SERVICES MARKETING Stnintiirn ol ihis lorJum: j I I S^rvims mangling i i wnnrs Tho sorvico ^ I I I mruls in sorvims r\\Or\ — u i vnes ot service I I frorvim clinrnciorislics I i i ^iRnnr.R ftnmi inters i i tsorvmofl marketing tvoes I i iVLiikdiinn mr t\9" □ Quality of services - mystery shopping BFRVICFfi HAUhi.......■ □ It is a part ot marketing. □ I he services sector is remarkably diverse. It comprises a widB array of industries that sell to individual consumers and business customers, as well as to government agencies and nonprofit organizations. □ I he size ot service sector is increasing in almost all economic around the world. Even in emerging economies, service output is growing rapidly. | | |'ll, || || (!()()(Is A semens l-S PHODIIfil I I A si'ivico lit kit imanqinio product involving n deed, performance or effort that cannot be stored oi physically possessed. □ Services are economic activities offered by one party in hi miner. TYPES OF SERVICE □ Core Services: A service that is the primary purpose of the transaction. E.g.: transport, universities, car rental, travel agencies, law offices, hairdresser's. Taxi drivers, estate agency. restaurants. telecommunications services, financial services, all types of hospitality services, car rental services, air travel, health care services, technical services based nn Knowledge and intangible expertise, □ Supplementary Services: Services that are rendered as a corollary to iho sale of a lanqiblc produci. E.g.: car, mobile phonos, olocirical appliances, ... □ Not all products are either pure goods or pure services. An example would be a restaurant, where a waiter's service is intangible, but the food is tangible. SERVICES CHARACTERISTICS □ INTANGIBLE is the most characteristic attribute of services and from this one the other attributes are deduced Pure service is not possible to assess! by any physical sense - we can't look through it before the purchase and only in a few cases us possible to try it 1 □ INSEPARABLE means that producer of service and customer have to meet each other in place and time. Producer of service can be someti^^ replaced by machine (cash dispenser, techonological distribution). □ HETEROGENEOUS (variable) In process of providing service there are present people. I heir behaviour cant be always anticipated, in case ui customers it is even more difficult to determinate specific norm of behaviour. It can happen thai providing the same service is different, even in the samtJ company. SERVICES CHARACTERISTICS □ PERISHABLE (PASSING) The characteristic of service intangibility leads up to the fact that services we can't store, sell fKjnin or roiurn. □ IMPOSIBILITY OF OWNERSHIP A right to own goods passes 10 cusiomor by goods purchnso. In providing sorvicos cusiomor doesn't acquire by exchange for his/her money any ownership. Gustomor buys only Tho right To provido a sorvico. SERVICE ENCOUNTERS personal interaction between a service provider and □ Currently, encounter means all interactions that occur with the people and equipment belonging to the □ The actual trend is to move customers away from hlq-conrari qpivices inTO low-contan qprvices aim, inTflrnoT (nnni nnnKing, vpnninn mncninp*., qpiti service or rnpin cnecKont fnriiitipr, m noTeis, nnhnj tic Kelt purnhnr.n SERVICE ENCOUNTERS HIGH-CONTACT SERVICES Retail branch banking, education, MEDIUM-CONTACT SERVIQ§§|g||jsulting services, delivering and collecting items to be repaired, ... I LOW-CONTACT SERVICES Software repairs, television or radio entertainment,^^ SERVICES MARKETING TYPES Company Employees Interactive Customers Marketing nnrnnrnmahiu iin^mix 7p □ PRODUCT n PRIHF n PI ADF n PROMOTION □ PEOPLE □ PHYSICAL EVIDENCE □ PROCESS MARKETING MIX jj 4P" FYTFMnFri MARKFTINfl=MBfc= □ PEOPLE: Without efficient and motivated staff, service organizations will lose customers. An important marketing task, then is to set standards to improve the quality of service provided by employees and monitor their performance. □ PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: Physical evidence is the environment in which the service is delivered, and any tangible goods that facilitate the performance and communication of the service. Physical evidence is divided into two basic parts: exterior and interior. □ PROCESS: Process is the procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities by which a service is acquired. OIIAI ITY CH-