Disjunction - TEST 1. Which of the following sentences is a disjunction? Začátek formuláře (_) Amy played soccer or Bill played hockey. (_) Amy played soccer and Bill played hockey. (_) Amy did not play soccer and Bill played hockey. (_) None of the above. RESULTS BOX: _____________________________________________ Konec formuláře 2. Which of the following statements is a disjunction? Začátek formuláře (_) ~x https://www.mathgoodies.com/sites/all/modules/custom/lessons/images/symbolic_logic/images/and.gif y (_) x https://www.mathgoodies.com/sites/all/modules/custom/lessons/images/symbolic_logic/images/and.gif y (_) x https://www.mathgoodies.com/sites/all/modules/custom/lessons/images/symbolic_logic/images/or.gif y (_) None of the above. RESULTS BOX: _____________________________________________ Konec formuláře 3. A disjunction is used with which connector? Začátek formuláře (_) And (_) Or (_) Not (_) None of the above. RESULTS BOX: _____________________________________________ Konec formuláře 4. If a is false and b is true, what is the truth value of a https://www.mathgoodies.com/sites/all/modules/custom/lessons/images/symbolic_logic/images/or.gif ~b? Začátek formuláře (_) True (_) False (_) Not enough information was given (_) None of the above. RESULTS BOX: _____________________________________________ Konec formuláře 5. Given: r: y is prime. s: y is even. Problem: Which of the following is a true statement when y is replaced by 3? Začátek formuláře (_) r https://www.mathgoodies.com/sites/all/modules/custom/lessons/images/symbolic_logic/images/or.gif ~s (_) r https://www.mathgoodies.com/sites/all/modules/custom/lessons/images/symbolic_logic/images/and.gif ~s (_) r https://www.mathgoodies.com/sites/all/modules/custom/lessons/images/symbolic_logic/images/or.gif s (_) All of the above. RESULTS BOX: _____________________________________________ Konec formuláře