Course objectives Strategic marketing builds on the marketing and management courses and develops the knowledge acquired in these subjects. Its aim is to promote theoretical and methodological basis of these disciplines, to support their interdisciplinary links and to get students to be able to comprehensively evaluate complex practical phenomena and processes. The strategic nature of the subject requires students to know the basics of research, problem solving and research activities, and be able to transform the results of research into theory and into practical business and marketing projects. The students in this course address practical examples by utilizing the acquired knowledge. Content of this subject is directly linked to other mandatory and optional subjects including a diploma thesis. Course requirements · Attendance in seminars 50%. · Ongoing written test – maximum 15 points. · Final written exam – maximum 40 points. · You need at least 60 % of points, see Evaluation below. Evaluation · A: 55-52 pts. · B: 51-48 pts. · C: 47-43 pts. · D: 42-38 pts. · E: 37-33 pts. · F: 32 and less pts. Course literature Presentations are in the IS! Use them. Books are in the library. MOORADIAN, T. A., 2012. Strategic Marketing. KOTLER, P. and K. L. LANE, 2012. Marketing Management. The ongoing and final tests are only from the things covered in presentations, HOWEVER, if you do not understand them properly, read the books! Ask, discuss, consult etc. I do not need you to memorize definitions, I want you to understand the things we go through and be able to use them in practical examples. Structure of lectures 1.Introduction to Strategic Marketing. 2.Strategic Marketing Management. 3.Strategic Marketing Process. 4.External Micro Analysis. 5.Internal Micro Analysis. 6.Business to Business (B2B). 7.Introduction to Strategies. 8.Product Policy. 9.Pricing Policy. 10.Marketing Communications Policy. 11.Distribution Policy.