Chapter 7 Slide 1 Measuring Cost: Which Costs Matter? nExplicit costs: Costs that involve a direct monetary outlay (e.g. fuel, salaries of an aeroplane) nImplicit Costs: Costs that do not involve outlays of cash (income it forgoes by not leasing this aeroplane) nSacrificed costs=sum of explicit and implicit costs associated with the decision Explicit Costs vs. Implicit Costs Chapter 7 Slide 2 Opportunity costs nThe value of the next best alternative that is forgone when another alternative is chosen. nThe forward-looking nature of opportunity costs nTwo options – to run own business (costs 100 000 workers wages + 80 000 for supplies) or to be employed (income 75 000) => the opportunity cost of continuing in business over the next year is $255,000 nopportunity cost differs from the original expense incurred by the firm (there are different opportunity costs for different decisions under different circumstances) n n Chapter 7 Slide 3 Measuring Cost: Which Costs Matter? nAccounting Cost: costs that would appear on accounting statements (explicit costs that have been incurred in the past) nEconomic Cost: The sum of the firm’s explicit costs and implicit costs. Cost to a firm of utilizing economic resources in production, including opportunity cost (synonymous with opportunity costs) Economic Cost vs. Accounting Cost Chapter 7 Slide 4 nOpportunity cost: Cost associated with opportunities that are foregone when a firm’s resources are not put to their highest-value use. nE.g.: A firm owns its own building and pays no rent for office space. lDoes this mean the cost of office space is zero? Measuring Cost: Which Costs Matter? Chapter 7 Slide 5 SUNK (UNAVOIDABLE) VERSUS NONSUNK (AVOIDABLE) COSTS nsunk costs: costs that have already been incurred and cannot be recovered nnonsunk costs: Costs that are incurred only if a particular decision is made, so they are avoided if the decision is not made > avoidable costs) Economic Cost vs. Accounting Cost Chapter 7 Slide 6 The cost minimization problem nHow to choose a combination of inputs to minimize the cost of producing a given quantity of output? na firm that seeks to minimize the cost of producing a given amount of output is called a cost-minimizing firm nLong run= The period of time that is long enough for the firm to vary the quantities of all of its inputs as much as it desires (so all costs are nonsunk). nShort run= The period of time in which at least one of the firm’s input quantities cannot be changed. Chapter 7 Slide 7 Short-run cost minimization nA firm uses just two inputs (capital and labor) nfirm is unable to alter its quantity of capital, even if it produces zero output ncan alter its quantity of labor L (e.g., by hiring or firing workers). nfirm’s total costs are wL + rK nThe firm’s labor cost thus constitutes its total variable cost (the noutput-sensitive component of its costs) => total variable cost nBy contrast, the firm’s capital cost will not go up or down as the firm produces more or less output => total fixed cost n Chapter 7 Slide 8 Short-run cost minimization nShould the firm produce no output, or should it produce some positive level of output? nthe firm’s total expenditure on labor is a nonsunk cost (since variable costs are completely avoidable) nBy contrast, the firm’s fixed capital cost may be sunk or nonsunk (the fixed cost will be sunk if there are no alternative uses for and nonsunk if e.g. we find somebody who will rent our factory so we can cover our payments to bank) n Chapter 7 Slide 9 Chapter 7 Slide 10 Short-run cost minimization nthe firm’s problem when it seeks to produce a quantity of output Q0 but is unable to change the quantity of capital from its fixed level nThe firm’s only technically efficient combination of inputs occurs at point F Chapter 7 Slide 11 Short-run cost minimization nfirm cannot substitute between capital and labor => the determination of the optimal amount of labor does not involve a tangency condition nin the short run, the firm will typically operate with higher total costs than it would if it could adjust all of its inputs freely n Chapter 