Retail management Marketing communication and branding Lecture content •Marketing communication •Segmentation proces •Branding One way communication Mass one way communication Mass communication many-to-many Communication mix ? Advertising Public Relations Personal selling Direct marketing Sales promotion Advertising •Paid form of promotion. •Impersonal media presentations. •The advertiser is clearly identified. •Control over the content of the message. Advertising goals •Identify •Inform •Persuade •Remind 5M of advertising • Mission - the answer to a goal that a campaign has, what should an ad change in consumer attitudes or behavior. • Money - how much we invest in the campaign. • Message - the message alerts the recipient beforehand so that the campaign objectives can be met. • Media - a selection of media that could be available to meet your goals as effectively as possible. • Measurement - determination of the values according to which the results will be measured. Media types Internet TV Radio Newspappers Magaznes OOH How advertising works? Sales promotion • A set of short-term incentives designed to rapidly increase demand for specific products. • It must always be limited in time and create a purchase order. • The aim is for consumers to buy more, or products that they do not normally buy. • The great danger of discounts as a form of sales promotion is when it becomes a pricing strategy by using this tool too often. Sales promotion • Short-term increase in sales • If a business needs to clean up warehouses due to product obsolescence, • fulfil the set annual sales plan, • sell out the old model before the new, • to force consumers or buyers to buy a business product just before launching a competing product. Sales promotion • Testing the product by the customer • Most often distribution of product samples at the beginning of the life cycle. • Other methods of sales promotion would be less functional here, such as larger package actions, one plus one for free and so on. • The customer does not know the product and is in some uncertainty. • He will not respond to these essentially quantity discounts, as he has not yet created trust in the brand. Sales promotion • Support for repeat purchase • In this case, there is a loyalty program, bonus point cards and various actions between the tools. • It is an attempt to induce a certain habitual or customary behavior in customers. • Typically, they are goods of frequent consumption or frequently used services. Public Relations • Unpaid form of promotion through a medium. • The message is more trustworthy than advertising • Because the recipient acts as produced by the media, regardless of the company. • It does not include the direct cost of displaying the message • The company does not have to pay time and space in the media; • The company has no control over the message • It is purely up to the media or the public whether to attend a press conference, whether a journalist publishes an article, whether the editor of a magazine decides to review a product. Personal selling •It represents a presentation made by the company's dealers in order to sell and build customer relationships. •It raises specific demands on workers who make personal sales, in particular sales agents and dealers. Direct marketing It means using direct channels to reach customers and deliver products and services without the need for marketing intermediaries. • Direct mail • Catalogues • Telemarketing • Teleshopping Other communication techniques ? Guerilla marketing Product placement Viral marketing Ambush marketing Presence marketing Street marketing Wild posting How many marketings? Product placement Active • Part of the story Passive • Part of environment Viral marketing • The form of marketing communication (especially) on the Internet. • It consists of creating an interesting creative (image, video, application), which is then forwarded to Internet users themselves. • The creative is usually humorous, sexually suggestive, shocking (harsh), with an original idea or beautiful (animals, etc.) Cardstore • https://www.digitalstrategyconsulti research-tips-and-news-for- marketers/case-study-how- cardstore-got-22m-views-with-a- surprise-ending/12111/ Will it blend? • Segmentation •Segments must be graspable • Different - different responses to the marketing mix • Identity - the possibility to determine who falls into a particular segment • Adequate size - economically acceptable Segmentation limits • Not all categories can be easily segmented! • Research has shown that whiskey customers are similar across brands: • The only difference was between single malt and blended whiskey. • However, there were no significant differences between the brands in terms of demographic, psychographic and reaction specifics. Segmentation • Frequency of use • Markets can also be segmented based on whether they are occasional, regular, or frequent users of the product. • Frequent users represent only a small fraction of all customers, but usually account for a significant proportion of total consumption. • Frequent users are a very good source of feedback. • As a rule, they are much more demanding on product quality. Segmentation • Loyalty status • This type of segmentation assumes that some consumers are: • completely loyal - they still buy the same brand, • loyal to two or three brands and occasionally buying another, • and others show no loyalty and always buy something else. • In English we talk about brand switches and brand loyals. • Loyalty programs are often used to increase loyalty. Brand Brand is what remains when your factory burns down Brand characteristics • Brand assets • Tangible • Logo • Name • Colours • Font • Intangible • Brand promise • Brand story • Brand awarness • Brand recall • Brand recognition • Brand image • Number of associations • Strenght of associations Lower quality Casual clothes Auntie Emily Nicky Minaj All the time the same Simplicity Availibility Brandassociations Lower quality Casual clothes Auntie Emily Nicky Minaj All the time the same Simplicity Availibility Brandassociations Adrien Brody Thank you for your attention