Profesní angličtina 2
PhDr. Janusz Karpeta, Ph.D.
Profesní angličtina 2
Winter 2023




1 Ongoing oral test –20 points  TEAMS


24.11. AT 16,00H-18,00H

OR 25.11. AT 10,00H-12,00H


– topics:

a/ Successful meetings


b/ Negotiating


c/ Successful entrepreneur


2 Ongoing written test – 20 points   

- online in IS

DATE 16.12. AT 17,00H IN IS

UNITS 1 + 2


3 Written task – 10 points

– topic: writing a business email or a letter in 50 – 100 words

– IS Odevzdávarna

- deadline: 18.12.2023


4 Credit written test – 50 points

- deadline: January, February


Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 25/9/2023 to 1/10/2023.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 2/10/2023 to 8/10/2023.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 9/10/2023 to 15/10/2023.
Chapter contains:
Homework Vault
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 16/10/2023 to 22/10/2023.

Týden 1





Online resources



1 Ongoing oral test –20 points  TEAMS

– topics:

a/ Successful meetings


b/ Negotiating


c/ Successful entrepreneur


2 Ongoing written test – 20 points   

- online in IS - to be specified


3 Written task – 10 points

– topic: writing a business email or a letter in 50 – 100 words

– IS Odevzdávarna

- deadline: 18.12.2023


4 Credit written test – 50 points

- deadline: January, February

Týden 2

Introduction to the topics 1, 2:

1. Marketing and Selling – Sales versus Marketing

2. Marketing and Selling – Advertising

Topic 1

1. Marketing and Selling – Sales versus Marketing

a/ Focusing on marketing and selling vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - The role of sales and marketing, the difference between sales and marketing, smarketing

c/ Grammar - comparatives and superlatives,  countable and uncountable nouns

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Týden 3

Topic 2

2. Marketing and Selling – Advertising

a/ Focusing on marketing, selling and advertising vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Marketing activities. Sales activities. Advertising

c/ Grammar - selling changes, giving reasons and results, presentation relating to a marketing plan

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Blok 3

Introduction to the topics 3, 4, 5:

3. Entrepreneurship - entrepreneur

4. Entrepreneurship – Business Organisation and People

5. Business Costs – Cutting Costs

Týden 4

Topic 3

3. Entrepreneurship - entrepreneur

a/ Focusing on entrepreneurship, entrepreneur vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Starting a company

c/ Grammar - modal verbs

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Topic 4

4. Entrepreneurship – Business Organisation and People

a/ Focusing on business organisation, people vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Types of organisation

c/ Grammar - expressions for meetings

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Topic 5

5. Business Costs – Cutting Costs

a/ Focusing on costs, cutting costs vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Personal and business budgets. Fixed costs, variable costs, investments. Cost cutting and its consequences. Money loss

c/ Grammar - future forms and first conditional, time expressions 

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Blok 4

Introduction to the topics 6, 7:

6. Business Costs – Profit, Loss and Payment

7. Global Trade

Topic 6

6. Business Costs – Profit, Loss and Payment 

a/ Focusing on profit, loss, payment vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - Financial performance, Payment terms,  

c/ Lexis - selected collocations and phrases  

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test

Topic 7

7. Global Trade

a/ Focusing on global trade vocabulary

b/ Reading comprehension - International franchising. A franchise investment

c/ Grammar - present perfect, expressions used in scheduling, giving updates and handling questions

d/ Specific tasks and taking the test


Homework Vaults
Homeworks, file collecting.