Nonverbal Communication : A Professional Interpretation Nonverbal Communication : A Professional Interpretation NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION •Do you know that • • •6O-70% of all meaning is communicated non-verbally? • •65% of a job interviewer decision is based on the non-verbal impression? • BIRDWHISTELL´S COM. MODEL •Channel 1 – audio-acoustic- speaking and listening •Channel 2 – kinesic •Channel 3 – olfactory •Channel 4 - tactile •Channel 5 - chronemic •Channel 6 - paralinguistic Why is NVC important on business communication? • •Non-verbal signals can be •Complementory – Sit down. – showing the place •Unconscious – difference between the verbal and non-verbal message •- I am pleased - frowning DIMENSIONS OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION • •Kinesics – body language •Haptics - touches •Proxemics - distances •Chronemics – time of turntaking •Vocalics – accent, intonation, sighs, yawning •Oculistics – eye contact, blinking •Mimics – face expression • Kinesics – according to Hall •The body has 8 areas: face, neck, arms, hands, trunk, hips, legs, and feet - their gestures are called kinemorphs •Kinemorphs are combined and form kinemorphic constructions •like words and sentences in the language • • • • • lQuXu5A CROSS-CULTURAL DIFFERENCES •A circle sign made with the thumb and forefinger – different meaning in GB and the USA, Japan, France, Africa, etc. •money, being worthless, vulgar, OK •Your country? •Universal gestures? hite-background-35705469.jpg Haptics - touches •Research - carried out in 3 places – Paris, Florida, London •Couples of people observed during 1 hour´ s conversation in a café •The biggest number of touches-………………….. •Hugging, kissing, patting • • Proxemics - distances •Formal situations – standard distance in European cultures - between 1.5-2m • •Culture differences – southern European cultures – smaller distances, •Northern European – bigger – they feel their personal space is invaded and don´t feel comfortable •High contact and low contact cultures • Vocalics – accent, intonation, sighs, yawning •Intonation and accent can tell where the person is from • •Sighs and yawning can tell about someone´s mood Chronemics •Micro-dimension - turntaking – interrupting or waiting until another person finishes the sentence •Macro-dimension -attitudes to time – you can nonverbally show if time is or isn´t important for you • Monochrony x polychrony Oculistics – eye contact, blinking •Different extent of eye contact in various cultures • •Japan – less •In Europe – more •Blinking is offensive in some countries Face expression q-450x450.jpg Dress code Discussion questions •Do people in your target country use many non-verbal messages? •Are there any typical gestures? •What are touches, distances and eye-contact in your culture? •What is the meaning of silence? •School uniforms? Dress code? •