Strategic Marketing
Ing. Michal Stoklasa, Ph.D.
Strategic Marketing
zima 2023
Welcome to the course Strategic Marketing!
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Organization of teaching, communication, evaluation

  • Syllabus: a link to the course syllabus can be found by expanding the "Info" item to the right below the introductory image on the main page of the interactive course syllabus..
  • Scheduleteacher (incl. The link to the personal cards), the summary of the course (exams, points ...) after logging in to IS SU using the "Student" tile by opening the menu for the given course.
Course objectives

Strategic marketing builds on the marketing and management courses and develops the knowledge acquired in these subjects. Its aim is to promote theoretical and methodological basis of these disciplines, to support their interdisciplinary links and to get students to be able to comprehensively evaluate complex practical phenomena and processes. The strategic nature of the subject requires students to know the basics of research, problem solving and research activities, and be able to transform the results of research into theory and into practical business and marketing projects. The students in this course address practical examples by utilizing the acquired knowledge. Content of this subject is directly linked to other mandatory and optional subjects including a diploma thesis.

Course organization

Course requirements

Attendance in seminars 50%.

Ongoing written test – maximum 15 points. 

Final written exam – maximum 40 points.

You need at least 60 % of points, see Evaluation below.


A: 55-52 pts.

B: 51-48 pts.

C: 47-43 pts.

D: 42-38 pts.

E: 37-33 pts.

F: 32 and less pts.

Structure of lectures

1.Introduction to Strategic Marketing.

2.Strategic Marketing Management.

3.Strategic Marketing Process.

4.External Micro Analysis.

5.Internal Micro Analysis.

6.Business to Business (B2B).

7.Introduction to Strategies.

8.Product Policy.

9.Pricing Policy.

10.Marketing Communications Policy.

11.Distribution Policy.

12. Online marketing

Course description

1. Methodology of Strategic Marketing

The differences between Strategic Marketing and Strategic Management are examined, with focus on strategic thinking. The basic concept of marketing is thoroughly explained, with its evolution. Subsequently, the evolution of strategic marketing is characterized. The difference between strategy and tactics is also explained. 

2. Strategic Marketing Management

The overall process of strategic marketing management is explained, with its main steps of vision, mission, analyses, strategic goals, and strategy. Each of these steps is thoroughly explained with examples of real life successful and failed applications. 

3. Business Model Canvas

Business model canvas is examined as a modern way of designing marketing strategy. Subsequently Value proposition canvas and Lean canvas are explained.

4. Situation Analysis

Various approaches to marketing situation analysis are examined. Marketing macro and micro environment are chosen as best to describe analytical methods needed. For macro environment, the PEST analysis is explained. For micro environment, the 3C of customers, competition and collaborators is explained, with internal micro environment only a few selected are examined, mainly SWOT and 5F analysis. Each of these areas is completed with several special analyses.

5. Marketing Strategy

All the necessary steps to form a marketing strategy are examined. Various generic strategies are explained, such as Porter’s, Kotler’s, general strategies and others. Then each of the four marketing P’s (product, price, place, and promotion) is thoroughly explained with its own detailed strategies. 

6. B2B market

Business to business market is vastly different to business to customer market (B2C) and requires different strategic approach. First, the main differences of B2B and B2C are examined. Several specialized processes are dealt with in greater detail, such as purchasing behavior of companies. Lastly, the new trends on B2B are examined.

7. Customer Relationship Management

One of the hottest trends in marketing is the transition from transactional marketing to relationship marketing. CRM is the manifestation of this trend, being a new marketing paradigm. First, the ERP systems are examined, as these are the basis for CRM. Then, the function of CRM system is thoroughly explained. Lastly, CRM is explained as a part of marketing strategy.


You can use the following options for communication in the subject:

  • for public communication between students or students and the teacher you can use the discussion forum.
  • You can also contact the teacher via e-mail - in this way you can arrange an online private consultation in MS-Teams (or a consultation at the faculty).
  • use the maximum planned full-time (on-line) teaching to contact the teacher.

Other IS options related to communication and information

  • collaborate with colleagues or help colleagues by sharing their materials, notes.
  • get notifications about changes in the selected subject folder.
  • information on scoring or grading can be found during the semester in notebooks.


CHERNEV, A., 2019. Strategic Marketing Management – The Framework. Chicago: Cerebellum Press. ISBN: 978-1936572595.

KOTLER, P., G. ARMSTRONG a M. O. OPRESNIK, 2018. Principles of marketing. Harlow, England: Pearson. ISBN 978-1-292-22017-8.


CHERNEV, A., 2020. The Marketing Plan Handbook. Chicago: Cerebellum Press. ISBN-13: 978-1936572670.

MALHOTRA, N. K., D. NUNAN a D. F. BIRKS, 2017. Marketing research: an applied approach. New York: Pearson. ISBN 9781292103129. 

ROSENBAUM-ELLIOTT, R., L. PERCY a S. PERVAN, 2019. Strategic brand management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780198797807.

Lecture 1 - Introduction to Strategic Marketing

Introduction to Strategic Marketing

This lecture explains the general information about the course, the basics of Marketing, Strategic Marketing, and recapitulates basic Marketing principles. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

What does marketing mean for you?

5 minutes, use the white-board in MS Teams, 5 minutes discussion, on-site and on-line students take turns.

Do you know what is the difference between tangible goods and intagible services?

5 minutes, use the white-board in MS Teams, 5 minutes discussion, on-site and on-line students take turns.

What are the trends in macro environment in your home country?

5 minutes, use the white-board in MS Teams, 5 minutes discussion, on-site and on-line students take turns.


