Variant 3 Equity Liabilities Assets Assets At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period Equity + Liabilities At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period fixed assets Equity "Current income tax liabilities, hrn. " 3804 - + - "Equipment (original value), hrn." 31600 "Simple shares, грн." 25000 "Simple shares, грн." 25000 + - - "Buildings (original value), hrn." 12290 "Retained earnings, hrn. " 11900 "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 - - + "Accumulated depreciation, hrn. " -8900 "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 - - + total amount of fixed assets 34990 total amount of equity 36900 "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 - - + "Retained earnings, hrn. " 11900 + - - current assets Liabilities "Short-term bank credit, hrn. " 3690 - + - "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 "Current income tax liabilities, hrn. " 3804 "Finished products, hrn." 2184 - - + "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 "Short-term bank credit, hrn. " 3690 "Buildings (original value), hrn." 12290 - - + "Finished products, hrn." 2184 "Accounts payable, hrn." 6300 "Accounts payable, hrn." 6300 - + - "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 "Accumulated depreciation, hrn. " 8900 - - (Assets-) total amount of current assets 15704 total amount of liabilities 13794 "Equipment (original value), hrn." 31600 - - + Payment of accounts receivable: % of sales in the current quarter 65 Total amount of assets 50694 Total amount of Equity and Liabilities 50694 % of sales in the previous quarter 33 "Finished products inventories at the end of the period, %" 15 "Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, % " 15 Sales budget Payment for raw materials: % of purchases in the quarter 65 Indicator Quarters Annual sale Quarters % in the next quarter 35 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "Price of the raw materials unit, hrn." 4 "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1175 1120 1150 1200 4645 1204 1205 "Office rent for a year, hrn." 3828 "2. Sale price, CZK." 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 "Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 3. Revenue 56400 53760 55200 57600 222960 57604 57604 "Entertainment expenses for a quarter, hrn." 225 "(row 1 * row 2), CZK." "Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours" 2 "The cost per hour of direct labor costs, hrn." 4 "Depreciation of equipment in the quarter, hrn." 787 "Depreciation of administrative tangible assets in the quarter, hrn." 525 "General production costs, % in the quarter" 62 Production budget Quarterly % of sales expenses 1.4 Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters % of the spoilage costs 1.2 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter, hrn." 1500 "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1175.00 1120.00 1150.00 1200.00 4645.00 1204.35 1204.71 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 15% "2. Finished products inventories at the end of the period, units" 168.00 172.50 180.00 180.65 180.71 0.00 "Heating, lighting of the administrative offices for the year, hrn. " 2552 "3. Total need for the finished products, units (row 1+ row 2)" 1343.00 1292.50 1330.00 1380.65 4645.00 1385.05 1204.71 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 2184 "4. Finished products inventories at the beginning of the period, units " 75.99 168.00 172.50 180.00 180.65 180.71 Annual % of the loan 25 "5. The required output of finished products, units (row 3 – row 4)" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1200.65 4749.67 1204.40 1024.00 "Purchase of equipment in the IV quarter, hrn. " 15000 "Income tax, % " 25 "Sale price, hrn. " 48 "Sale of finished products, units: 1 quarter" 1175 2 quarter 1120 3 quarter 1150 4 quarter 1200 "Cost of finished products unit in the past year, hrn." 28.74 Budget of the direct costs for materials Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "1. The required output of finished products, units" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1200.65 4749.67 1204.40 1024.00 "2. Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 "3. Need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 1* row 2)" 3801.04 3373.50 3472.50 3601.96 14249.00 3613.21 3072.01 15% "4. Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, kg " 506.03 520.88 540.29 541.98 460.80 0.00 "5. Total need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 3 + row 4)" 4307.07 3894.38 4012.79 4143.94 16358.17 4074.01 3072.01 "6. Raw materials inventories at the beginning of the period, kg " 125.00 506.03 520.88 540.29 541.98 460.80 "7. Volume of the necessary raw materials purchase in the period, kg (row 5 – row 6)" 4182.07 3388.35 3491.92 3603.64 14665.98 3532.03 2611.21 "8. Price of the raw materials unit, CZK. " 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 "9. Costs of the raw materials purchase, CZK. (row 7*row 8)" 16728.26 13553.40 13967.67 14414.58 58663.91 14128.11 10444.84 "Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 "Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, % " 15 Budget of the direct labour costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV "1. The required output of finished products, units" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1200.65 4749.67 "2. Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours " 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 "3. Total number of hours required for the finished products output, hours (row 1*row 2) " 2534.03 2249.00 2315.00 2401.30 9499.33 "4. The cost per hour of direct labour costs, CZK." 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 "5. Single social contribution (37%), CZK." 3750.36 3328.52 3426.20 3553.93 14059.01 "6. Total direct labour costs, CZK. (row 3* row 4+ row 5)" 13886.47 12324.52 12686.20 13159.15 52056.34 ?? Budget of the other direct costs and general production costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Other direct costs: - - - - - 1.1. Spoilage costs 182.45 161.93 166.68 172.89 683.95 1.2. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 2. General production costs 6284.39 5577.52 5741.20 5955.23 23558.34 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 7254.11 6526.72 6695.16 6915.40 27391.39 ? 4. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs (row 3- row 4) 6466.84 5739.45 5907.88 6128.13 24242.29 % of the spoilage costs 1.2 "General production costs, % in the quarter" 62 Total production costs (cost of finished products) Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Total direct costs for materials 15204.16 13494.00 13890.00 14407.83 56995.99 ? 2. Total direct labour costs 13886.47 12324.52 12686.20 13159.15 52056.34 3. Other direct costs: - - - - - 3.1. Spoilage costs 182.45 161.93 166.68 172.89 683.95 3.2. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 4. General production costs 6284.39 5577.52 5741.20 5955.23 23558.34 5. Cost of finished products (row 1+ row 2+ row 3.1+ row 3.2+ row 4) 36344.74 32345.24 33271.36 34482.38 136443.72 6. Cost of production per unit - - - - 28.73 Budget of the administrative and sales expenses Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1.4% 1. Sales expenses 472.56 450.44 462.50 482.61 1868.12 2. Administrative expenses 6619.85 6619.85 6619.85 6619.85 26479.40 (C101+C103+C107) / (C105 + C109) 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 7092.41 7070.29 7082.35 7102.46 28347.52 ? 4. Depreciation of administrative tangible assets 525 525 525 525 2099 5. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses (row 3- row 4) 6567.56 6545.44 6557.50 6577.61 26248.12 Quarterly % of sales expenses 1.4 "Depreciation of administrative tangible assets in the quarter, hrn." 525 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 "Heating, lighting of the administrative offices for the year, hrn. " 2552 "Entertainment expenses for a quarter, hrn." 225 "Office rent for a year, hrn." 3828 Budget of cash inflow from sale of finished products Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 11200.00 - - - - 2. Quarterly payments of finished products sales - - - - - in 20Х2 year І quarter 36660.00 18612.00 - - - ІІ quarter - 34944.00 17740.80 - - ІІІ quarter - - 35880.00 18216.00 - ІV quarter - - - 37440.00 - 3. The total amount of cash inflows (row 1+ row 2) 47860.00 53556.00 53620.80 55656.00 210692.80 4. Accounts receivable at 31.12.20Х2. - - - 19008.00 - Payment of accounts receivable: % of sales in the current quarter 65 % of sales in the previous quarter 33 Doubtful debts Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 2% Doubtful debts 1128.00 1075.20 1104.00 1152.00 4459.20 Budget of cash outflow for the raw materials purchase Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 6300.00 - - - - 2. Quarterly payments for the raw materials - - - - - in 20Х2 year: І quarter 10873.37 5854.89 - - 16728.26 ІІ quarter - 8809.71 4743.69 - 13553.40 ІІІ quarter - - 9078.99 4888.69 13967.67 ІV quarter - - - 9369.47 9369.47 3. The total amount of cash outflows (row 1+row 2) 17173.37 14664.60 13822.68 14258.16 53618.81 4. Accounts payable at 31.12.20Х2. - - - 5045.10 - Payment for raw materials: % of purchases in the quarter 65 % in the next quarter 35 4.2 Repayment of accounts Cash plan Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Cash at the beginning of the period 1820.00 1767.72 11227.79 25689.25 2. Cash inflows: - 2.1. Payment of finished products 36660.00 53556.00 53620.80 55656.00 136443.72 2.2. