Variant 7 Aseets At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period Equity + Liabilities At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period "Current income tax liabilities, hrn. " 5485 L Fixed aseets Equity "Simple shares, грн." 24000 E "Equipment (original value), hrn." 28600 "Simple shares, грн." 24000 "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 4500 A "Buildings (original value), hrn." 17920 "Retained earnings, hrn. " 15200 "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 785 A "Accumulated depreciation, hrn. " -10100 "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 3000 A Current assets Liabilities "Retained earnings, hrn. " 15200 E "Finished products, hrn." 8250 "Current income tax liabilities, hrn. " 5485 "Short-term bank credit, hrn. " 3920 L "Raw materials inventories, hrn." 785 "Short-term bank credit, hrn. " 3920 "Finished products, hrn." 8250 A "Accounts receivable, hrn. " 4500 "Accounts payable, hrn." 4350 "Buildings (original value), hrn." 17920 A "Cash and cash equivalents, hrn." 3000 "Accounts payable, hrn." 4350 L Total 52955 Total 52955 "Accumulated depreciation, hrn. " 10100 A - "Equipment (original value), hrn." 28600 A Sales budget Payment of accounts receivable: % of sales in the current quarter 68 Indicator Quarters Annual sale Quarters % of sales in the previous quarter 30 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "Finished products inventories at the end of the period, %" 13 "1. Sale of finished products, units" 470 440 450 460 1820 470 480 "Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, % " 13 "2. Sale price, CZK." 138 138 138 138 138 138 138 Payment for raw materials: % of purchases in the quarter 75 3. Revenue 64860 60720 62100 63480 251160 64860 66240 % in the next quarter 25 "(row 1 * row 2), CZK." "Price of the raw materials unit, hrn." 5 "Office rent for a year, hrn." 6804 "Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3 Production budget "Entertainment expenses for a quarter, hrn." 235 Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters "Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours" 5 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "The cost per hour of direct labor costs, hrn." 7 13% "1. Sale of finished products, units" 470 440 450 460 1820 470 480 "Depreciation of equipment in the quarter, hrn." 819 "2. Finished products inventories at the end of the period, units" 57.20 58.50 59.80 61.10 62.40 "Depreciation of administrative tangible assets in the quarter, hrn." 546 "3. Total need for the finished products, units (row 1+ row 2)" 527.20 498.50 509.80 521.10 2056.60 532.40 "General production costs, % in the quarter" 66 "4. Finished products inventories at the beginning of the period, units " 93.65 57.20 58.50 59.80 61.10 62.40 Quarterly % of sales expenses 1.8 "5. The required output of finished products, units (row 3 – row 4)" 433.55 441.30 451.30 461.30 1787.45 471.30 % of the spoilage costs 1.6 "The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter, hrn." 3000 "Salary fund of the administrative staff for the quarter, hrn." 4465 "Heating, lighting of the administrative offices for the year, hrn. " 4536 Budget of the direct costs for materials "Share of short-term financial investments,% " 16 Indicator Quarters For the year Quarters Annual % of the loan 25 І ІІ ІІІ ІV І ІІ "Purchase of equipment in the IV quarter, hrn. " 6000 "1. The required output of finished products, units" 433.55 441.30 451.30 461.30 1787.45 471.30 0.00 "Income tax, % " 25 "2. Raw material requirements per unit of finished goods, kg" 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 "Sale price, hrn. " 138 "3. Need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 1* row 2)" 1300.64 1323.90 1353.90 1383.90 5362.34 1413.90 "Sale of finished products, units: 1 quarter" 470 13% "4. Raw materials inventories at the end of the period, kg " 172.11 176.01 179.91 183.81 0.00 2 quarter 440 "5. Total need for materials for the finished goods production, kg (row 3 + row 4)" 1472.75 1499.91 1533.81 1567.71 6074.17 3 quarter 450 "6. Raw materials inventories at the beginning of the period, kg " 157.00 172.11 176.01 179.91 183.81 0.00 4 quarter 460 "7. Volume of the necessary raw materials purchase in the period, kg (row 5 – row 6)" 1315.75 1327.80 1357.80 1387.80 5389.15 0.00 "Cost of finished products unit in the past year, hrn." 88.09 "8. Price of the raw materials unit, CZK. " 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 "9. Costs of the raw materials purchase, CZK. (row 7*row 8)" 6578.74 6639.00 6789.00 6939.00 26945.74 Budget of the direct labour costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV "1. The required output of finished products, units" 433.55 441.30 451.30 461.30 1787.45 "2. Direct labour costs per unit of finished goods, hours " 5 5 5 5 5 "3. Total number of hours required for the finished products output, hours (row 1*row 2) " 2167.734171 2206.5 2256.5 2306.5 8937.234171 "4. The cost per hour of direct labour costs, CZK." 7 7 7 7 7 "5. Single social contribution (37%), CZK." 5614.431503 5714.835 5844.335 5973.835 23147.4365 "6. Total direct labour costs, CZK. (row 3* row 4+ row 5)" 20788.5707 21160.335 21639.835 22119.335 85708.0757 Budget of the other direct costs and general production costs Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Other direct costs: 1.1. Spoilage costs 104.0512402 105.912 108.312 110.712 428.9872402 1.2. Depreciation of equipment 819 819 819 819 3276 2. General production costs 10014.93187 10194.03 10425.03 10656.03 41290.02187 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 10937.98311 11118.942 11352.342 11585.742 44995.00911 4. Depreciation of equipment 819 819 819 819 3276 5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs (row 3- row 4) 10118.98311 10299.942 10533.342 10766.742 41719.00911 Total production costs (cost of finished products) Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Total direct costs for materials 6503.202513 6619.5 6769.5 6919.5 26811.70251 2. Total direct labour costs 20788.5707 21160.335 21639.835 22119.335 85708.0757 3. Other direct costs: 3.1. Spoilage costs 104.0512402 105.912 108.312 110.712 428.9872402 3.2. Depreciation of equipment 819 819 819 819 3276 4. General production costs 10014.93187 10194.03 10425.03 10656.03 41290.02187 5. Cost of finished products (row 1+ row 2+ row 3.1+ row 3.2+ row 4) 38229.75632 38898.777 39761.677 40624.577 157514.7873 cost of production per unit 88.12278179 86.29 Budget of the administrative and sales expenses Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Sales expenses 745.52 697.93 713.79 729.66 2886.90 2. Administrative expenses 8081.30 8081.30 8081.30 8081.30 32325.20 3. Total (row 1+ row 2) 8826.82 8779.23 8795.09 8810.96 35212.10 4. Depreciation of administrative tangible assets 546.00 546.00 546.00 546.00 2184.00 5. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses (row 3- row 4) 8280.82 8233.23 8249.09 8264.96 33028.10 Budget of cash inflow from sale of finished products Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 4500 2. Quarterly payments of finished products sales in 20Х2 year І quarter 44104.8 19458 ІІ quarter 41289.6 18216 ІІІ quarter 42228 18630 ІV quarter 43166.4 3. The total amount of cash inflows (row 1+ row 2) 4. Accounts receivable at 31.12.20Х2. 19044 Doubtful debts Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV Doubtful debts 1297.2 1214.4 1242 1269.6 5023.2 Budget of cash outflow for the raw materials purchase Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 4350 2. Quarterly payments for the raw materials in 20Х2 year: І quarter 4934.053135 1644.684378 ІІ quarter 4979.25 1659.75 ІІІ quarter 5091.75 1697.25 ІV quarter 5204.25 3. The total amount of cash outflows (row 1+row 2) 4. Accounts payable at 31.12.20Х2. 1734.75 Cash plan Indicator Quarters For the year І ІІ ІІІ ІV 1. Cash at the beginning of the period 3000 5809.84 14359.32 23224.18 2. Cash inflows: 2.1. Payment of finished products 44104.8 60747.6 60444 61796.4 227092.8 2.2. Repayment of accounts receivable for the 20X1year 4500 2.3. Other cash inflows(income from financial investment) "company buy the financial investment in amount 16% form current assets, in third quarter company sold 40% for finaicial investment and earning 10% of profit,financial investment 5% anually" 2.3.1 interest rate from financial investment 33.07 33.07 33.07 19.842 2.3.2 income from sell of financial investment 1164.064 3. Total cash (row 1+ row 2) 51637.87 66590.51432 76000.45451 85040.42498 227092.8 4. Cash outflows: 4.1. Payment of raw materials 4934.053135 6623.934378 6751.5 6901.5 25210.98751 4.2. Repayment