Retail management Retail types Typology of retail stores • There are 7 main types of retailers which can be defined by the size of their business and the way they in which they sell their products: 1. Department Store 2. Supermarkets / Hypermarkets 3. Warehouse retailers 4. Speciality retailers 5. Speciality warehouse 6. Convenienec store 7. Discount retailer 8. E-tail 1. Department store • This type of retailer is often the most complex offering a wide range of products and can appear as a collection of smaller retail stores managed by one company. • The department store retailers offer products at various pricing levels. • This type of retailer adds high levels of customer service by adding convenience enabling a large variety of products to be purchased from one retailer. 1. Department store • Range of products: wide, deep including food, restaurant (refreshment), "comprehensive shopping under one roof„ • Prices: medium and higher at medium and higher quality goods • Localization: city centers, regional shopping malls • Trends: stagnation due to the market saturation 2. Supermarket/Hypermarket • Generally this type of retailer concentrates in supplying a range of food and beverage products. • However many have now diversified and supply products from the home, fashion and electrical products markets too. • Supermarkets and hypermarkets have significant buying power and therefore often retail goods with reasonable margin. • Supermarkets: 400 - 2 500 m2 • Hypermarkets: from 2 500 m2 2. Supermarket/Hypermarket • Range of products: comprehensive range of food and basic non-food goods • Prices: medium at a standsrd quality level of goods • Localization: residential areas with an accessibility range of 400 - 700 m according to the density of the area, city boundaries with access roads and parking • Form of sale: self-service combined with counter sale • Trend: slows down due to saturation of the market, rebuilding and innovations are starting 3 Warehouse retailers •This type of retailer is usually situated in retail or Business Park and where premises rents are lower. •This enables this type of retailer to stock, display and retail a large variety of good at very competitive prices. 3 Warehouse retailers •Range of products: comprehensive range of food and basic non-food goods •Prices: lower due lower logistic expenses •Localization: suburbs, city exits with access roads and parking •Form of sale: self-service •Trends: stagnation due to increasing customer convenience requirements 4 Speciality retailers •Specialising in specific industries or products, this type of retailer is able to offer the customer expert knowledge and a high level of service. •They also add value by offering accessories and additional related products at the same outlet. •Examples are cycling, skiing, office supplies, footwear, fashion, computer technology, cosmetics, photo. 4 Speciality retailers •Range of products: very narrow with considerable depth, goods of occasional and long-term consumption prevail •Prices: higher, sales with specialized services (costs of professional staff) •Localization: city centres and shopping malls, deparmtent stores •Trend: growing 5 Speciality warehouse •Specialising in specific industries or products, this type of retailer is able to offer the customer expert knowledge and a high level of service. •From 800m2 and more. •Examples are IKEA, HORNBACH, DECATHLON, OBI, SCONTO. 5 Speciality warehouse •Range of products: very narrow with considerable depth •Prices: low to medium •Localization: suburbs, city exits with access roads and parking •Form of sale: self-service •Trends: fast development at the expense of specialized stores 6. Convenience retailer •Usually located in residential areas this type of retailer offers a limited range of products at premium prices due to the added value of convenience. •Some of them has long open hours and provide customers with products of daily consumption. 6. Convenience retailer •Range of products: medium wide with a small depth, focusing on daily necessities with a significant dominance of food •Prices: higher •Localization: countryside and less dense urban areas •Form of sale: self-service combined with counter sale •Trends: decrease due to the concentration of supermarkets and shopping centers 7. Discount retailer •This type of retailer offers a variety of discounted products. •They offer low prices on less fashionable branded products from a range of suppliers by reselling end of line and returned goods at discounted prices. 7. Discount retailer •Range of products: up to 800 items, narrow with a small depth •Prices: lower •Localization: residential areas with an accessibility range of 400 - 700 m according to the density of the area, city boundaries with access roads and parking •Form of sale: self-service •Trends: stagnation 8. E-tailer •This type of retailer enables customers to shop on-line via the internet and buy products which are then delivered. •This type of retailer is highly convenient and is able to supply a wider geographic customer base. •E-tailers often have lower rent and overheads so offer very competitive pricing. 8. E-tailer •E-tail is emerging and complementing (not replacing) brick and mortar. •Drugs, fresh fruits and vegetables are convenient to buy offline. •Electronics, hobby and books are good examples of e-tail use. Thank you for your attention