(BKJA2) Professional English 2 - (BKJA2) Profesní angličtina 2
Mgr. Eva Gawlasová
(BKJA2) Professional English 2 - (BKJA2) Profesní angličtina 2
Winter 2021

Seminars will take place on Friday 1.10, 5.11., 3.12.

For more details, see the requirements to pass the course.

                    1.      průběžný test         20 points                   7/11/2021   

 Písemný test ONLINE Tut. 1-2

                    2.      průběžný test         20 points                26.11./28.11/2021  

 Ústní test (Teams)

                       Seminární práce          10 points                  do 3/12/2021               

 IS Odevzdávárna

 Písemný test

Chapter contains:
Study Materials

Chapter contains:
Study Materials

Chapter contains:
Study Materials

Chapter contains:
Study Materials

Organization of the course; study materials

  • Sylabus: odkaz na sylabus kurzu naleznete po rozbalení položky "Info" vpravo pod úvodním obrázkem na hlavní stránce interaktivní osnovy kurzu.
  • Rozvrhvyučující (vč. odkazu na osobní karty), souhrn kurzu (zkoušky, body ...) naleznete po přihlášení do IS SU pomocí dlaždice "Student" otevřením nabídku u daného kurzu.

Cizojazyčná příprava AJ 2
Studijní materiál pro kurz BKJA2.

Tutorial 1 - Friday 1.10.2021

Programme of the tutorial 1

TOPIC 1. Marketing and Selling – Sales versus Marketing
a/ Focusing on marketing and selling vocabulary
b/ Reading comprehension - The role of sales and marketing, the difference between sales and marketing, smarketing
c/ Grammar - comparatives and superlatives,  countable and uncountable nouns
d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

TOPIC 2. Marketing and Selling – Advertising
a/ Focusing on marketing, selling and advertising vocabulary
b/ Reading comprehension - Marketing activities. Sales activities. Advertising, Persuading
c/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Tutorial 2 - Friday 5.11.2021

Programme of the tutorial 2

TOPIC 3. Entrepreneurship - entrepreneur
a/ Focusing on entrepreneurship, entrepreneur vocabulary
b/ Reading comprehension - Starting a company
c/ Grammar - modal verbs
d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

TOPIC 4. Entrepreneurship – Business Organisation and People
a/ Focusing on different types of business organisations, people vocabulary
b/ Reading comprehension - Meetings, phrases for meetings
c/ Specific tasks and taking the test

TOPIC 5. Business Costs – Cutting Costs
a/ Focusing on costs, cutting costs vocabulary
b/ Reading comprehension - Personal and business budgets. Fixed costs, variable costs, investments. Cost cutting and its consequences. Money loss
c/ Grammar - future forms and first conditional, time expressions 
d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Tutorial 3 - Friday 3.12.2021

Programme of the tutorial 3

TOPIC 6. Business Costs – Profit, Loss and Payment 
a/ Focusing on profit, loss, payment vocabulary
b/ Reading comprehension - Financial performance, Payment terms,  
c/ Lexis - selected collocations and phrases  
d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

TOPIC 7. Global Trade
a/ Focusing on global trade vocabulary
b/ Reading comprehension - International franchising. A franchise investment
c/ Grammar - present perfect, expressions used in scheduling, giving updates and handling questions
d/ Specific tasks and taking the test