Full name: FROM MARKETING SEGMENTATION TO MARKETING MIX (FITNESS CENTERS) The STP (segmentation, targeting and positioning) process is carried out by traders to better understand consumer needs so that a more effective marketing strategy can be developed. A total of six different market segments of the fitness centre market feature in this exercise. Choose a specific fitness centre to which you will apply the exercise. Fill in the tasks and questions below. Fitness centre (FC): Description of the FC (5-10 sentences): SEGMENT DESCRIPTION Making friends The “making friends” segment sees fitness centres as an opportunity to connect with people with similar goals and lifestyles and make new friends. Losing it The goal of this market segment is to lose weight. Taking shape This segment consists of consumers who are primarily interested in improving the appearance of their body. Peak performers Highly disciplined and motivated individuals in terms of their health and condition. They are very focused on achieving their best performance. Health requirements These consumers visit a fitness centre because they are trying to improve their health, strength, or because of a doctor's recommendation. Sports focus Consumers who are heavily involved in sports and use the fitness centre to improve their condition and to improve in their chosen sport. TASKS AND QUESTIONS 1. Examine the above market segments and determine which segments would be the most attractive target markets for your chosen fitness centre. Why do you think these would be the most attractive target markets? 2. Identify how the fitness centre should be structured (in terms of facilities, equipment, design, staff, location, etc.) to suit the needs of your target market(s). 3. Do you think it would be possible to focus on more target markets with one fitness centre, or should you specialize and focus on only one customer segment? Why? 4. Create the personas for each chosen segment. SOLUTION