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 11200.00 - - - - * 2.3. Other cash inflows - - - - - * 2.3.1 interest rate from FI 23.56 23.56 23.56 14.13 - * 2.3.2 income from sale of FI - - 829.17 - - 3. Total cash (row 1+ row 2) 49703.56 55347.27 65701.32 81359.38 252111.53 4. Cash outflows: - 4.1. Payment of raw materials 10873.37 14664.60 13822.68 14258.16 53618.81 4.2. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 6300.00 - - - - 4.3. Repayment of other current liabilities - - - - - 4.3.1 paying income tax of the previous year 3804.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3804.00 4.3.2 paying bank credit of previous year 922.50 922.50 922.50 922.50 3690.00 short-term bank credit / 4 25 4.3.3 paying of interest rate 230.63 172.97 115.31 57.66 576.56 4.4. Payment of direct labor costs 13886.47 12324.52 12686.20 13159.15 52056.34 Annual % of the loan 25 4.5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs 6466.84 5739.45 5907.88 6128.13 24242.29 4.6. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses 6567.56 6545.44 6557.50 6577.61 26248.12 "Income tax, % " 25 4.7. Purchase of equipment - - - 15000.00 - * 4.7.1 Other investments * 4.8. Other cash outflow (purchasing of financial investments) 1884.48 - - - - 5. Total cash outflows (Σ row 4.1 – 4.8) 50935.84 40369.48 40012.08 56103.21 187420.60 6. Excess (deficit) of cash (row 3- row 5) -1232.28 14977.79 25689.25 25256.17 64690.93 7. Financing: 3000.00 " (purchasing of financial investments) = opening deposits, stocks, bonds, funds" 7.1. Getting credit 7.2. Repayment of credit 0.00 3000.00 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 7.3. Repayment of the credit’s interest 0.00 750.00 8. Cash at the end of the period (row 6 + row 7.1 – row 7.2 – row 7.3) 1767.72 11227.79 25689.25 25256.17 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 from current assets at the beginning of the year 9. The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 financial investment brings annually 5%. In the III quarter company sold 40% of finaqncial investments. Receiving 10% of profit The income statement (The statement of comprehensive income) current assets for __________________ 20__ . "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 Form № 2 "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 І. Financial results "Finished products, hrn." 2184 Position Code For the reporting period For the previous year "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 1 2 3 4 total amount of current assets 15704 "Net revenue from sales of production (goods, works, services)" 2000 222960.00 - "Cost of production (goods, works, services) sold" 2050 133438.12 () "The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter, hrn." 1500 Gross: 89521.88 - 28.73 profit 2090 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 loss 2095 - ( ) Annual % of the loan 25 Other operating income 2120 0.00 - Administrative expenses 2130 26479.40 ( ) Sales expenses 2150 1868.12 ( ) Other operating expenses 2180 4459.20 ( ) The financial result from the operational activity:  56715.16 - (units of production sold this year - Finished profit 2190 production at the end of previous year/cost of loss 2195 - ( ) production per unit of previous year)* cost of Income from investments in other enterprises equity 2200 - production per unit this year Other financial income 2220 84.80 - Other income 2240 829.17 - Financial costs 2250 1326.56 ( ) Loss from investments in other enterprises equity 2255 ( ) Other costs 2270 753.79 - The financial result before taxation:  55548.78 - profit 2290 loss 2295 - ( ) Expenses (income) from income tax 2300 13887.20 - Income (loss) from discontinued operations after taxation 2305 - - Net financial result: 41661.59 - profit 2350 loss 2355 - ( ) II. The comprehensive income Position Code For the reporting period For the previous year 1 2 3 4 Revaluation (markdown) of fixed assets 2400 - Revaluation (markdown) of financial instruments 2405 - Accumulated translation differences 2410 - Share of other comprehensive income from associates and joint ventures 2415 - Other comprehensive income 2445 - Other comprehensive income before taxation 2450 - Income tax related to other comprehensive income 2455 - Other comprehensive income after taxation 2460 - "Comprehensive income (sum of positions 2350, 2355, 2460)" 2465 - Table 13 Planned balance sheet Assets At the end of the period Liabilities and equity At the end of the period І. Tangible assets: І. Equity: Buildings 12290 Simple shares 25000 Equipment 46600.00 Retained earnings 53561.59 Depreciation -14149 Total tangible assets І 44741.50 Total equity I 78561.59 ІІ. Current assets: ІІ. Current liabilities: Finished products Accounts payable 5045.10 Finished products inventories at the end of the period * 5189.597725 Cost of finished products unit Raw materials inventories at the end of the period * Price of the raw materials unit 2167.923913 Accounts payable by the budget 13887.20 Accounts receivable 19008.00 bank credit Short-term financial