Case study Assume that it is a few moments before your college graduation. You and some classmates have decided to become entrepreneurs. The group has agreed on the restaurant industry, but your discussions thus far have gone back and forth between two different dining concepts: Burger Buddy and Ma Maison. Burger Buddy would operate near campus in order to serve the student market. Burger Buddy would be a 1950s-themed hamburger joint, emphasizing large portions and affordable prices. Ma Maison is the alternate concept. One of your partners has attended cooking school and has proposed the idea of a small, upscale French restaurant. The menu would have no set items, but would vary on a daily basis instead. Ma Maison would position itself as a boutique restaurant providing superb customer service and unique offerings. Working in two groups, answer the following questions and the following issues: 1. Describe your firmĀ“s business-level strategy.Why do you consider it to be a cost leader or a differentiator? 2. What is the mission statement and vision statement of your firm? Is your firm targeting specific strategic goals? 3. How would the nature of work vary between the two restaurants? 4. What is the underlying strategy for each restaturant concept? 5. If the business concept is successful, how might you expect the organizational structure and nature of work at each restaurant to change in the next five to seven years?