents have been determined by the author, there are followers/consumers of the Dama kara brand and have an age of 18-55 years, so if they don’t meet the criteria above, the respondent cannot fill out the questionnaire Questionnaire Design The author's scale in this analysis was a five-point likert scale. The author used a 5-point likert scale based on previous studies by James T. Croasmun and Lee Ostrom (2011), which found that using a 5-point likert scale increases reliability. Furthermore, using a 5-point likert scale makes it easier for the author to read the whole range of measurement responses (Dawes, J. G, 2008). Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 28 Data Analysis Socio-Demographic Respondents Profile Figure 5.1 Age According to figure 5.1, it can be seen that 69,3% of the respondents are 18-25 years old which consist of 149 Respondents, while 22,8% of total respondents are 26-33 years old which consist of 49 Respondents and followed by 5,6% of the respondents are 34-41 years old, 1,9% of the respondents are 42-48 years old and the last is 0,5% of the respondents are 49-55 years old. Figure 5.2 Gender According to figure 5.2, it can be seen that 79% of the respondents are Female which consist of 170 Respondents, while 21% of the respondents are Male which consist of 45 Respondents. Figure 5.3 Domicile Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 29 According to figure 5.3 the respondents came from more than 26 various cities in Indonesia. The majority of the respondents were from Tangerang, which is the location of the most consumers of the Dama kara brand. Besides Tangeran, there are other cities that are the target market which is in urban areas such as Bandung, Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok and Lampung. Figure 5.4 Occupation Figure 5.4 shows that the majority of the respondents are college students, with 125 respondents, followed by employees with 43 respondents, and housewives with 22 respondents. These findings corroborated a prior study by Ajzen (2005), who found that educational background variables may have a significant correlation to understanding product goals. The Result Of Measurement Model Assessment Indicator Reliability Test Smart PLS was used to assess the indicator reliability in this study. The indicator reliability test was performed to check that the construct was stable in relation to how much the objectives wanted to estimate (Urbach and Ahleman, 2010). The outer loading value with the lowest possible score of 0.7 shows the outcome, although 0.4 or higher is still suitable for exploratory study (Hulland, 1999). Construct Item Outer Loading Composite Reliability Indicator Advertising AD1 0.727 0.864 Reliable AD2 0.766 Reliable AD3 0.818 Reliable AD4 0.820 Reliable E-WoM EW1 0.781 0.846 Reliable Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 30 EW2 0.746 Reliable EW3 0.882 Reliable Sales Promotion SP1 0.746 0.894 Reliable SP2 0.764 Reliable SP3 0.795 Reliable SP4 0.714 Reliable SP5 0.787 Reliable SP6 0.781 Reliable Brand Awareness BA1 0.824 0.918 Reliable BA2 0.895 Reliable BA3 0.918 Reliable BA4 0.792 Reliable Brand Image BI1 0.836 0.874 Reliable BI2 0.832 Reliable BI3 0.722 Reliable BI4 0.793 Reliable Purchase Intention PI1 0.794 0.930 Reliable PI2 0.719 Reliable PI3 0.840 Reliable PI4 0.732 Reliable PI5 0.873 Reliable Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 31 PI6 0.885 Reliable PI7 0.810 Reliable Table 5.7 Reliability Table 5.7 shows that all of the constructions go above the lowest possible score in which they are all reliable. Internal Consistency Reliability Internal consistency reliability may be determined using composite reliability information. The composite reliability score must approach 0.7 to be considered reliable, although 0.6 or above is acceptable for exploratory study (Wong, 2013). indicating that all construct scores for the composite reliability are higher than 0.7 in which all variables are reliable. Construct Validity Test Validity measurement, which may be completed by examining the convergent and discriminant validity, is the next step in testing the model. a. Convergent Validity The Average Variance Extracted (AVE) from each construct may be used to calculate convergent validity. If the AVE value is more than 0.5, constructs should be validly accepted (Wong, 2013). Table 5.8 shows the result. Construct AVE Validity Advertising 0.614 Valid E-WoM 0.648 Valid Sales Promotion 0.585 Valid Brand Awareness 0.738 Valid Brand Image 0.636 Valid Purchase Intention 0.656 Valid Table 5.8 Convergent Validity Table 5.8 shows that all of the AVE scores for each construct are more than 0.5, indicating that all of the constructions are valid. b. Discriminant Validity The square root of AVE scores must be higher than the comparison between the constructs in order to fulfill discriminant validity (Wong, 2013). The author decided to utilize a table with the square root of AVE displayed on the diagonal to make the measurement easier, as shown in Table 5.9. Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 32 1AD 2EW 3SP 4BA 5BI 6PI 1AD 0.784 2EW 0.433 0.805 3SP 0.670 0.430 0.765 4BA 0.520 0.307 0.558 0.859 5BI 0.667 0.395 0.701 0.652 0.797 6PI 0.566 0.328 0.657 0.690 0.704 0.810 5.10 Discriminant Validity The square root values of AVE are higher for all comparisons between constructs in which all components completed the discriminant validity test, as shown in Table 5.10 Collinearity Test According to Wong (2013), obtaining the values of the Variance Inflation Factor is crucial for estimating collinearity concerns (VIF). To eliminate collinearity problems, VIF is counted as "1/Tolerance" with a preferred value of 5 or lower. VIF AD1 1.514 AD2 1.554 AD3 1.763 AD4 1.549 BA1 2.182 BA2 3.247 BA3 3.520 Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 33 BA4 1.799 BI1 2.066 BI2 2.056 BI3 1.391 BI5 1.564 EW1 1.413 EW2 1.392 EW3 1.627 PI1 2.348 PI2 1.929 PI3 3.013 PI4 1.913 PI5 3.417 PI6 3.580 PI7 2.361 SP1 1.707 SP2 2.111 SP3 2.156 SP4 1.810 Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 34 SP5 2.034 SP6 2.174 Table 5.12 Collinearity Test Table 5.12 shows that all of the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) scores for all indicators fulfilled the criterion for no collinearity problem found. Path Coefficient and Hypothesis Testing Figure 5.5 Algorithm Result The author uses bootstrapping to test T-statistics for significance testing in order to see if the value of path coefficients is significant or not. Table 5.13 shows the summary of path coefficients as well as the t-statistics results. Structural Path Hypothesis Path Coefficient T Statistic P Values Result 1AD -> 4BA H1a 0.255 3.142 0.002 Accepted 1AD -> 5BI H1b 0.344 5.074 0.000 Accepted 1AD -> 6PI H1c 0.035 0.519 0.604 Not Accepted 2EW -> 4BA H2a 0.036 0.570 0.569 Not Accepted 2EW -> 5BI H2b 0.054 1.015 0.311 Not Accepted 2EW -> PI H2c -0.012 0.198 0.843 Not Accepted 3SP -> 4BA H3a 0.372 4.753 0.000 Accepted 3SP -> 5BI H3b 0.447 6.651 0.000 Accepted Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 35 3SP-> 6PI H3c 0.241 3.473 0.001 Accepted 4BA -> 6PI H4 0.356 3.837 0.000 Accepted 5BI -> 6PI H5 0.285 3.249 0.001 Accepted Table 5.13 Hypothesis Testing Coefficient of Determination (R2) The author would want to know the R2 at this point value. The number that appears on the inside of the container. R2 values of internal constructions are shown in purple circles in figure 5.6. The internal construct is denoted by the R2 value function. . Figure 5.6 Extended Model Result Structural Path R Square 1AD -> 4BA 0.351 2EW -> 4BA 3SP -> 4BA 1AD -> 5BI 0.564 2EW -> 5BI 3SP -> 5BI 1AD -> 6PI Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 36 2EW -> 6PI 0.620 3SP -> 6PI 4BA -> 6PI 5BI -> 6PI Table 5.13 R Value The major objective of this study, as mentioned previously, is to examine purchase intention, and the R2 value of purchase intention is 0.620, as shown in table 5.13. It can be said that 2 constructs (Advertising (AD), E-WoM (EW), Sales Promotion (SP), Brand Awareness (BA), Brand Image (BI)) illustrate the 6,20% of the variance for purchase intention toward local fashion products. Because the R2 value is around 0.25, the rest of the R2 value is called weak. The minimal R2 value is 0.25, which is considered poor, according to the prior study (Zikmund et al, 2000). f2 Effect Size The author utilized the f2 effect calculation to determine the effect or influence of an exogenous construct on an endogenous latent variable. The result of the computation is presented in table 5.14 below. 1AD 2EW 3SP 4BA 5BI 6PI 1AD 0.052 0.143 0.001 2EW 0.002 0.005 0.000 3SP 0.112 0.241 0.064 4BA 0.184 5BI 0.079 6PI Table 5.14 f2 Effect Size In the table 5.14 above shows that Brand Awareness has the bigger effect size of 0.184 on Purchase Intention. E-WoM has the smaller effect size of 0.000 on Purchase Intention. Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 37 Total Effect The total impact is the proportion of the influence that the independent and mediating constructs have on the dependent construct (Wong, 2013). Table 5.15 shows the result. Relationship Sample Mean (M) Standard Deviation (STDEV) T Statistics (|O/STDEV|) P Values decision 1AD -> 4BA 0.255 0.081 3.142 0.002 Supported 1AD -> 5BI 0.344 0.068 5.074 0.000 Supported 1AD -> 6PI 0.223 0.072 3.120 0.002 Supported 2EW -> 4BA 0.036 0.063 0.570 0.569 Rejected 2EW -> 5BI 0.054 0.053 1.015 0.311 Rejected 2EW -> 6PI 0.016 0.072 0.219 0.827 Rejected 3SP -> 4BA 0.372 0.078 4.753 0.000 Supported 3SP -> 5BI 0.447 0.067 6.651 0.000 Supported 3SP -> 6PI 0.500 0.069 7.271 0.000 Supported 4BA -> 6PI 0.356 0.093 3.837 0.000 Supported 5BI -> 6PI 0.285 0.088 3.249 0.001 Supported Table 5.15 Total Effect Discussion The Relationship Between Advertising and Brand Awareness Advertising attempts are positively concerned with brand loyalty because it reinforces the brand awareness and steer the viewpoints to the brand. Most respondents quietly agreed that the advertising had an important role for them to know the local fashion brand from Dama Kara so that they remember the local brand of Dama Kara. The Relationship Between Advertising and Brand Image Advertising has been proven to be an effective technique for building customer loyalty, raising brand awareness, and reinforcing other brand-related connections and attitudes. This finding is proven by the descriptive analysis, which mentioned that to find out new things about the local brand Dama Kara, you need to visit the brand's website.. The Relationship Between Advertising and Purchase Intention Advertising is positively related to purchase intention and if customers are provided with information through electronic marketing, they will be more likely to purchase local fashion products. With social media advertising, consumers have the intention to buy local products from the Dama Kara brand. Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 38 The Relationship Between E-WoM and Brand Awareness E-WoM negatively relates to brand awareness. Dama Kara consumers are more aware of a brand from the information marketers share on social media. It has not been found negative impact on brand awareness in local fashion brands. The Relationship Between E-WoM and Brand Image This finding not found in previous research that E-WoM has a negative impact on brand image in local fashion brands because customers from the brand and how to grow a brand image. Customers buy a product not because of reviews, but from advertising endorsements, and sales promotions. The Relationship Between E-WoM and Purchase Intention Dama Kara's study shows that E-WoM has a negative impact on purchase intention in local fashion brands. Respondents from Dama Kara bought a product from the appearance of photos and product forms that were shared through social media content, because it made them have the intention to buy the product. The Relationship Between Sales Promotion and Brand Awareness Sales promotion is positively related to brand awareness, according to the hypothesis testing in table 5.15. Customers judge a brand based on the information they have stored in their minds because of sales promotions. This finding is consistent with previous research from (Daosue, C., & Wanarat, 2019). The Relationship Between Sales Promotion and Brand Image Sales promotion is positively related to brand image, according to the hypothesis testing in table 5.15. With the promotion given by the local brand Dama Kara, it can make it easier for every consumer to shop. This finding is consistent with previous research from (Blattberg and Neslin, 1990). The Relationship Between Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention Brand awareness is positively related to purchase intention, according to the hypothesis testing in table 5.15. Results showed that consumers made purchases or had purchase intentions for brands that they were aware of. This finding is consistent with previous research on the impact of brand awareness on choice, frequency, and brand sampling. The Relationship Between Sales Promotion and Purchase Intention Sales promotion is positively related to brand image, according to the hypothesis testing in table 5.14. Price promotions that display the regular price and the discounted price lead to increased buy intentions. This finding is proven by the descriptive analysis, which mentioned that reduced prices help consumer repeat purchases from brand Dama Kara. The Relationship Between Brand Image and Purchase Intention A product of high quality brand image has a favourable impact on purchase intention and consumers are more likely to acquire brand-name products online. Previous research found that by buying a local product/brand, consumers' online products with good reviews make consumers confident in purchasing the local fashion product. Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 39 Conclusion The objective of this study is to investigate how integrated marketing communication influences brand image and brand awareness toward purchase intention to local fashion products. So, to accomplish the objective, this study uses six variables (advertising, E-WoM, sales promotion, brand image, brand awareness, and purchase intention) as an initial framework for this study. The author used a quantitative approach in this study and collected data by online questionnaire. Then, after collecting the data, the author will analyze the data with SEM-PLS analysis. The last step is analyzing the findings, in which the author will answer all of the research questions and provide conclusions, recommendations, and implication. 1. What are the Integrated marketing communications methods that can significantly affect the purchase intention of fashion products? The importance of purchasing a local fashion product, according to an online survey given to respondents, primarily those who know the local fashion brand Dama Kara, comes from advertising and sales promotion. Customer reviews, on the other hand, can be useful for learning more about a company. A smart marketing strategy persuades them to believe in and be attracted by the product. 2. Which Integrated marketing communication method is the most influential in the purchase intention of fashion products among Indonesian consumers? It is confirmed in this study that sales promotions are the most influential factors that influence purchase intention. Sales promotion defines always a consideration for product purchases, with the promotion and intensive marketing, more consumers will be engaged. Revenue is more likely to increase. Many consumers in Indonesia who initially just wanted to see it, because of the sales promotion, attracted them to buy the product. 3. What is the effect of integrated marketing communication methods on brand image and brand awareness on local fashion products? According to the data processing results, there are two aspects that influence brand image and brand awareness: advertising and sales promotion. Dama Kara's brand image is based on product information shared on social media in accordance with product expectations and quality received. The majority of respondents agreed that advertising had an important role in knowing and remembering the local fashion brand from Dama Kara. Recommendations Local fashion products are one of the products that are currently booming among the public. Sales promotion has the highest score in which Indonesian people prefer sales promotion to be the most important thing to buy fashion products. This is because it can make it easier for consumers to buy the desired product, it can even attract the attention of consumers who initially don't want to buy instead end up buying. Furthermore, businesses can raise brand awareness by using social media marketing such as ads, endorsements, and paid promotion. Marketers can improve brand image by creating interesting information content about brands and products through social media advertising. Volume 4 Issue 15 (September 2021) PP. 23-41 DOI: 10.35631/IJEMP.415002 Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 40 For business owners who have a relatively new brand in the market, they may also use social media to promote their product or service. Practical Implication Anuolwapo Dorcas Oni (2018) found that the majority of Indonesian people are already aware and interested in purchasing local fashion products. Yet, there are still many consumers who do not know many local fashion brands in Indonesia due to lack of knowledge about the brand and not in accordance with the consumer's budget. The Author hopes for those local fashion companies that can communicate clearly about their brand to consumers and find out what consumers want and need when they want to buy a local fashion product. Implications for Future Research Because most of the respondents in this study are adults (18-25 years old), the author expects that future research will include more respondents of varying ages. As a result, we can compare this study to others depending on the age range. The author believes optimistically that the outcome will be different and useful for comparison. besides, this study analyzes just one local fashion brand only analyzing one local fashion brand in Indonesia, the author hopes the future study can analyze many local fashion brands in Indonesia more deeply and more specifically so that they can find out the problems that occur in each local fashion brand in Indonesia and get perspectives from various consumers from various local fashion brands. References Ali, F. (2016) ‘Hotel website quality, perceived flow, customer satisfaction and purchase intention’, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 7(2), pp. 213–228. doi: 10.1108/JHTT-02-2016-0010. 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