7 Slide 12 Chapter 7 Slide 13 nTotal output is a function of variable inputs and fixed inputs. nTherefore, the total cost of production equals the fixed cost plus the variable cost Measuring Cost: Which Costs Matter? Fixed and Variable Costs Chapter 7 Slide 14 Cost in the Short Run nMarginal Cost (MC) is the cost of expanding output by one unit. Since fixed cost has no impact on marginal cost, it can be written as: Chapter 7 Slide 15 Cost in the Short Run nAverage Total Cost (ATC) is the cost per unit of output, or average fixed cost (AFC) plus average variable cost (AVC). This can be written: Chapter 7 Slide 16 Cost in the Short Run nAssume the wage rate (w) is fixed relative to the number of workers hired. Then: n nContinuing: A Firm’s Short-Run Costs ($) n 0 50 0 50 --- --- --- --- n 1 50 50 100 n 2 50 78 128 n 3 50 98 148 n 4 50 112 162 n 5 50 130 180 n 6 50 150 200 n 7 50 175 225 n 8 50 204 254 n 9 50 242 292 n 10 50 300 350 n 11 50 385 435 Rate of Fixed Variable Total Marginal Average Average Average Output Cost Cost Cost Cost Fixed Variable Total (FC) (VC) (TC) (MC) Cost Cost Cost (AFC) (AVC) (ATC) Chapter 7 Slide 18 Cost Curves for a Firm Output Cost ($ per year) 100 200 300 400 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 VC Variable cost increases with production and the rate varies with increasing & decreasing returns. TC Total cost is the vertical sum of FC and VC. FC 50 Fixed cost does not vary with output Chapter 7 Slide 19 Cost Curves for a Firm nUnit Costs lAFC falls continuously lWhen MC < AVC or MC < ATC, AVC & ATC decrease lWhen MC > AVC or MC > ATC, AVC & ATC increase Output (units/yr.) Cost ($ per unit) 25 50 75 100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MC ATC AVC AFC Chapter 7 Slide 20 Long-run cost minimization nEach input has a price nThe price of a unit of labor services—also called the wage rate - is w. This price per unit of capital services is r. nBoth prices could be explicit or implicit cost nThe firm has decided to produce Q0 units of output (now this amount is exogenous => the question for managers is how to produce that amount in the cost-minimizing way) nthe manager must choose a quantity of capital K and a quantity of labor L that minimize the total cost TC= wL + rK of producing Q0 units of output (TC is sum of all the economic costs when uses labour and capital services to produce output) Chapter 7 Slide 21 Isocost lines n= The set of combinations of labor and capital that yield the same total cost for the firm (analogous to a BL) n Chapter 7 Slide 22 Long-run cost minimization nConsider, for example, a case in which w=10 per labor-hour, nr=20 per machine-hour, and TC=$1 million per year. n nGraphical illustration of isocost? nWhat happen when TC will be $2 million and $3 million Chapter 7 Slide 23 Isocost lines nPoint G is off the Q0 isoquant altogether. Although this input combination could produce Q0 units of output, in using it the firm would be wasting inputs (i.e., point G is technically inefficient) nPoints E and F are technically efficient, but they are not cost-minimizing because they are on an isocost line that corresponds to a higher level of cost than the isocost line passing through the cost-minimizing point A. By moving from point E to A or from F to A, the firm can produce the same amount of output, but at a lower total cost Chapter 7 Slide 24 Long-run cost minimization nSuppose that the firm’s production function is of the form n n nMPL and MPK? nw = 5 and r = 20 nWhat is the cost-minimizing input combination if the firm wants to produce 1,000 units per year? Chapter 7 Slide 25 Corner point solution nThe cost-minimizing input combination for producing Q0 units of output occurs at point A, where the firm uses no capital. nthe marginal product per dollar spent on labor exceeds the marginal product per dollar spent on capital services: n n n nevery additional dollar spent on labor yields more output than every additional dollar spent on capital. In this situation, the firm should substitute labor for capital until it uses no capital at all, n Chapter 7 Slide 26 Corner