Preparation žGoal – to present something ž to persuade someone žStructure ž ž1. Introduction – 5% ž2. Main part – 80% ž3. Conclusion– 15% ž The method of mind - mapping žCreative approach to presentation - -bubbles - -Goal of presentation - -Parts of presentation - Mind mapping ž goal Introduction Conclusion Main part 1 2 Slides žKey words ž žSize about 30 ž ž8 lines ž ž3 colours ž ž Delivery žIntroduction – first impression ž žNO reading of the text ž žNotes - admitted ž žEye contact, smile, gestures ž Attention of listeners žChange of different methods and means ž žKinesics –gestures žVoice - intonation žAudio-visual aids –pictures, charts, video žInteraction–asking questions, competition, critical incident, case study ,quiz ž Attention - audience žAttention Time Intr. Main part Conclusion Stage fright žForm of stress ž žSymptoms–trembling voice, difficulties with swollowing, red face, sweating ž žExtreme situations - fear of public speaking ž žPeople escape before presentation ž Overcoming stage fright žDeep breathing ž žWalking ž žBeing aware of how much preparation there was before presentation žAssociations – pleasant experiences ž Conclusion žAudience remember conclusion most of all the parts ž žSummary of the most important ideas and their evaluation ž žOptimistic points ž ž Discussion žShort break – the audience – time to prepare questions ž žNo questions – I am often asked…. ž ž žQuestions – paraphrazed, eye contact ž ž žThe speaker doesn´t know the answer – offer to find out later Difficult questions žLong questions – interrupting and checking žDo you mean …? ž ž2 or 3 questions in one - -using flipchart- answering one question after another ž žStupid questions- being tactful How to react to interrupting žSettig rules – no phones and computers ž žstop talking and look at the interrupting people or ž žask them to share information with the rest of audience ž ž