MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING Ing. Markéta Šeligová, Ph.D. Information about WS 2021/2022 Managerial Accounting Ing. Markéta Šeligová, Ph.D. Department of Finance and Accounting Contact • Department of Finance and Accounting • Office – A 214 (Univerzitní nám.) • Office hours (consulting hours) : • at any time by appointment by email in person or via MS Teams • Email:  *Students are required to use only school email An employee of this faculty is obliged to refuse communication if it was initiated by the student's personal email. Requirements for this course The course is completed with an exam, which you will obtain for: • active participation in the seminar • test (represents 30 % of total score) • exam test (represents 70 % of total score) Test • forms 30 % of total rating • maximum possible score = 30 points • no limitations on the minimum points to pass the test The test will include: • theory from presentations (powerpoints) • basic (simple) examples from seminars Test • December 8, 2021 • The test will take place • at the time of the lecture • in the lecture room, ie. • 14:45 – 15:30 in A406 room Test • The continuous test can be written only once, no corrective date of the continuous test will be listed !!!!!!!!!! Exam • forms 70 % of the total rating • maximum possible score = 70 points • 70 points from the exam + 30 points from the test = 100 points maximum • for successful completion of the course you need at least 60 points (which is 60 %) • the exam is written Exam • will be written in the classroom OPF (room A406) • in case of unfavorable development of the epidemiological situation due to coronavirus, the test will be written via IS from your place of residence or from the place where you will be at the moment • will contain only examples from presentations, script and possibly from other study materials inserted within the IS Point Evaluation (Scores) Mark Points A 93 - 100 B 85 - 92 C 77 - 84 D 69 - 76 E 60 - 68 F 0 - 59 Important !!! • If the student is unable to attend the test due to serious reasons (illness evidenced by a medical certificate), the student is obliged to inform the teacher by email no later than 5 days after the test. Tools for seminars • Calculator • Seminars posted at Thank you for your attention 