point solution Chapter 7 Slide 27 Long-run cost minimization nSuppose that we have the linear production function: n Q = 10L + 2K nMPL and MPK? nw = 5 and r = 2 nWhat is the cost-minimizing input combination if the firm wants to produce 200 units? Chapter 7 Slide 28 Comparative statics analysis of changes in input prices n= how changes in input prices and output affect the firm’s cost-minimization problem nSuppose price of labor w changes, with the price of capital r held constant at 1 and the quantity of output held constant at Q0 nIf w increases from 1 to 2 => it causes substitution capital for labor (the isocost lines is steeper) nIt causes changes the position of the tangency point between the isocost line and the isoquant n Chapter 7 Slide 29 Chapter 7 Slide 30 Comparative statics analysis of changes in output n= changes in output quantity Q, with the prices of inputs (capital and labor) held constant. nExpansion path= A line that connects the cost-minimizing input combinations as the quantity of output, Q, varies, holding input prices constant. nas quantity of output increases, the quantity of each input also increases => both labor and capital are normal inputs => the expansion path is upward sloping nWhen one of inputs is inferior (e.g. To increase output firm uses using more capital but less labor) => the expansion path is downward sloping n Normal inputs Chapter 7 Slide 31 One input is inferior (labour) Chapter 7 Slide 32 Chapter 7 Slide 33 The input demand curves Chapter 7 Slide 34 Deriving the input demand curves form a production function nSuppose that a firm faces the production function: n n n What are the demand curves for labor and capital? Chapter 7 Slide 35 Cost in the Long Run nAssumptions lTwo Inputs: Labor (L) & capital (K) lPrice of labor: wage rate (w) lThe price of capital: r = depreciation rate + interest rate nQuestion lIf capital was rented, would it change the value of r ? u The Cost Minimizing Input Choice Chapter 7 Slide 36 Cost in the Long Run nThe Isocost Line: shows all combinations of L & K that can be purchased for the same cost lC = wL + rK nRewriting C as linear: K = C/r - (w/r)L nThe slope of the isocost line: nis the ratio of the wage rate to the rental cost of capital. This shows the rate at which capital can be substituted for labor with no change in cost. l The User Cost of Capital The Cost Minimizing Input Choice Chapter 7 Slide 37 Producing a Given Output at Minimum Cost Labor per year Capital per year Isocost C2 shows quantity Q1 can be produced with combination K2L2 or K3L3. However, both of these are higher cost combinations than K1L1. Q1 Q1 is an isoquant for output Q1. Isocost curve C0 shows all combinations of K and L that cost C0. C0 C1 C2 CO C1 C2 are three isocost lines A K1 L1 K3 L3 K2 L2 Chapter 7 Slide 38 Input Substitution with an Input Price Change C2 This yields a new combination of K and L to produce Q1. Combination B is used in place of combination A. The new combination represents the higher cost of labor relative to capital and therefore capital is substituted for labor. K2 L2 B C1 K1 L1 A Q1 If the price of labor changes, the isocost curve becomes steeper due to the change in the slope -(w/L). Labor per year Capital per year Chapter 7 Slide 39 Cost in the Long Run nIsoquants and Isocosts and the Production Function Chapter 7 Slide 40 A Firm’s Expansion Path Labor per year Capital per year Expansion Path The expansion path illustrates the least-cost combinations of labor and capital that can be used to produce each level of output in the long-run. 25 50 75 100 150 100 50 150 300 200 A $2000 Isocost Line 200 Unit Isoquant B $3000 Isocost Line 300 Unit Isoquant C Chapter 7 Slide 41 A Firm’s Long-Run Total Cost Curve Output, Units/yr Cost per Year 1000 100 300 200 2000 3000 D E F Chapter 7 Slide 42 Long-Run Expansion Path The long-run expansion path is drawn as before.. LR Versus SR Cost Curves: The Inflexibility of SR Production Labor per year Capital per year L2 Q2 K2 D C F E Q1 A B L1 K1 L3 P Short-Run Expansion Path Chapter 7 Slide 43 nLong-Run Average Cost (LRAC) lConstant