of accounts payable for the 20Х1 year 4350 4.3. Repayment of other current liabilities 4.3.1.paying income tax of previous year 5485 4.3.2.paying bank credit of previous year 980 980 980 980 3920 25 4.3.3.paying interest rate 245 183.75 122.5 61.25 612.5 4.4. Payment of direct labor costs 20788.5707 21160.335 21639.835 22119.335 85708.0757 4.5. Cash outflow for the other direct and general production costs 10118.98311 10299.942 10533.342 10766.742 41719.00911 4.6. Cash outflow for administrative and sales expenses 8280.82 8233.23 8249.09 8264.96 33028.10 4.7. Purchase of equipment 6000 4.8. Other cash outflow(purchase of financial investments) 2645.6 5. Total cash outflows (Σ row 4.1 – 4.8) 57828.03 47481.19 48276.27 55093.78 190198.67 6. Excess (deficit) of cash (row 3- row 5) -6190.16 19109.32 27724.18 29946.64 36894.13 7. Financing: 12000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.1. Getting credit 7.2. Repayment of credit 0 4000 4000 4000 7.3. Repayment of the credit’s interest 0 750 500 250 8. Cash at the end of the period (row 6 + row 7.1 – row 7.2 – row 7.3) 5809.84 14359.32 23224.18 25696.64 36894.13 9. The minimum cash balance at the end of the quarter 3000 3000 3000 3000 12000 "Finished products, hrn." 8250 "Cost of finished products unit in the past year, hrn." 88.09 The income statement (The statement of comprehensive income) "1. Sale of finished products, units" 1820 for __________________ 20__ . finished goods previous Form № 2 cost per unit previous year І. Financial results Position Code For the reporting period For the previous year 1 2 3 4 "Net revenue from sales of production (goods, works, services)" 2000 251160 "Cost of production (goods, works, services) sold" 2050 -160380.49 ( ) Gross: 90779.51 profit 2090 loss 2095 ( ) ( ) Other operating income 2120 Administrative expenses 2130 -32325.2 ( ) Sales expenses 2150 -2886.902331 ( ) Other operating expenses 2180 -5023.2 ( ) The financial result from the operational activity:  50544.21 profit 2190 loss 2195 ( ) ( ) Income from investments in other enterprises equity 2200 Other financial income 2220 119.052 Other income 2240 1164.064 Financial costs 2250 -2112.5 ( ) Loss from investments in other enterprises equity 2255 ( ) ( ) Other costs 2270 -1058.24 ( ) The financial result before taxation:  48656.59 profit 2290 loss 2295 ( ) ( ) Expenses (income) from income tax 2300 Income (loss) from discontinued operations after taxation 2305 12164.14708 Net financial result: 36492.44 2350 loss 2355 ( ) ( ) II. The comprehensive income Position Code For the reporting period For the previous year 1 2 3 4 Revaluation (markdown) of fixed assets 2400 Revaluation (markdown) of financial instruments 2405 Accumulated translation differences 2410 Share of other comprehensive income from associates and joint ventures 2415 Other comprehensive income 2445 Other comprehensive income before taxation 2450 Income tax related to other comprehensive income 2455 Other comprehensive income after taxation 2460 "Comprehensive income (sum of positions 2350, 2355, 2460)" 2465 Table 13 Planned balance sheet Assets At the end of the period Liabilities and equity At the end of the period І. Tangible assets: І. Equity: Buildings 17920 Simple shares 24000 Equipment 34600 Retained earnings 51692.44 Depreciation -15563 Total tangible assets І 36957 Total equity I 75692.44 ІІ. Current assets: ІІ. Current liabilities: Finished products Accounts payable 1734.75 5384.301967 Raw materials 919.035 Accounts payable by the budget 12164.14708 Accounts receivable 19044 Short-term bank credit 0 Short-term financial investments 1587.36 Cash and cash equivalents 25696.64 Total current assets ІІ 52631.33831 Total current liabilities ІІ 13898.89708 Balance sheet 89588.33831 Balance sheet 89591.34 Planned income statement Indicator "Amount, CZK." 1. Revenue for the year 251160 2. Variable costs: 2.1. Variable cost of sales Variable cost of production per unit * quantity of finished products sale for the year= 157047.8 2.2. Variable sales expenses 2886.90 2.3. Doubtful debts 5023.2 3. Total variable costs 164957.90 4. Marginal income (row 1- row 3) 86202.10 5. Fixed costs: 5.1. Other direct costs 3276 5.2. General production costs 0 5.3. Administrative expenses 32325.20 6. Total fixed costs 35601.20 7. Net production profit (row 4 - row 6) 50600.90