UNSUSTAINABLE MARKETINGTHE CRITICAL TURN  Marketing as manipulation  Commodity fetishism - a critical perspective, derived from Marxist economic theory. It proposes that society is overly dominated by consumption, and that it places supreme value on it.  Need and choice – more choice is good but more choice can lead to customer confusion. Some customers are persuaded and manipulated into purchasing offerings they do not want or which are unfit for their requirements.  Sustainable economic development meets current generational needs without imposing constraints on future generations´ needs.  3S of sustainability:  Ecological – marketing should not negatively impact upon the environment.  Equitable – marketing should not allow or promote inequitable social practices.  Economic – marketing should encourage long-term economic development as opposed to short-term economic development. SUSTAINABLE MARKETING SUSTAINABLE MARKETING  The fair trade products  The green marketing – a green consumer – the willingness to pay more for sustainable products. The green marketing strategies: lean green, defensive green, shaded green, extreme green.  Collaborative consumption – sharing economy – based on peer-to-peer sharing and exchange of goods – consumer can use others´ possessions instead of purchasing new ones limited to personal use.  It is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public.  By practicing corporate social responsibility, also called corporate citizenship, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) ETHICS AND MARKETING MIX  Ethics – moral principles that govern a person´s behaviour or the conducting of an activity and the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.  Marketing is affected by normative ethics, the branch of ethics which related to how we should behave.  Most professional marketing organizations have a code of professional practice. ETHICS AND MARKETING MIX – SELECTED AREAS  Green washing  Honest advertising campaigns  Safe products  Price discrimination  Price collusion  Price gouging  Abuse of monopoly status  Product labelling  Political advertising  Marketing to children  The use of sexual and shock appeals in advertising  Others