Research methods I Master thesis seminar 21.11.2023 Content 1.Research principles 2.Critically reviewing the literature 3.Data – information - knowledge 4.Using secondary data 5.Collecting primary data •1 •Research principles Research •Research is about systematically obtaining and analysing data to increase a knowledge about a topic in which we are interested. In undertaking research, we are trying to answer a question or address a problem, this often being referred to as ‘meeting the research aim’ or ‘addressing the research objectives’. •Rojon a Saunders, 2012 • Data = evidence •No philosophical views Philosopher PNG, Vector, PSD, and Clipart With Transparent Background for Free Download | Pngtree Crystal Ball 3, Png Overlay. by lewis4721 on DeviantArt No fortune telling •You cannot solve a problem where there is not one! • •Well defined problem is half solved! • Research question •It is a central theme of any research. •Every aspect of research must aim to answer it. •It determines the research strategy not the other way around! •It goes beyond the horizon of identifying the subject and object of research. Research question examples •What? •What make our employees leave for our competition? •When? •When do our customers repeat their purchase? •Where? •Where exactly should we build our new store? Research question examples •Who? •Who spreads negative sentiment about government online? •How? •How railway services rebranding influenced attitudes of general public? •Why? •Why do companies outsource marketing research? •If you have a question, you can start searching for answers. •First step in master thesis is to look into literature. •2 •Critically reviewing the literature How Advisors Stay On Top Of Mountains Of Paperwork Requirements | Investor's Business Daily References, references, references… Literature review purpose •To discover explicit recommendations for further research. These can provide you with a superb justification for your own research question(s) and objectives; •to help you to avoid simply repeating work that has been done already; •to discover and provide an insight into research approaches, strategies and techniques that may be appropriate to your own research question(s) and objectives. •Saunders et al., 2009. Research methods for business students What is to be critical •To criticize normally means something negative: •The flood situation is critical •Critically endangered antelope species •The patient's condition is critical •Diplomats criticize Obama's actions •All science is built on the ability of people (peer reviewers) to critically evaluate other people‘s work. What is to be critical •Ability to assess the validity and strength of arguments •Ability not to take information as automatically true and valid •Ability to see the wider context •Ability to critique using counter-arguments and provide effective feedback •Ability to critically evaluate one's own work •3 •Data – information - knowledge Data, information, knowledge • Data and information differences •Data is the most basic form of knowledge, e.g. the brand of butter sold to a particular customer in a certain town. This statistic is of little worth in itself but may become meaningful when combined with other data. •Information is a combination of data that provide decision-relevant knowledge, e.g. the brand preferences of customers in a certain age category in a particular geographic region. Can we make decision based on these customer data? Age 2017 2018 2019 18-29 15% 10% 6% 30-39 18% 13% 13% 40-49 26% 22% 15% 50-59 18% 24% 21% 60-69 15% 18% 25% 70+ 8% 13% 20% Propojením informací vznikají znalosti. Informace je základní stavební kámen komunikace Research data types •Primary data •Do not exist at the beginning of the research project •Data collected throughout the project •Secondary data •Data already existing •Reports, statistical data, business data, reused data, analytical data. • data.gif • Quantitative vs Qualitative Data: What's the Difference? •4 •Using secondary data Obsah obrázku snímek obrazovky, Multimediální software, software, Grafický software Popis byl vytvořen automaticky andhighpayuk/2022 Obsah obrázku text, snímek obrazovky, řada/pruh, Vykreslený graf Popis byl vytvořen automaticky How to Use Google Analytics 4 for Beginners How to measure and prove social media ROI | Khoros Advantages of secondary data •Cost and Time Efficiency: •Secondary data is typically less costly and quicker to obtain than primary data. Since it's already collected and often readily accessible, researchers can save significant resources in terms of both time and money. • • Advantages of secondary data •Broad Scope and Variety: •Secondary data can provide a broad perspective that primary data might not be able to offer. It often includes a wide range of information collected for various purposes that can be useful for comprehensive research. • • Advantages of secondary data •Longitudinal Analysis: •It enables researchers to conduct longitudinal studies, examining trends and developments