IN-CLASS QUIZZ 03 A forward trade for 90 days on the pair CZK/EUR was concluded at the exchange rate of 25 CZK/EUR. At what exchange rate at the maturity of the contract will the long position (buying EUR) be in profit? a) 23 CZK/EUR b) 24 CZK/EUR c) 25 CZK/EUR d) 26 CZK/EUR What does hedging mean in the foreign exchange market? a) A bet on a certain development of the exchange rate b) elimination of possible losses from unfavourable development of the exchange rate c) setting up a fixed-rate term deposit in a foreign currency d) taking advantage of differences in foreign exchange rates How many currencies are involved in triangular arbitrage? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 Which currency is often used in the carry trade for borrowing capital? a) AUD b) USD c) JPY d) SEK The yield of a bond in CZK is 6%, the yield of an identical bond in EUR is 3%. What should be the exchange rate trend according to interest rate parity? a) The EUR should appreciate by 3% b) the exchange rate should remain unchanged c) CZK should appreciate by 2% d) EUR should depreciate by 3%