investments 1130.688 Cash and cash equivalents 25256.17 Total current assets ІІ 52752.38 Total current liabilities ІІ 18932.30 finished production for previous year = finished products Balance sheet 97493.88 Balance sheet 97493.88 0.00 "Finished production at the end of previous year + (units of production sold this year - Finished production at the end of previous year/cost of production per unit of previous year)* cost of production per unit this year" Indicator "1. Sale of finished products, units" "2. Finished products inventories at the end of the period, units" "3. Total need for the finished products, units (row 1+ row 2)" "4. Finished products inventories at the beginning of the period, units " "5. The required output of finished products, units (row 3 – row 4)" ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### Variant 3 Equity Liabilities Assets Assets At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period Equity + Liabilities At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period fixed assets Equity "Current income tax liabilities, hrn. " 3804 - + - "Equipment (original value), hrn." 31600 "Simple shares, грн." 25000 "Simple shares, грн." 25000 + - - "Buildings (original value), hrn." 12290 "Retained earnings, hrn. " 11900 "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 - - + "Accumulated depreciation, hrn. " -8900 "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 - - + total amount of fixed assets 34990 total amount of equity 36900 "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 - - + "Retained earnings, hrn. " 11900 + - - current assets Liabilities "Short-term bank credit, hrn. " 3690 - + - "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 "Current income tax liabilities, hrn. " 3804 "Finished products, hrn." 2184 - - + "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 "Short-term bank credit, hrn. " 3690 "Buildings (original value), hrn." 12290 - - + "Finished products, hrn." 2184 "Accounts payable, hrn." 6300 "Accounts payable, hrn." 6300 - + - "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 "Accumulated depreciation, hrn. " 8900 - - (Assets-) total amount of current assets 15704 total amount of liabilities 13794 "Equipment (original value), hrn." 31600 - - + Payment of accounts receivable: % of sales in the current quarter 65 Total amount of assets 50694 Total amount of Equity and Liabilities 50694 % of sales in the previous quarter 33 "Finished products inventories at the end of the period, %" 15 "Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, % " 15 Sales budget Payment for raw materials: % of purchases in the quarter 65 Indicator Quarters Annual sale Quarters % in the next quarter 35 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "Price of the raw materials unit, hrn." 4 "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1175 1120 1150 1200 4645 1204 1205 "Office rent for a year, hrn." 3828 "2. Sale price, CZK." 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 "Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 3. Revenue 56400 53760 55200 57600 222960 57604 57604 "Entertainment expenses for a quarter, hrn." 225 "(row 1 * row 2), CZK." "Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours" 2 "The cost per hour of direct labor costs, hrn." 4 "Depreciation of equipment in the quarter, hrn." 787 "Depreciation of administrative tangible assets in the quarter, hrn." 525 "General production costs, % in the quarter" 62 Production budget Quarterly % of sales expenses 1.4 Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters % of the spoilage costs 1.2 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter, hrn." 1500 "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1175.00 1120.00 1150.00 1200.00 4645.00 1204.35 1204.71 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 15% "2. Finished products inventories at the end of the period, units" 168.00 172.50 180.00 180.65 180.71 0.00 "Heating, lighting of the administrative offices for the year, hrn. " 2552 "3. Total need for the finished products, units (row 1+ row 2)" 1343.00 1292.50 1330.00 1380.65 4645.00 1385.05 1204.71 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 2184 "4. Finished products inventories at the beginning of the period, units " 75.99 168.00 172.50 180.00 180.65 180.71 Annual % of the loan 25 "5. The required output of finished products, units (row 3 – row 4)" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1200.65 4749.67 1204.40 1024.00 "Purchase of equipment in the IV quarter, hrn. " 15000 "Income tax, % " 25 "Sale price, hrn. " 48 "Sale of finished products, units: 1 quarter" 1175 2 quarter 1120 3 quarter 1150 4 quarter 1200 "Cost of finished products unit in the past year, hrn." 28.74 Budget of the direct costs for materials Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "1. The required output of finished products, units" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1200.65 4749.67 1204.40 1024.00 "2. Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 "3. Need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 1* row 2)" 3801.04 3373.50 3472.50 3601.96 14249.00 3613.21 3072.01 15% "4. Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, kg " 506.03 520.88 540.29 541.98 460.80 0.00 "5. Total need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 3 + row 4)" 4307.07 3894.38 4012.79 4143.94 16358.17 4074.01 3072.01 "6. Raw materials inventories at the beginning of the period, kg " 125.00 506.03 520.88 540.29 541.98 460.80 "7. Volume of the necessary raw materials purchase in the period, kg (row 5 – row 6)" 4182.07 3388.35 3491.92 3603.64 14665.98 3532.03 2611.21 "8. Price of the raw materials unit, CZK. " 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 "9. Costs of the raw materials purchase, CZK. (row 7*row 8)" 16728.26 13553.40 13967.67 14414.58 58663.91 14128.11 10444.84 "Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 "Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, % " 15 Budget of the direct labour costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV "1. The required output of finished products, units" 1267.01 1124.50 1157.50 1200.65 4749.67 "2. Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours " 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 "3. Total number of hours required for the finished products output, hours (row 1*row 2) " 2534.03 2249.00 2315.00 2401.30 9499.33 "4. The cost per hour of direct labour costs, CZK." 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 "5. Single social contribution (37%), CZK." 3750.36 3328.52 3426.20 3553.93 14059.01 "6. Total direct labour costs, CZK. (row 3* row 4+ row 5)" 13886.47 12324.52 12686.20 13159.15 52056.34 Budget of the other direct costs and general production costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Other direct costs: - - - - - 1.1. Spoilage costs 182.45 161.93 166.68 172.89 683.95 1.2. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 2. General production costs 6284.39 5577.52 5741.20 5955.23 23558.34 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 7254.11 6526.72 6695.16 6915.40 27391.39 4. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs (row 3- row 4) 6466.84 5739.45 5907.88 6128.13 24242.29 % of the spoilage costs 1.2 "General production costs, % in the quarter" 62 Total production costs (cost of finished products) Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Total direct costs for materials 15204.16 13494.00 13890.00 14407.83 56995.99 2. Total direct labour costs 13886.47 12324.52 12686.20 13159.15 52056.34 3. Other direct costs: - - - - - 3.1. Spoilage costs 182.45 161.93 166.68 172.89 683.95 3.2. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 4. General production costs 6284.39 5577.52 5741.20 5955.23 23558.34 5. Cost of finished products (row 1+ row 2+ row 3.1+ row 3.2+ row 4) 36344.74 32345.24 33271.36 34482.38 136443.72 6. Cost of production per unit - - - - 28.73 Budget of the administrative and sales expenses Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1.4% 1. Sales expenses 472.56 450.44 462.50 482.61 1868.12 2. Administrative expenses 6619.85 6619.85 6619.85 6619.85 26479.40 (C101+C103+C107) / (C105 + C109) 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 7092.41 7070.29 7082.35 7102.46 28347.52 4. Depreciation of administrative tangible assets 525 525 525 525 2099 5. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses (row 3- row 4) 6567.56 6545.44 6557.50 6577.61 26248.12 Quarterly % of sales expenses 1.4 "Depreciation of administrative tangible assets in the quarter, hrn." 525 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 "Heating, lighting of the administrative offices for the year, hrn. " 2552 "Entertainment expenses for a quarter, hrn." 225 "Office rent for a year, hrn." 3828 Budget of cash inflow from sale of finished products Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 11200.00 - - - - 2. Quarterly payments of finished products sales - - - - - in 20Х2 year І quarter 36660.00 18612.00 - - - ІІ quarter - 34944.00 17740.80 - - ІІІ quarter - - 35880.00 18216.00 - ІV quarter - - - 37440.00 - 3. The total amount of cash inflows (row 1+ row 2) 47860.00 53556.00 53620.80 55656.00 210692.80 4. Accounts receivable at 31.12.20Х2. - - - 19008.00 - Payment of accounts receivable: % of sales in the current quarter 65 % of sales in the previous quarter 33 Doubtful debts Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 2% Doubtful debts 1128.00 1075.20 1104.00 1152.00 4459.20 Budget of cash outflow for the raw materials purchase Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 6300.00 - - - - 2. Quarterly payments for the raw materials - - - - - in 20Х2 year: І quarter 10873.37 5854.89 - - 16728.26 ІІ quarter - 8809.71 4743.69 - 13553.40 ІІІ quarter - - 9078.99 4888.69 13967.67 ІV quarter - - - 9369.47 9369.47 3. The total amount of cash outflows (row 1+row 2) 17173.37 14664.60 13822.68 14258.16 53618.81 4. Accounts payable at 31.12.20Х2. - - - 5045.10 - Payment for raw materials: % of purchases in the quarter 65 % in the next quarter 35 4.2 Repayment of accounts Cash plan Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Cash at the beginning of the period 1820.00 1767.72 11227.79 25689.25 2. Cash inflows: - 2.1. Payment of finished products 36660.00 53556.00 53620.80 55656.00 136443.72 2.2. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 11200.00 - - - - * 2.3. Other cash inflows - - - - - * 2.3.1 interest rate from FI 23.56 23.56 23.56 14.13 - * 2.3.2 income from sale of FI - - 829.17 - - 3. Total cash (row 1+ row 2) 49703.56 55347.27 65701.32 81359.38 252111.53 4. Cash outflows: - 4.1. Payment of raw materials 10873.37 14664.60 13822.68 14258.16 53618.81 4.2. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 6300.00 - - - - 4.3. Repayment of other current liabilities - - - - - 4.3.1 paying income tax of the previous year 3804.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3804.00 4.3.2 paying bank credit of previous year 922.50 922.50 922.50 922.50 3690.00 short-term bank credit / 4 25 4.3.3 paying of interest rate 230.63 172.97 115.31 57.66 576.56 4.4. Payment of direct labor costs 13886.47 12324.52 12686.20 13159.15 52056.34 Annual % of the loan 25 4.5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs 6466.84 5739.45 5907.88 6128.13 24242.29 4.6. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses 6567.56 6545.44 6557.50 6577.61 26248.12 "Income tax, % " 25 4.7. Purchase of equipment - - - 15000.00 - * 4.7.1 Other investments * 4.8. Other cash outflow (purchasing of financial investments) 1884.48 - - - - 5. Total cash outflows (Σ row 4.1 – 4.8) 50935.84 40369.48 40012.08 56103.21 187420.60 6. Excess (deficit) of cash (row 3- row 5) -1232.28 14977.79 25689.25 25256.17 64690.93 7. Financing: 3000.00 " (purchasing of financial investments) = opening deposits, stocks, bonds, funds" 7.1. Getting credit 7.2. Repayment of credit 0.00 3000.00 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 7.3. Repayment of the credit’s interest 0.00 750.00 8. Cash at the end of the period (row 6 + row 7.1 – row 7.2 – row 7.3) 1767.72 11227.79 25689.25 25256.17 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 from current assets at the beginning of the year 9. The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 1500.00 financial investment brings annually 5%. In the III quarter company sold 40% of finaqncial investments. Receiving 10% of profit The income statement (The statement of comprehensive income) current assets for __________________ 20__ . "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 Form № 2 "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 І. Financial results "Finished products, hrn." 2184 Position Code For the reporting period For the previous year "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 1 2 3 4 total amount of current assets 15704 "Net revenue from sales of production (goods, works, services)" 2000 222960 - "Cost of production (goods, works, services) sold" 2050 ( ) () "The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter, hrn." 1500 Gross: 28.73 profit 2090 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 loss 2095 ( ) ( ) Annual % of the loan 25 Other operating income 2120 Administrative expenses 2130 ( ) ( ) Sales expenses 2150 ( ) ( ) Other operating expenses 2180 ( ) ( ) The financial result from the operational activity:  (units of production sold this year - Finished profit 2190 production at the end of previous year/cost of loss 2195 ( ) ( ) production per unit of previous year)* cost of Income from investments in other enterprises equity 2200 production per unit this year Other financial income 2220 Other income 2240 Financial costs 2250 ( ) ( ) Loss from investments in other enterprises equity 2255 ( ) ( ) Other costs 2270 ( ) ( ) The financial result before taxation:  profit 2290 loss 2295 ( ) ( ) Expenses (income) from income tax 2300 Income (loss) from discontinued operations after taxation 2305 Net financial result: profit 2350 loss 2355 ( ) ( ) II. The comprehensive income Position Code For the reporting period For the previous year 1 2 3 4 Revaluation (markdown) of fixed assets 2400 Revaluation (markdown) of financial instruments 2405 Accumulated translation differences 2410 Share of other comprehensive income from associates and joint ventures 2415 Other comprehensive income 2445 Other comprehensive income before taxation 2450 Income tax related to other comprehensive income 2455 Other comprehensive income after taxation 2460 "Comprehensive income (sum of positions 2350, 2355, 2460)" 2465 Table 13 