over time, which would be resource-intensive or impossible to do using primary data. • • • Advantages of secondary data •Comparative Studies and Benchmarking: •Secondary data allows for comparisons across different studies, sectors, or countries. It can be used for benchmarking against industry standards or competitors. • • • Advantages of secondary data •Feasibility and Preliminary Insights: It helps in assessing the feasibility of research projects. Researchers can use secondary data to gain preliminary insights into a topic, which can guide the design and approach of primary research. •Supporting Primary Data: Secondary data can complement and reinforce findings from primary research, adding depth and context to the analysis. • Disadvantages of secondary data •Relevance Issues: The data may not be entirely relevant to the current research objectives or questions, as it was collected for a different purpose. •Quality and Accuracy Concerns: The accuracy and reliability of secondary data can be questionable, especially if the sources are not credible or the data collection methods were flawed. •Outdated Information: Secondary data might be outdated, making it less useful for current studies, particularly in fast-changing fields. “Data collection methods were flawed…” •How do you know? •How can you critically evaluate secondary data? • •By understanding the methods of primary data collection. •5 •Collecting primary data Sample and sample size •Sample is a part of population which, when collected properly, can produce results which are generalizable. •Greater the sample size more reliable the results are. •Reality = Parametr + Error • Population Parametr Data Statistics People Sample Sample and sample size •Two questions we need to adress: •Who? •How much? • Population Parametr Data Statistics People Sample Obsah obrázku snímek obrazovky, umění, design Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Ideal sample size • Favourite colour example •In a class, teacher ask students what is their favourite colour. •The realtime results goes like this: • Respondent Answer Results PINK in % Results GREEN in % Change 1 Pink 100 0 No data 2 Green 50 50 50% 3 Green 33,5 66,5 16,5% 4 Pink 50 50 16,5% 5 Green 40 60 10% 6 Green 33,5 66,5 6,5% 7 Green 28 72 5,5% 8 Pink 37 63 9% 9 Pink 44 56 7% 10 Pink 50 50 6% Sample size in qualitative studies •The data collection takes place as long as there is no condition in which further examination of the selected sample does not bring new substantial information. •Theoretical saturation •The goal of qualitative research is not generalization, so it is not the aim of the results to relate to the whole population but to reveal the connections and causes of a certain behavior of customers. Výsledek obrázku pro eating gif Primary data collection methods •Survey •Interview •Questionnaire •Observation •Experiment Data collection techniques - qualitative •Deep interviews •Focus group discussions •Expert consultations •Observation Data collection techniques - quantitative •Face to face interviews •Telephone interviews •Postal survey •Electronic survey •Observation •Experiment Validity •Valid questions are those that give us answers exactly what we ask - what is the main goal of research. Coca-Cola entered a new market (Pepsi already existed) - Business News Reliability •It expresses the degree of sustainability of research tools. •To what extent the question remains reliable and still valid in further iterations - for example, in other time, social and cultural conditions. • Case Example 1.Defining the Research Question: You start by clearly defining your research question: "Do students who study a little every day score higher on tests compared to those who cram the night before?" 2.Literature Review: You do some background research by looking up existing studies or articles about study habits and academic performance. This helps you understand what's already known and how your research could add to it. 3.Hypothesis Formation: Based on your background research, you form a hypothesis, like "Students who study regularly will have higher test scores than those who cram." 4.Designing the Methodology: You decide how you will conduct your research. You choose to survey your classmates, asking about their study habits and recent test scores. 5.Data Collection: You systematically collect data by distributing your survey to a representative sample of students in your school. 6.Data Analysis: Once the surveys are returned, you analyze the data, looking for patterns and correlations between study habits and test scores. 7.Interpreting Results: Based on your analysis, you draw conclusions. For example, you might find that regular study leads to better scores, supporting your hypothesis. 8.Reporting: You prepare a report or presentation summarizing your research process, findings, and conclusions. 9.Reflecting on Limitations: You also consider any limitations of your study (like sample size or self-reported data) and suggest areas for further research. Thank you