Mathematics in Economics – lecture 9 Indefinite integral Integration is a reverse procedure to differentiation. Notation: Legend: …. Integration sign – indefinite integral; f(x) …. Integrated function; F(x) … antiderivative of f(x); …C …. Integration constant Indefinite integral is a linear operator: We compute integrals with the use of formulas above, and with the use of the table of elementary integrals: Indefinite integral – elementary integrals Indefinite integral - examples 1) 2) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Indefinite integral – integration methods For more complicated integration we use suitable integration methods: • Substitutions • Method per partes All these methods will be demonstrated on examples. I) Integration by a substitution We use a substitution typically in the following cases: • When an integrand contains an internal function. • When an integrand contains lnx or exp(x). • When an integrand contains goniometric functions. • When an integrand contains square roots. Problem 1 A note: We substitute not only an integrand, but also dx! Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem 4 Problem 5 Problem 6 Usually, we substitute (square roots). Problem 7 HOMEWORK A] B] C] D] E] F] II) Integration by parts (per partes method) Per partes method (integration by parts) is used for integration of a product of two functions. Let u(x) and v(x) be two functions. Then, we obtain: The last formula is “per partes“ formula. Problem 1 Note: a choice of u and v´ is important. An incorrect choice leads to a growing difficulty of a problem. Problem 2 Problem 3 HOMEWORK A] B] C]