Planned balance sheet Assets At the end of the period Liabilities and equity At the end of the period І. Tangible assets: І. Equity: Buildings Data Simple shares Data Equipment Data + Purchase of equipment Retained earnings Data + Net profit for the period Depreciation Data + Depreciation accumulated for the period Total tangible assets І Total equity I ІІ. Current assets: ІІ. Current liabilities: Finished products Finished products inventories at the end of the period * Accounts payable Accounts payable at 31.12.20Х2. Cost of finished products unit Raw materials Raw materials inventories at the end of the period * Price of the raw materials unit Accounts payable by the budget Tax profit for the period Accounts receivable Accounts receivable at 31.12.20Х2. Short-term bank credit Data + Getting credit – Repayment of credits Short-term financial investments Purchase – sale Cash and cash equivalents Cash plan Total current assets ІІ Total current liabilities ІІ finished production for previous year = finished products Balance sheet Σ Balance sheet Σ "Finished production at the end of previous year + (units of production sold this year - Finished production at the end of previous year/cost of production per unit of previous year)* cost of production per unit this year" Indicator "1. Sale of finished products, units" "2. Finished products inventories at the end of the period, units" "3. Total need for the finished products, units (row 1+ row 2)" "4. Finished products inventories at the beginning of the period, units " "5. The required output of finished products, units (row 3 – row 4)" ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### Sales budget Indicator Quarters Annual sale Quarters І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1175 1120 1150 1200 4645 1204 1205 "2. Sale price, CZK." 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 3. Revenue 56400 53760 55200 57600 222960 57604 57604 "(row 1 * row 2), CZK." Production budget Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1175 1120 1150 1200 4645 1204 1205 15% "2. Finished products inventories at the end of the period, units" 168 173 180 181 181 0 "3. Total need for the finished products, units (row 1+ row 2)" 1343 1293 1330 1381 1385 1205 2184 "4. Finished products inventories at the beginning of the period, units " 46 168 173 180 181 181 "5. The required output of finished products, units (row 3 – row 4)" 1298 1125 1158 1201 4780 1204 1024 Budget of the direct costs for materials Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "1. The required output of finished products, units" 1298 1125 1158 1201 4780 1204 1024 "2. Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 "3. Need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 1* row 2)" 3893 3374 3473 3602 14340 3613 3072 15% "4. Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, kg " 506 521 540 542 461 0 "5. Total need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 3 + row 4)" 4399 3894 4013 4144 16450 4074 3072 "6. Raw materials inventories at the beginning of the period, kg " 125 506 521 540 542 461 "7. Volume of the necessary raw materials purchase in the period, kg (row 5 – row 6)" 4274 3388 3492 3604 14757 3532 2611 "8. Price of the raw materials unit, CZK. " 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 "9. Costs of the raw materials purchase, CZK. (row 7*row 8)" 17094 13553 13968 14415 59030 14128 10445 "Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 "Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, % " 15 Budget of the direct labour costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV "1. The required output of finished products, units" 1298 1125 1158 1201 4780 "2. Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours " 2 2 2 2 2 "3. Total number of hours required for the finished products output, hours (row 1*row 2) " 2595 2249 2315 2401 9560 "4. The cost per hour of direct labour costs, CZK." 4 4 4 4 4 "5. Single social contribution (37%), CZK." 3841 3329 3426 3554 14149 "6. Total direct labour costs, CZK. (row 3* row 4+ row 5)" 14221 12325 12686 13159 52390 Budget of the other direct costs and general production costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Other direct costs: - - - - - 1.1. Spoilage costs 187 162 167 173 688 1.2. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 2. General production costs 6436 5578 5741 5955 23710 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 7410 6527 6695 6915 27547 4. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs (row 3- row 4) 6622 5739 5908 6128 24398 % of the spoilage costs 1.2 "General production costs, % in the quarter" 62 Total production costs (cost of finished products) Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Total direct costs for materials 15570 13494 13890 14408 57362 2. Total direct labour costs 14221 12325 12686 13159 52390 3. Other direct costs: - - - - - 3.1. Spoilage costs 187 162 167 173 688 3.2. Depreciation of equipment 787 787 787 787 3149 4. General production costs 6436 5578 5741 5955 23710 5. Cost of finished products (row 1+ row 2+ row 3.1+ row 3.2+ row 4) 37200 32345 33271 34482 137299 6. Cost of production per unit - - - - 29 Budget of the administrative and sales expenses Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1.4% 1. Sales expenses 472 450 462 483 1868 2. Administrative expenses 6620 6620 6620 6620 26479 (C101+C103+C107) / (C105 + C109) 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 7092 7070 7082 7102 28347 4. Depreciation of administrative tangible assets 525 525 525 525 2099 5. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses (row 3- row 4) 6567 6545 6557 6578 26248 Quarterly % of sales expenses 1.4 "Depreciation of administrative tangible assets in the quarter, hrn." 525 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 "Heating, lighting of the administrative offices for the year, hrn. " 2552 "Entertainment expenses for a quarter, hrn." 225 "Office rent for a year, hrn." 3828 Budget of cash inflow from sale of finished products Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 11200 - - - - 2. Quarterly payments of finished products sales - - - - - in 20Х2 year І quarter 36660 18612 - - - ІІ quarter - 34944 17741 - - ІІІ quarter - - 35880 18216 - ІV quarter - - - 37440 - 3. The total amount of cash inflows (row 1+ row 2) 47860 53556 53621 55656 210692.8 4. Accounts receivable at 31.12.20Х2. - - - 19008 - Payment of accounts receivable: % of sales in the current quarter 65 % of sales in the previous quarter 33 Doubtful debts Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 2% Doubtful debts 1128 1075 1104 1152 4459 Budget of cash outflow for the raw materials purchase Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 6300 - - - - 2. Quarterly payments for the raw materials - - - - - in 20Х2 year: І quarter 11111 5983 - - 17094 ІІ quarter - 8810 4744 - 13553 ІІІ quarter - - 9079 4889 13968 ІV quarter - - - 9369 9369 3. The total amount of cash outflows (row 1+row 2) 17411.165 14793 13823 14258 53985 4. Accounts payable at 31.12.20Х2. - - - 5045 - Payment for raw materials: % of purchases in the quarter 65 % in the next quarter 35 4.2 Repayment of accounts Cash plan Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Cash at the beginning of the period 1820 15451 1500 - 2. Cash inflows: - 2.1. Payment of finished products 37200 32345 33271 34482 137299 2.2. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 11200 - - - - * 2.3. Other cash inflows - - - - - * 2.3.1 interest rate from FI 23.556 23.556 23.556 14.1336 - * 2.3.2 income from sale of FI - - 829.1712 - - 3. Total cash (row 1+ row 2) 50244 47819 35624 34497 168184 4. Cash outflows: - 4.1. Payment of raw materials 17094 13553 13968 14415 59030 4.2. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 6300 - - - - 4.3. Repayment of other current liabilities - - - - - 4.3.1 paying income tax of the previous year 951 951 951 951 3804 4.3.2 paying bank credit of previous year 923 923 923 923 3690 short-term bank credit / 4 25 4.3.3 paying of interest rate 231 173 115 58 577 4.4. Payment of direct labor costs 14221 12325 12686 13159 52390 Annual % of the loan 25 4.5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs 6622 5739 5908 6128 24398 4.6. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses 6567 6545 6557 6578 26248 "Income tax, % " 25 4.7. Purchase of equipment - - - 15000 - * 4.7.1 Other investments * 4.8. Other cash outflow (purchasing of financial investments) 1884.48 - - - - 5. Total cash outflows (Σ row 4.1 – 4.8) 54793 40209 41108 57211 193321 6. Excess (deficit) of cash (row 3- row 5) -4549 7610 -5484 -22714 -25137 7. Financing: 20000 ? " (purchasing of financial investments) = opening deposits, stocks, bonds, funds" 7.1. Getting credit 7.2. Repayment of credit 0 1110 ? ? ? "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4275 7.3. Repayment of the credit’s interest 0 5000 ? ? ? 8. Cash at the end of the period (row 6 + row 7.1 – row 7.2 – row 7.3) 15451 1500 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 from current assets at the beginning of the year 9. The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter 1500 1500 1500 1500 financial investment brings annually 5%. In the III quarter company sold 40% of finaqncial investments. Receiving 10% of profit current assets "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 500 "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 11200 "Finished products, hrn." 2184 "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 1820 total amount of current assets 15704 "The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter, hrn." 1500 "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 12 Annual % of the loan 25