Mathematics in economics Lecture 4 Mgr. Jiří Mazurek, Ph.D. Mathematics in Economics/PMAT Lecture 4 Differential calculus of two real variables • • 1. Many economic functions contain more then one variable. For example, Cobb-Douglas function includes labour L and capital K as well as the technological parameter A: We will limit ourselved to functions of two variables. A graph of a function of two real variables is a plane in 3D space, See the next slide. Lecture 4 A graph of Cobb-Douglas function • • 1. Cobb_douglas Lecture 4 The domain of a function of two real variables • • 1. By the domain of a function we mean all ordered pairs for which the function f is defined. , The domain is usually a subspace of Cartesian coordinate system (CCS). In the problems solved later, we will depict the domain by shadowing an appropriate part of CCS. Lecture 4 Finding a domain of a function – Problem 1 • • 1. Find the domain of the function . Solution: , (1) Now we change the inequality into the equality: This is the quation of a linear function (a line), which we draw in CCS (see the picture on the next slied). Then, we must find whether the domain lies on the left or right hand side to the line via one suitable point. We know that point [0,0] is on the left. We substitute this point into (1). Because (1) is untrue, the domain is on the right side of the line. Lecture 4 Problem 1 – cont. • • 1. graf 16 Lecture 4 Finding a domain of a function – Problem 2 • • 1. Find the domain of the function: . Solution: From the square root we get: (1). Transforming the inequality into equality yields: This is the equation of the circle with a radius r = 3 and a centre [0,0]. Again, one point will decide whether the domain is inside or outside of the circle. We can use [0,0] again: is untrue, so the domain is outside of the circle, including the circle. Lecture 4 Finding a domain of a function – Problem 2 • • 1. Graf 17b Lecture 4 A derivative of a function of two real variables • • 1. Let f (x,y) be a function of two real varibles. Then, this function can be differentiated with regard to x and/or y. These derivatives are called partial derivatives and are denoted as follows: Definition: Lecture 4 Partial derivatives – Problem 3 • • 1. Find partial derivatives of the function: . Solution: when differentiating with regard to x, we consider x to be a variable while y is considered a constant, and vice versa. Lecture 4 Second derivatives of a function of two real variables • • 1. If first derivatives are differentiable again, we obtain second derivatives: The latter two derivatives are called mixed derivatives. It can be prooved they are equal: Lecture 4 Second derivatives – Problem 4 • • 1. Find all four second derivatives of a function: Solution: We start with the first derivatives: Then, we compute the second derivatives: Lecture 4 Cobb – Douglas function • • 1. C-D function: . Usually, we assume that . Then, C-D: Marginal product of labour: Marginal product of capital: Lecture 4 A utility function Let n be the number of different types of good. Let Q1, Q2, …. Be the amount of the good 1, 2, etc. Then a function is called the utility function. Typically, a utility function is concave: • • 1. graf 43 Lecture 4 Marginal utility Marginal utility is defined as follows: etc. Example: Find marginal utilities of the utility function . Solution: • • 1. Lecture 4 A tangent plane • • 1. be a differentiable function at a point . Then the tangent plane to the function f at the point C is: The norm vector is given as follows: Lecture 4 A tangent plane – Problem 5 • • 1. Find the tangent plane to the function at the point C [2,1,10]. Solution: We compute the first derivatives: Then, we substitute point C: Therefore, we obtain: And finally: Lecture 4 A total differential • • 1. Let be differentiable at a point . Then, the total differential is given as: The total differential expresses (approximately) an increment of a function, which depends on increments of x (dx) and y (dy). Lecture 4 A total differential – Problem 6 • • 1. Find the total differential of the function , at the point C [1,1,9] and for dx = 0,1, dy = 0,2 . Solution: We start with the first derivatives: Substituting into general form yields: Substituting C and differentials: Lecture 4 Problems to solve 1 (Assignment 6) • • 1. Find the domain of the following functions: Lecture 4 Problems to solve 2 (Assignment 6) • • 1. Find the partial derivatives of the first and second order: Lecture 4 Problems to solve 3 (Assignment 6) • • 1. Find marginal products of labour and capital: Find the total differential of the function . Lecture 4 Problems to solve 4 (skip it) • • 1. Find the tangent plane of the function at the point C [–2,2, ?]. Find the marginal utilities of the function at the point Q1 = 9 and Q2 = 8. Lecture 4 Problems to solve 5 (skip it) • • 1. A mathematical model of revenue R based on a price P and advertisement costs A has the following form: Find: a) change of R with regard to the change of p, b) change of R with regard to the change of A, c) write a total differential of R. Lecture 4 Thank you for your attention • • 1.