Variant 3 Assets At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period Equity + Liabilities At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period "Current income tax liabilities, hrn. " 3804 Liabilities Fixed Assets Equity "Simple shares, грн." 25000 Equity "Buildings (original value), hrn." 12290 "Simple shares, грн." 25000 "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 Asset "Equipment (original value), hrn." 31600 "Retained earnings, hrn. " 11900 "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 Asset "Accumulated depreciation, hrn. " "Finished products inventories at the end of the period, %" "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 Asset "Retained earnings, hrn. " 11900 Equity Current assets "Current income tax liabilities, hrn. " 3804 "Short-term bank credit, hrn. " 3690 Liabilities "Finished products, hrn." 2184 "Accounts payable, hrn." 6300 "Finished products, hrn." 2184 Asset "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 "Short-term bank credit, hrn. " 3690 "Buildings (original value), hrn." 12290 Asset "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 "Accounts payable, hrn." 6300 Liabilities "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 "Accumulated depreciation, hrn. " 8900 Asset - Total 59594 Total 50694 "Equipment (original value), hrn." 31600 Asset Payment of accounts receivable: % of sales in the current quarter 65 % of sales in the previous quarter 33 Cost of production sold 133436.5217 "Finished products inventories at the end of the period, %" 15 "Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, % " 15 Payment for raw materials: % of purchases in the quarter 65 Cost of finished products unit (Past year). 28.74 % in the next quarter 35 Sales budget Finished products (Past year) 2184 "Price of the raw materials unit, hrn." 4 Indicator Quarters Annual sale Quarters COST OF FINISHED PRODUCTS PER UNIT (This year) 28.7266652 "Office rent for a year, hrn." 3828 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ Sales units this year 4645 "Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1175 1120 1150 1200 4645 1210 1160 "Entertainment expenses for a quarter, hrn." 225 "2. Sale price, CZK." 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 "Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours" 2 3. Revenue 56400 53760 55200 57600 222960 58080 55680 "The cost per hour of direct labor costs, hrn." 4 "(row 1 * row 2), CZK." "Depreciation of equipment in the quarter, hrn." 787 "Depreciation of administrative tangible assets in the quarter, hrn." 525 Production budget "General production costs, % in the quarter" 62 Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters Quarterly % of sales expenses 1.4 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ % of the spoilage costs 1.2 "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1175.00 1120.00 1150.00 1200.00 4645.00 1210.00 1160.00 "The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter, hrn." 1500 "2. Finished products inventories at the end of the period, units" 168.00 172.50 180.00 181.50 174.00 0.00 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 "3. Total need for the finished products, units (row 1+ row 2)" 1343.00 1292.50 1330.00 1381.50 5347.00 1384.00 1160.00 "Heating, lighting of the administrative offices for the year, hrn. " 2552 "4. Finished products inventories at the beginning of the period, units " 75.99 168.00 172.50 180.00 181.50 174.00 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 "5. The required output of finished products, units (row 3 – row 4)" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1201.50 4750.51 1202.50 986.00 Annual % of the loan 25 "Purchase of equipment in the IV quarter, hrn. " 15000 "Income tax, % " 25 Budget of the direct costs for materials "Sale price, hrn. " 48 "Sale of finished products, units: 1 quarter" 1175 Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters 2 quarter 1120 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ 3 quarter 1150 "1. The required output of finished products, units" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1201.50 4750.51 1202.50 986.00 4 quarter 1200 "2. Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 "Cost of finished products unit in the past year, hrn." 28.74 "3. Need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 1* row 2)" 3801.040557 3373.5 3472.5 3604.5 14251.54056 3607.5 2958 "4. Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, kg " 506.025 520.875 540.675 541.125 - 443.7 0 "5. Total need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 3 + row 4)" 4307.065557 3894.375 4013.175 4145.625 #HODNOTA! 4051.2 2958 "6. Raw materials inventories at the beginning of the period, kg " 125 506.025 520.875 540.675 541.125 541.125 443.7 "7. Volume of the necessary raw materials purchase in the period, kg (row 5 – row 6)" 4182.065557 3388.35 3492.3 3604.95 #HODNOTA! 3510.075 2514.3 "8. Price of the raw materials unit, CZK. " 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "9. Costs of the raw materials purchase, CZK. (row 7*row 8)" 16728.26223 13553.4 13969.2 14419.8 58670.66223 14040.3 10057.2 Budget of the direct labour costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV "1. The required output of finished products, units" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1201.50 4750.51 "2. Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours " 2 2 2 2 2 "3. Total number of hours required for the finished products output, hours (row 1*row 2) " 2534.027038 2249 2315 2403 9501.027038 "4. The cost per hour of direct labour costs, CZK." 4 4 4 4 4 "5. Single social contribution (37%), CZK." 3750.36 3328.52 3426.20 3556.44 14061.52 "6. Total direct labour costs, CZK. (row 3* row 4+ row 5)" 13886.47 12324.52 12686.20 13168.44 52065.63 Budget of the other direct costs and general production costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Other direct costs: 1.1. Spoilage costs 182.45 161.93 166.68 173.02 684.07 1.2. Depreciation of equipment 787.28 787.28 787.28 787.28 3149.10 2. General production costs 6284.39 5577.52 5741.20 5959.44 23562.55 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 7254.11 6526.72 6695.16 6919.73 27395.72 4. Depreciation of equipment 787.00 787.00 787.00 787.00 3148.00 5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs (row 3- row 4) 6467.11 5739.72 5908.16 6132.73 24247.72 Total production costs (cost of finished products) Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Total direct costs for materials 15204.16223 13494 13890 14418 57006.16223 2. Total direct labour costs 13886.47 12324.52 12686.2 13168.44 52065.62817 3. Other direct costs: - - - - - 3.1. Spoilage costs 182.45 161.928 166.68 173.016 684.0739467 3.2. Depreciation of equipment 787.00 787 787 787 3148 4. General production costs 6284.39 5577.52 5741.2 5959.44 23562.54705 5. Cost of finished products (row 1+ row 2+ row 3.1+ row 3.2+ row 4) 36344.4674 32344.968 33271.08 34505.896 136466.4114 COST OF FINISHED PRODUCTS PER UNIT 28.7266652 28.064 Budget of the administrative and sales expenses Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Sales expenses 472.5536426 450.4341104 462.4993097 482.6079754 1868.095038 2. Administrative expenses 6620 6620 6620 6620 26480 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 7092.553643 7070.43411 7082.49931 7102.607975 28348.09504 4. Depreciation of administrative tangible assets 525 525 525 525 2100 5. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses (row 3- row 4) 6567.553643 6545.43411 6557.49931 6577.607975 26248.09504 Budget of cash inflow from sale of finished products Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 11200 2. Quarterly payments of finished products sales in 20Х2 year І quarter 36660.00 18612.00 ІІ quarter 34944.00 17740.80 ІІІ quarter 35880.00 18216.00 ІV quarter 37440.00 3. The total amount of cash inflows (row 1+ row 2) 4. Accounts receivable at 31.12.20Х2. 19008.00 Doubtful debts Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV Doubtful debts 1128.00 1075.20 1104.00 1152.00 4459.20 Budget of cash outflow for the raw materials purchase Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 6300 2. Quarterly payments for the raw materials in 20Х2 year: І quarter 10873.37 5854.89178 ІІ quarter 8809.71 4743.69 ІІІ quarter 9079.98 4889.22 ІV quarter 9372.87 3. The total amount of cash outflows (row 1+row 2) 4. Accounts payable at 31.12.20Х2. 5046.93 Cash plan Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Cash at the beginning of the period 1820 1767.45 11789.76 26249.95 "Company buys financial investments in the amount of 12% from current assets, in first quarter, this financial investments bring you annually 5%, in third quarter company sold 40% of financial investments, earning 10% of profit. Financial investments bring you 5% annually. " 2. Cash inflows: 0 0 0 0 0 2.1. Payment of finished products 36660.00 53556.00 53620.80 55656.00 2.2. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 11200 11200 2.3. Other cash inflows 2.3.1 Interest rate from FI 23.556 23.556 23.556 14.1336 84.8016 2.3.1 income from resell of FI 829.1712 3. Total cash (row 1+ row 2) 49703.56 55347.00 66263.28 81920.08 11284.80 4. Cash outflows: - - - - - 4.1. Payment of raw materials 10873.37 14664.60178 13823.67 14262.09 4.2. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 6300 4.3. Repayment of other current liabilities 4.3.1 Paying income tax from previous years 3804 4.3.2 Paying bank credit from previous years 922.5 922.5 922.5 922.5 3690 4.3.3 paying interest rate 230.625 172.96875 115.3125 57.65625 576.5625 4.4. Payment of direct labor costs 13886.47 12324.52 12686.20 13168.44 52065.63 4.5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs 6467.11 5739.72 5908.16 6132.73 24247.72 4.6. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses 6567.553643 6545.43411 6557.49931 6577.607975 26248.09504 4.7. Purchase of equipment 15000 4.8. Other cash outflow (Purchase of financial investments) 1884.48 - - - - 5. Total cash outflows (Σ row 4.1 – 4.8) 50936.11 40369.75 40013.34 56121.03 106828.01 6. Excess (deficit) of cash (row 3- row 5) -1232.55 14977.26 26249.95 25799.05 7. Financing: 3000 7.1. Getting credit 7.2. Repayment of credit 3000 7.3. Repayment of the credit’s interest 187.5 8. Cash at the end of the period (row 6 + row 7.1 – row 7.2 – row 7.3) 1767.45 11789.76 26249.95 25799.05 9. The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter 1500 1500 1500 1500 The income statement (The statement of comprehensive income) for __________________ 20__ . Form № 2 І. Financial results Position Code For the reporting period For the previous year 1 2 3 4 "Net revenue from sales of production (goods, works, services)" 2000 222960 "Cost of production (goods, works, services) sold=" 2050 -133436.5217 ( ) Gross: 89523.47834 profit 2090 loss 2095 ( ) ( ) Other operating income 2120 Administrative expenses 2130 -26480 ( ) Sales expenses 2150 -1868.095038 ( ) Other operating expenses (doubtful debts) 2180 -4459.2 ( ) The financial result from the operational activity:  56716.1833 profit 2190 loss 2195 ( ) ( ) Income from investments in other enterprises equity 2200 Other financial income (Interest rate from financial investment) 2220 84.8016 Other income (Income from resell of financial investment) 2240 829.1712 Financial costs (interest rate of bank credit) 2250 -764.0625 ( ) Loss from investments in other enterprises equity 2255 ( ) ( ) Other costs (the cost of financial investment sold) 2270 -753.792 ( ) 1884.48*0.4= The financial result before taxation:  56112.3016 profit 2290 loss 2295 ( ) ( ) Expenses (income) from income tax 25% 2300 -14028.0754 Income (loss) from discontinued operations after taxation 2305 Net financial result: 42084.2262 profit 2350 "After dividends, reserves, registered capital.. Retained earnings=" 42084.2262 loss 2355 ( ) ( ) Assets At the end of the period Liabilities and equity At the end of the period І. Tangible assets: І. Equity: Buildings 12290 Simple shares 25000 Equipment Data + Purchase of equipment Retained earnings Data + Net profit for the period 46600 53984.2262 Depreciation Data + Depreciation accumulated for the period (8900 + 3148 +2100)= -14148 Total tangible assets І 44742 Total equity I 78984.2262 ІІ. Current assets: ІІ. Current liabilities: Finished products Finished products inventories at the end of the period * Accounts payable Accounts payable at 31.12.20Х2. Cost of finished products unit 5213.889734 5046.93 Raw materials 2164.5 Accounts payable by the budget Tax profit for the period 541.13*4=2164.52 14028.0754 "Accounts receivable 19008,00" 19008.00 Short-term bank credit Data + Getting credit – Repayment of credits 0 Short-term financial investments Purchase – sale 1130.688 Cash and cash equivalents Cash plan 25799.05 Total current assets ІІ 53316.13 Total current liabilities ІІ 19075.0054 Balance sheet 98058.13 Balance sheet 98059.2316 Table 18 Planned income statement Indicator "Amount, CZK." 1. Revenue for the year 222960 2. Variable costs: 28.064 2.1. Variable cost of sales Variable cost of production per unit * quantity of finished products sale for the year 130357.28 2.2. Variable sales expenses 1868.095038 VC 136684.58 2.3. Doubtful debts 4459.20 FC 29628 3. Total variable costs 136684.58 Price 48 4. Marginal income (row 1- row 3) 86275.42 Units produced 4740.51 5. Fixed costs: 5.1. Other direct costs 3148 5.2. General production costs - BEP 617.8494294 5.3. Administrative expenses 26480 6. Total fixed costs 29628 7. Net production profit (row 4 - row 6) 56647.42