Returns to Scale: If input is doubled, output will double; average cost is constant at all levels of output. lIncreasing Returns to Scale: If input is doubled, output will more than double; average cost decreases at all levels of output. lDecreasing Returns to Scale: If input is doubled, the increase in output is less than doubled; average cost increases with output. l LR Versus SR Cost Curves Chapter 7 Slide 44 nLong-Run Average Cost (LRAC) lIn the long-run: firms experience increasing and decreasing returns to scale and therefore long-run average cost is “U” shaped. lLong-run marginal cost leads long-run average cost: uIf LRMC < LRAC, LRAC will fall uIf LRMC > LRAC, LRAC will rise uTherefore, LRMC = LRAC at the minimum of LRAC LR Versus SR Cost Curves Chapter 7 Slide 45 Long-Run Average and Marginal Cost Output Cost ($ per unit of output LRAC LRMC A Chapter 7 Slide 46 nEconomies & Diseconomies of Scale lEconomies of Scale: Increase in output is greater than the increase in inputs. lDiseconomies of Scale: Increase in output is less than the increase in inputs. nMeasuring Economies of Scale lEc = % change in cost from a 1% increase in Q LR Versus SR Cost Curves Chapter 7 Slide 47 LR Cost with Constant Returns to Scale Output Cost ($ per unit of output) Q3 SRAC3 SRMC3 Q2 SRAC2 SRMC2 Q1 SRAC1 SRMC1 LRAC = LRMC With many plant sizes with minimum SRAC = $10 the LRAC = LRMC and is a straight line $10 Chapter 7 Slide 48 LR Cost with Economies and Diseconomies of Scale Output Cost ($ per unit of output SRMC1 SRAC1 SRAC2 SRMC2 LRMC If the output is Q1 a manager would chose the small plant SRAC1 and SRAC $8. Point B is on the LRAC because it is a least cost plant for a given output. $10 Q1 $8 B A LRAC SRAC3 SRMC3 Chapter 7 Slide 49 nEconomies of scope exist when the joint output of a single firm is greater than the output that could be achieved by two different firms each producing a single output. nWhat are the advantages of joint production? lConsider an automobile company producing cars and tractors: both use capital and labor; the firms share management resources; both use the same labor skills and type of machinery. Production with Two Outputs: Economies of Scope Chapter 7 Slide 50 Product Transformation Curve Number of cars Number of tractors O2 O1 illustrates a low level of output. O2 illustrates a higher level of output with two times as much labor and capital. O1 Each curve shows combinations of output with a given combination of L & K. Chapter 7 Slide 51 nThere is no direct relationship between economies of scope and economies of scale. nThe degree of economies of scope measures the savings in cost and can be written: l lC(Q1) is the cost of producing Q1 lC(Q2) is the cost of producing Q2 lC(Q1Q2) is the joint cost of producing both products Production with Two Outputs: Economies of Scope Chapter 7 Slide 52 The Learning Curve Cumulative number of machine lots produced Hours of labor per machine lot 10 20 30 40 50 0 2 4 6 8 10 The chart shows a sharp drop in lots to a cumulative amount of 20, then small savings at higher levels. Doubling cumulative output causes a 20% reduction in the difference between the input required and minimum attainable input requirement. Chapter 7 Slide 53 Economies of Scale Versus Learning Output Cost ($ per unit of output) AC1 B Economies of Scale A AC2 Learning C Chapter 7 Slide 54 nScenario: A new firm enters the chemical processing industry. nDo they: l1) Produce a low level of output and sell at a high price? 2)Produce a high level of output and sell at a low price? nHow would the learning curve influence your decision? l The Learning Curve in Practice Chapter 7 Slide 55 nStudy of 37 chemical products uAverage cost fell 5.5% per year uFor each doubling of plant size, average production costs fall by 11% uFor each doubling of cumulative output, the average cost of production falls by 27% nSemiconductors: a study of 7 generations of DRAM semiconductors from 1974-1992 found learning rates averaged 20%. nIn the aircraft industry, learning rates are as high as 40%. The Learning Curve in Practice: Empirical Results