Retail management Content and Requirements 2023 winter semester Teaching team •Lectures: doc. Ing. Martin Klepek, Ph.D. •Seminars: Ing. Sarath Thulaseedharan Mallika, MBA Course objectives The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the specifics of companies with an emphasis on retailing, which has in developed countries received considerable attention for its importance not only in terms of job creation, contribution to GDP, but also in meeting the needs of customers - consumers as the main criteria for success of a trading company. The course focuses on major development component, which are large and medium-sized companies, but may also serve small businesses who want to succeed in the market alongside large companies and various trade associations. Course literature • Presentations will be in the IS SU. • Books are in the library: • ZENTES, J., MORSCHETT, D. and H. SCHRAMM-KLEIN, 2011. Strategic Retail Management. • COX, E., 2012. Retail Analytics: The Secret Weapon. • KOTLER, P. and K. L. LANE, 2012. Marketing Management. • SHARP, B., 2013. Marketing: theory, evidence, practice. Course content Lectures Date Introduction to retail management 26.9.2023 Types of retail organisations 3.10.2023 Retail formats and players in retailing 10.10.2023 Marketing research in retail 17.10.2023 Retail empirical laws 24.10.2023 Store location – trading area analysis 31.10.2023 Ongoing test 7.11.2023 Pricing strategies in retailing 14.11.2023 Merchandising and category management 21.11.2023 Marketing communication and advertising 28.11.2023 Strategic marketing in retailing 5.12.2023 Retail branding and positioning 12.12.2023 Course requirements • Active participation on case studies during seminars 60% • Experiential Exercise during semester • Ongoing test (7.11.2023) • Essay in a form of one pager on possible future of retailing • Final exam January and February 2024 Course requirements evaluation • Students have to pass all the activities: Activity Points Experiential Exercise 25 Essay 25 Ongoing test 20 Exam 40 Active participation • Active participation on case studies during seminars 60% means being present not just physically but also mentally. • Handing in the results of individual or teamwork is a sign of active participation. Experiential Exercise • The students in each class will be organized into teams. Each team of students will visit a chosen retail shop in Karviná or in their place (Tesco, Lidl, Kaufland, Hruška, Billa) and observe the retail mix adopted by the store (i.e. merchandise, location, customer service, store design, pricing and promotion). The team should further examine the competitive advantages compared to other stores that sell similar merchandise. You may purchase some products by yourself and analyze the purchase experiences to assist your evaluation of the retail mix. • Each team will present the findings in the seminar (about 20 minutes for each team) and make recommendations on how the chosen retailer might improve the retail mix in order to achieve growth in sales or profit. • Details will further be explained in the class. Ongoing test • Written form, test + open ended questions • 7.11.2023 (if there is no activity for international students) Essay • Written essay on one page with your own thoughts and predictions. • Topic is „Future of retailing“ • Deadline 5.12.2023 • At least 2500 characters • Structure: introduction, main idea, conclusions • 3 students failed by using AI last year • Use AI to help you not to do the job instead of you Final exam • Discussion about essay (10p) • One selected topic for examination (30p) • The topics will be the same as lecture topics Course grading Grade Points A 100 - 110 B 90 - 99 C 80 - 89 D 70 - 79 E 60 - 69