Design a management system for a company ……. MANAGEMENT Name, middle name and surname: SU OPF Summer term 2025 Content 1. Introduction Introduction of the company and the problem you are solving associated with the management of the company. 2. Characteristics of the company Name, field of activity, size, registered office, ownership structure, etc. 3. Design of management system, coverage and definition of strategic (top), operational (middle), tactical (low) levels System settings within responsibilities, roles, delegation of tasks, management approaches. Formulate how you create management levels, why the structure you propose is suitable, whether it meets the requirements of the company for sales, production, etc. of products/services and generation of added value (difference e.g. by type: production, services, retail, etc.) 4. Design of the organizational structure of the company Specific organizational structure (organigram) with the definition of roles, responsibilities of specific job positions. Each position contains a job description. 5. How will the company approach "performance management", how will it evaluate performance? It serves to realize how the valuable performance of the "management of the company" is, whether it achieves the set goals, what indicators will be monitored. Formulate the method of setting goals (top management and decomposition into other departments), how these goals will be achieved - strategies, what plans (procedures) will be set to achieve the goals. Logic: goal → strategy → plan 6. Design of planning, recruitment and selection of employees Indicate how you will proceed when planning, for example, the number of employees, when defining the job positions. Next, introduce ways of recruiting employees, what channels, information sources you will use so that potential candidates find out about vacancies. Describe the ways/methods of selecting employees (you can structure the differences for top management, managers, operations, etc.). How will the adaptation process (onboarding) of the hired workers then take place? 7. Design a motivation system for employees What forms of motivation (internal/external) you will use, formulate the general structure of remuneration for work (e.g. share of fixed component, variable component, influence of motivation on employee performance, all according to his classification, e.g. top management motivation may be different from administrative worker, etc.). What type of leadership/management system will you apply? 8. Indicate how the control mechanisms in the company will be set up How will the performance of employees be evaluated, frequency of evaluations, room for improvement, etc. How will the inspection be performed in the sense of whether the company achieves the set goals, finding out divergency (causes) for top, middle, low management. 9. Conclusion Summary of the main findings and formulation of your recommendation for the company. What type of corporate culture do you want to create, what will be the difference within corporate culture compared to other companies? Attractiveness of employment, employee commitment, pride of employees working just for you… Used sources: 1. HRM study, books, articles, research papers… 2. Other resources… __________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS: • Seminar paper topic: each student fictitiously starts his/her own company and processes the work according to the content points • Deadline for submission: electronically by 06^th May, 2025, 23: 00h. to IS (Homework Vaults) • Method of processing: individually • Scope: as needed (there can be drawings, photos, etc.) TIPS: Fictionally establish a company that, for example, you would like to establish once and realize in its activities. Follow your personal interest, you want to know more information, you like it, it is your inspiration, etc. Use the knowledge gained from lectures/seminars and your own reading of professional literature, available studies, etc. on management issues. Process the individual points of the outline according to the available information and draw a conclusion. Remember - each subject is based on management = management, the question is how each company approaches it… and whether it is successful… Seminar paper is an added value for you 😊