NAME(S):……………………………………………………………………………………… SALES PROMOTION TOOLS – B2C Firms may use a variety of sales promotion tools to help them increase short-term sales. Choosing from the below list of possible tools, identify which one/s would be most appropriate for: A newly launched chocolate bar Accommodation in hotel A woman’s fashion clothing store ACTIVITY/TASK Sales Promotion Tools Chocolate bar Accommodation in hotel Clothing store 1 A 20% discount 2 20% extra free 3 A two-for-one deal (1+1) 4 Discount via a coupon for next purchase 5 A competition (e.g. win a TV set) 6 Extra points on a loyalty program 7 Receive a free gift (if spending more than $X) 8 Give a free sample QUESTIONS 1. Start this activity by completing the above table. 2. Which sales promotion tools did you use the most? Which ones did you use least? 3. How effective do you think sales promotions are in generating sales and gaining new customers? 4. Is there a danger in overusing sales promotions? NAME(S):……………………………………………………………………………………… POP/POS DISPLAYS Image result for POS/POP" QUESTIONS 1. Which of the POP/POS displays above you like the best? 2. Try to assess them from the marketing point of view.