Logframe development I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises äm^ World Health ^if^1 Organization The logframe and its preparation is an analytical, presentational and management tool which can help planners and managers: •analyse the existing situation during project preparation; •establish a logical hierarchy of means by which objectives will be reached; •identify the potential risks to achieving the objectives, and to sustainable outcomes; •establish how outputs and outcomes might best be monitored and evaluated; •present a summary of the project in a standard format; •monitor and review projects during implementation 2 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises World Health W&w Organization Advantages of using logframes • It brings discipline to testing and clarifying means, ends and assumptions • It has the potential for structuring a collaborative consensus building exercise • It concisely describes a proposed operation • It provides a framework for determining how performance should be measured (through the development of indicators) • It provides the foundation for monitoring, reporting and evaluation. Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises áÉĚk World Health ^if^1 Organization The logframe Objectives Measurable indicators Means of verification Important assumptions GOAL: Wider problem the project will help to resolve Quantitative ways of measuring or qualitative ways of judging timed achievement of goal Cost-effective methods and sources to quantify or assess indicators (Goal to supergoal) External factors necessary to sustain objectives in the long run PURPOSE: The immediate impact on the project area or target group ie. the change or benefit to be achieved by the project Quantitative ways of measuring or qualitative ways of judging timed achievement of purpose Cost-effective methods and sources to quantify or assess indicators (Purpose to Goal) External conditions necessary if achieved project purpose is to contribute to reaching project goal OUTPUTS: These are the specifically deliverable results expected from the project to attain the purpose Quantitative ways of measuring or qualitative ways of judging timed production of outputs Cost-effective methods and sources to quantify or assess indicators (Outputs to purpose) Factors out of project control which, if present, could restrict progress from outputs to achieving project purpose ACTIVITIES: These are the tasks to be done to produce the outputs INPUTS: This is a summary of the project budget (sub-budgets and total as in Annex B) Financial outturn report as agreed in grant agreement (Activity to output) Factors out of project control which, if present, could restrict progress from activities to achieving outputs 4 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises World Health W&w Organization How to get there..? Logframe development usually involves the following steps: • Problem tree analysis • Objectives tree analysis • Alternatives analysis • Objectives formulation • Assumptions formulation • Indicator design & indication of means of verification How to get there..? Step 1 - Problem tree Problem analysis - river pollution Catch and income of fishing families in decline Riverine ecosystem under serious threat, including declining fish stocks High incidence of water borne diseases and illnesses, particularly among poor fam ilies and Linder 5s Effect River water quality is deteriorating High levels of solid waste dumped into river Poll Liters are not controlled Population not aware of the danger of waste dumping Environment Protection Agency ineffective and closely aligned with industry interests I No public information/education programs available Most households and factories discharge wastewater directly into the river Existing legal regulations are inadequate to prevent direct discharge of wastewater Polkition has been a low political priority Wastewater treated in plants does not meet environmental standards 40% of households and 20% of businesses not connected to sewerage network InadeqLiate levels of capital investment and poor business planning within Local Government Cause Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises ämä World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 2 - Objectives tree • Step 1: Reformulate all negative situations of the problems analysis into positive situations that are: - Desirable - realistically achievable • Step 2: Check the means-ends relationships to ensure validity and completeness of the hierarchy (cause-effect relationships are turned into means-ends linkages) • Step 3: If necessary: - revise statements - add new objectives if these seem to be relevant and necessary to achieve the objective at the next higher level - delete objectives which do not seem suitable or necessary I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises ämk World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 2 - Objectives tree Objective tree - river pollution Catch and income of fishing families is stabilised or increased i i Threat to the riverine ecosystem is reduced, and fish stocks are increased Incidence of water borne diseases and illnesses is reduced, partic Lilarly among poor families and under 5s Ends River water quality is i mproved The quantity of solid waste dumped into the river is reduced Polluters are effectively controlled 1 Population more aware of the danger of waste dumping Environment Protection Agency Is effective and more responsive to a broad range of stakeholder interests Public i nf o rm at ion /ed uc at ion programs established No. of households and factories discharging wastewater directly into the river is reduced Wastewater treatment meets environmental standards New legal regulations are established which are effective in preventing direct discharge of wastewater It Increased % of households and businesses are connected to sewerage network —~t— Pollution management is given a higher political priority Increased capital investment Improved business planning within Local Government is established, including cost recovery mechanisms Means 8 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises ämä World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 3 - Alternatives/Strategy Analysis • Should all the identified problems and/or objectives be tackled, or a selected few? • What is the combination of interventions that are most likely to bring about the desired results and promote sustainability of benefits? • How is local ownership of the project best supported, including development of the capacity of local institutions? • What are the likely capital and recurrent costs implications of different possible interventions, and what can realistically be afforded? • What is the most cost effective option(s)? • Which strategy will impact most positively on addressing the needs of the poor and other identified vulnerable groups? Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises ämk World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 3 - Alternatives/Strategy Analysis Catch and income of fishing families is stabilised or increased i Threat to the riverine ecosystem is reduced, and fish stocks are increased OUT WASTE STRATEGY The quantity of solid waste dumped into the river is reduced Pollute effectively ;rs are controlled Environment Protection Agency is effective and more responsive to a broad range of stakeholder interests I ncidence of water borne diseases and illnesses is reduced, particularly among poor families and under 5s River water quality is improved WASTEWATER STRATEGY Overal! Objective Purpose No. of households and factories discharging wastewater directly into the river is reduced Population t\ jre aware of the dl riger of waste dum| Vg Wastew ater treatment meets environmental standards —K New legal regulations are established which are effective in preventing direct discharge of wastewater Public . information/education programs established ' T Increased % of households and businesses are connected to sewerage network Pollution management is given a higher political priority Results Increased capital investment Improved business planning within Local Government is established, including cost recovery mechanisms 10 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises ämä World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix • Overall Objective to be expressed as To contribute • Purpose to be expressed in terms of benefits to the target group being 'Increased/improved/ etc. • Results to be expressed in terms of a tangible result 'delivered/produced/conducted etc. • Activities to be expressed in the present tense starting with an active verb, such as 'Prepare, design, construct, research 11 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises World Health W&w Organization Objectives tree with reference numbers Component 1 Result 1.1 Result 1.2 Activity Activity ■| .1 :\ 1.2.1 Activity Activity ■| .1.2 1.2.2 Activity Activity ■| .1.3 1.2.3 etc etc Overall Objective Result Li* etc Purpose Component 2 Component 3 1 Result 2,1 Result 2.2 Result 5.1 etc etc Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix In which order? Overall Objectives Operation Purpose Results Activities Logic Verifiable Indicators 11 13 Means Sources of Verification I Assumptions 10 12 8 14 7 Costs 6 Pre-condi- — Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Result 1.1 Overall Objective 1 Intervention 1 Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Overall Objectives Operation Purpose 1 Results Activities Means Assumptions Verification Costs Purpose Component 1 Pre-conditions Result 1.2 Result 1.3 Component 2 Result 2.1 Activity Activity 1.1.1 1.2.1 Activity Activity 1.1.2 1 .2.2 Activity Activity 1.1 .3 1.2.3 etc etc ZZI_ Result 2.2 etc Activity 2.1.1 Activity 2.1.2 Activity 2.1.3 etc etc Comp )nent 3 Result 3.1 etc 14 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Activities refer to the specific tasks undertaken to achieve the required outputs The Logframe matrix should not include too much detail on activities otherwise it becomes too lengthy If detailed activity specification is required, this should be presented separately in an activity schedule/Gantt chart format and not in the matrix itself Overall Objectives Operation Purpose 1 Intervention 1 Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification l Means Costs Pre-conditions Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix • Assumptions refer to conditions which could affect the progress or success of the project, but over which project managers have no direct control, e.g. price changes, rainfall, land reform policies, non-enforcement of supporting legislation • An assumption is a positive statement of a condition that must be met in order for project objectives to be achieved. • A risk is a negative statement of what might prevent objectives being Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification 1 Assumptions Overall Objectives Operation Purpose J Results Activities Means Costs Pre-conditions 16 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises World Health W&w Organization How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Relationship between assumptions and the intervention logic Overall Objective e.g if activities are undertaken AND assumptions hold true, then results can be achieved, etc Purpose Assumptions Results Assumptions Activities t Inputs Assumptions Pre-conditions — need to be met before resources are committed and activities initiated Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Is the assumption important? Yes Will it hold true? Almost certainly Possibly Very unlikely Redesign the project by adding Activities or results; reformulate the Project purpose if necessary Yes No Do not include in the logframe Include as an assumption Is it possible to redesign the project in order to influence the external factor? No The project may not be feasible Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Indicators specify how the achievement of project objectives will be measured and verified. They provide the basis for monitoring project progress (completion of activities and the delivery of results) and evaluating the achievement of outcomes (purpose and overall objectives) Overall Objectives Operation Purpose Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators 1 Sources of 1 Verification Means Costs Assumptions Pre-conditions Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Indicators need to be: • Objectively Verifiable: information collected should be the same if collected by different people (i.e. it is not open to the subjective opinion/bias of one person) • SMART: Specific to the objective it is supposed to measure; Measurable (either quantitatively or qualitatively); Available at an acceptable cost; Relevant to the information needs of managers; Time-bound - so we know when we can expect the objective/target to be achieved 20 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Indicators need to be: • Valid: Does the indicator directly represent the objective it is intended to measure? • Objective: Is the definition precise and unambiguous about what is to be measured? • Reliable: Is the data consistent or comparable over time? • Accessible: Can data be collected easily, on a timely basis at reasonable costs? • Useful: Will the data have utility for decision-making and learning? • Owned: Do partners and stakeholders agree that this indicator makes sense to use? 21 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises ämk World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Logframe objective terminology Overall objective Purpose Result 22 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises Indicator terminology Impact indicators Outcome indicators Output indicators How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Sources of verification • Different means (and costs) of collecting information must be considered when choosing appropriate indicators Some indicators may give the information yo" would ideally like to have, but when the meai of getting this is carefully considered it might become impractical, e.g. too complex or expensive. Overall Objectives Operation Purpose Objectively Verifiable Indicators Sources of Verification Means Costs Pre-conditions 23 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix • How the information should be collected (e.g. from administrative records, special studies, sample surveys, observation, etc) and/or the available documented source (e.g. progress reports, project accounts, official statistics, etc.) • Who should collect/provide the information (e.g. field extension workers, contracted survey teams, the district health office, the project management team) • When/how regularly it should be provided, (e.g. monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.) 24 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises World Health ^if^1 Organization How to get there..? Step 4 - Filling the logframe matrix Means and Costs details will be further developed in the modules 1-4 & 1-5 Overall Objectives Ope rati Purpose Results □ Intervention jj Objectively [| Sources of Means Costs Else, we're done with the logframe now Assumptions Pre-conditions 25 I Transforming Health Priorities into Projects Health Action in Crises