SILESIAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN KARVINÁ MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE Ing. Kateřina Matušínská, Ph.D. MARKETING COMMUNICATION 2/NAMK2 MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE OUTLINE OF THE LECTURE 1. Brand importance for marketing 2. Brand positioning 3. Brand equity 4. Brand management 5. Brand terminology MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE 1. BRAND IMPORTANCE FOR MARKETING • Brand is a promise to deliver specific benefits associated with products or services to customers. • Brand = Product + added value. • Brand name, title, character, artistic expression, or a combination of the previous elements. Its purpose is to distinguish the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers from competing sellers. • The brand is not just a logo, visual style, a particular product, but also services related to products, the company and its image, brand communication o Marlboro brand with a typical cowboy. MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND IMPORTANCE FOR MARKETING • A brand differs considerably from a product or service as it exists in a consumer's mind. Consider the following: • A product is something produced in a factory, while a brand is created through marketing communications and experience. • A product can be duplicated aby a competitor, while a brand is unique. • A product can become outdated, while a successful brand is often timeless. • A product is a generic term, while a brand has personality, characteristics, and associations. w a a MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND IMPORTANCE FOR MARKETING • Brand = landmark in the selection, the file of sensations in the customer's mind o manufacturer owns the product o brand is owned by the customer (this is what is in his or her mind). • Brands subject to Pareto 80/20 rule, when only 20 % of brands are successful in the market because of these following reasons: • Brands are not sufficiently differentiated. • High marketing managers fluctuation o inconsistent brand communication concepts. • Use of the already existing successful brands concepts o it may not work with other brands. • Brands need high support of effective and thorough communication to the public realized by internal staff o no money, time and energy for it. MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND IMPORTANCE FOR MARKETING • A successful brand is an identifiable product, service, person or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs most closely. Furthermore, its success result from being able to sustain those added values in the face of competition. • For consumers, the brand is important because it reduces the perception of risk during the purchasing decision process: • Risk of functionality - the product does not operate properly as expected. • Physical risk - a product endangers the health of the user. • Financial risk - the product is not worth the paid rice. • Social risk - the product may cause a mockery in public. • Psychological risk - the product affects the mental state of user. • Risk of time - the failure of the product requires further efforts to seek a new product. MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE 2. BRAND POSITIONING • Positioning relates to how the consumer thinks about and rates a product or service against the competition. • Positioning requires highlighting target-relevant benefits for the product's features. • Benefits must be tied to uses that will enhance the target's lifestyle or image. The position of a band is sometimes confused with brand image - a brand's position in the mind of the consumer is created via promotions and brand image is created based on experience. • Repositioning - there is a need to change the way brand is viewed in the mind of the target. It should work to define a new or special niche in a consumer's mind. MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND POSITIONING One way of presenting where a brand sits in the „mental space" is to compare it with other brands using a perceptual map- It is important to interpret the map carefully, with an understanding what associations make up each dimension. Expensive © i ■ F i a i T i Classy Conservative Scitroen toyota RENAULT :-ry Branding Objective at Each Stage Intense, acbve loyalty i Posfliw, accessSHe reactions Foints-of -panty & oÄTerence Source: Koler and Keller, Marketing management, 2016, p. 330 MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND RESONANCE MODEL - BRAND BUILDING BLOCKS • Brand salience is how often and how easily customers think of the brand under various purchase or consumption situations. • Brand performance is how well the product or service meets customers' functional needs. • Brand imagery describes the extrinsic properties of the product or service, including the ways in which the brand attempts to meet customers' psychological or social needs. • Brand judgments focus on customers' own personal opinions and evaluations. • Brand feelings are customers' emotional responses and reactions with respect to the brand. • Brand resonance describes the relationship customers have with the brand and the extent to which they feel they are in „sync" with. MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE 4. BRAND MANAGEMENT • The process of brand management represents five interlinked steps: • 1. Defining the target group and brand objectives • It is necessary to analyze the market, identify segments and target groups of customers, define the brand objectives and the intended market position. • 2. Brand creation (existing, innovation or completely new brand) • It must be based on an analysis of customer, company, competitors and changes (cultural context, history and trends). • Analysis related to brand creation should solve the brand strengths and weaknesses associated with: image, customer relations, reputation, marketing strategies, communication strategies, creative concepts, distribution channels, functions, brand idea. MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND MANAGEMENT Alternative branding strategies - assuming a firm decides to brand its products or services, it must choose which brand names to use. Three general strategies are popular. • Individual or separate family brand names (JAR, ARIEL, ...) • Companies often use different brand names for different quality lines within the same product class. A major advantage of separate family brand names is that if a product fails or appears to be of low quality, the company has not tied its reputation to it. • Corporate umbrella or company brand name (HEINZ, GE, SONY, ...) • Many firms use their corporate brand as an umbrella brand across their entire range of products. Development costs are lower with umbrella names because there is no need to research a name or spend heavily on advertising to create recognition. • Sub-brand name (KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES, SKODA FABIA, ...) • It is the combination of two or more of the corporate brand, family brand, or individual product brand names. MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND MANAGEMENT The reasons for rebranding may be different: • Simple innovation (particularly innovation of logo - Shell, Skoda,...) • A new area of interest (new business - a completely new brand) • Acquisitions and mergers (mobile operators) • Portfolio optimization (restrictions of too diversified portfolio of brands depending on the product category) • Changing the positioning (important is the rate of change in brand perception - an attempted repositioning of Coca-Cola in 1985 - a change to the New Coke) • The revival of forgotten brands (Botas, Kofola ...) 2 ■j= market , , brandsr 1product it («11 company--ic*** § --—; '—-a n, names Brand"E 5 architecture ._.« JjJ ' i MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND MANAGEMENT REBRANDING - LOGO CHANGE 1961 1971 1995 today S^ä^l® Co gle Google! 1997-1998 (Pre-launch) September-October 1998 September 1998-May 1999 Gougle Go gle Go gle May 1999-May2010 May 2010-September 2013 September 2013-present 1906 1940 III',. I IMS um iwi PEPSI PEPSI IM 2003 Current Logo MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND MANAGEMENT REBRANDING - LOGO CHANGE (198S) Current Logo (1926) (1933) (1989) Current Logo (ärx«2009) (Sine« 2009» MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND MANAGEMENT 3. Management of brand positioning • If the brand is created, the next phase is comes building and its market position managing. There is necessary to know the answer to the questions of existence brand targets in relation to the target group and its differentiation from the competition. The customer meets the brand in different stages of his or her life. It affects his or her relationship to the brand - it is: • First experience with the brand, e. g. as a child • The first use of the brand • The first purchase of the brand • Changing the brand preferences • Loss of needs to use the brand MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE BRAND MANAGEMENT 4. Evaluation of the brand success (feedback) • Over time, it is necessary to determine how the brand is perceived by customers on the market o analysis of all layers of „total brand". MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND BRAND VALUE 5- BRAND TERMINOLOGY Brand ambassador Private brand Co-branding Ingrendient-branding Vitality of brand Brand calibre Brands of special purpose