Apply your knowledge of Strategic Marketing on Twigs Ltd., which manufactures wooden chairs in 5 different variants. The company is new, regional, 3rd year on the market. It is growing by 30 % every year. Has 5 employees already. Create for them: vision, mission, suggest what analysis should be done and why, set strategic objectives, what strategy to choose and why, set marketing mix.

Task is with teacher supervision (meaning I will be constantly checking on you working in class and will be available in Teams to guide you through the process).

20 minutes for the task, 10 minutes discussion.

Lecture 2 - Strategic Marketing Management

Strategic Marketing Management

This lecture introduces the students into the strategic marketing management, its strategic process, strategies and tactics. In the final part, the lecture focuses on Business Model Canvas. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

What are the everyday tasks that top, middle and operative managers do?

10 minutes white-board, 5 minutes discussion.

What is your strategy in life? What goals do you have and what is the path to accomplish them?

10 minutes online document, 10 minutes discussion.


Create BMC for the Frozen Yogurt healthier atlernative to icecream. You can choose whatever topping you like. Costs 50 CZK/100g. An example is here

20 minutes task with teacher supervision (meaning I will be constantly checking on you working in class and will be available in Teams to guide you through the process), 10 minutes discussion.

Lecture 3 - Strategic Marketing Process

Strategic Marketing Process

This lecture continues the canvas models with Lean Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas. The lecture continues with detailed explanation of company vision, mission, and planning. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Create Lean Canvas for the following idea!divAbstract

20 minutes task with teacher supervision, 10 minutes discussion.


Create VPC for our faculty.

10 minutes task with teacher supervision, 5 minutes discussion.

Do you know an interesting company vision or mission?

Share with us through white-board in MS Teams.

minutes for this activity.

Lecture 4 - Marketing Analysis, part 1

Marketing Analysis, part 1

This lecture deals with the marketing analysis. In the beginning, how analysis function in marketing is explained. Later the focus is on analysis of macro environment, external micro environment and some specific analyses.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Try to create a PEST analysis for a chosen market and chosen company.

10 minutes task with teacher supervision, 10 minutes discussion.


Create personas for a coffee shop.

15 minutes work with teacher supervision, 10 minutes discussion.


Choose any analysis discussed in this lecture and try to conduct it. Share it online with us and explain.

15 minutes work with teacher supervision, 10 minutes discussion.

Lecture 5 - Marketing Analysis, part 2

Marketing Analysis, part 2

This lecture is focused on internal micro analysis, SWOT analysis and portfolio analyses. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Create SWOT analyses for selected company.

20 minutes task with teacher supervision, 10 minutes discussion.


Practice any of the portfolio analyses on the case of Samsung mobile phones.

20 minutes task with teacher supervision, 10 minutes discussion.

Lecture 6 - B2B Market

B2B Market

This lecture explains the B2B markets. It starts off with the general description of B2B and B2C differences, continues with conditions on B2B markets, and finishes off with the description of current B2B market in the Czech Republic.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Open the Vevox app and vote for marketing tools used on BB markets.

10 minutes for the whole task.


We are selling on B2B - cement, slag, stones, etc. You sell it in (tens) tons.

Design a communication campaign for B2B.

20 minutes task, 10 minutes discussion.

Lecture 7 - Introduction to Strategies

Introduction to Strategies

This lecture deals with strategies in strategic marketing. In the beginning, the way how strategies are formulated is explained. In the second part, general strategies are introduced. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

What strategic goals do you have in your life?

5 minutes white-board, 5 minutes discussion.


Imagine that you are selling meat products like salami, sausages, etc. and a new competitor from Poland invades your market – they are claiming to offer the same quality and are cheaper. Propose a strategy. 

20 minutes work, 10 minutes discussion.

Lecture 8 - Product


This lecture is focused on the explanation of product in strategic marketing. Introduced is the whole product model, value for customers, product life cycle and other general concepts. Product strategies are also characterised. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Pick any product you like and try to break it down according to the WPM, assign values and assess costs.

15 minutes work, 10 minutes discussion.


Choose one task to do:

  • What is the life cycle for various products (food products, shoes, technological devices, cars etc.)? (Google)
  • Break down portfolio for Samsung/Nike/McDonalds/etc. – what product lines, products, and why.
  • Blue ocean for e-shops.
  • Product ecosystem – which one do you use, why, what is the value there?
  • Crowdfunding – find crowdfunding portals in your country, analyse their projects, what makes them un/succesful.

20 minutes work, share online, 10 minutes discus

Lecture 9 - Price


This lecture about pricing policy in strategic marketing. Introduced are the general concepts of pricing, value, meaning of price, calculation equation, price elasticity etc. The later part of the lecture is focused on pricing strategies. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
1. How do you order online? (explain the whole process)

2. How do you compare value and prices?

3. Have you noticed any pricing strategies by companies? (if yes, explain functionality)

10 minutes discussion.


Break down product portfolio of Samsung mobile phones and explain the pricing.

20 minutes work, supervised, 10 minutes discussion.

Lecture 10 - Marketing Communication

Marketing Communication

This lecture explains the communication, communication model, marketing communication tools and strategies. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Create and AIDA model for an advertisement in a magazine.

15 minutes work, 10 minutes discussion.

What are the most used social media in your country?

What type of content consumers prefer there?

10 minutes moderated discussion.

What message source do consumers prefer in your home country?

10 minutes moderated discussion.


Create a marketing communication campaign for a chosen company / product.

Justify the goal, target audiences, message, tools, media, timing etc.

20 minutes work, 10 minutes discussion.

Lecture 11 - Distribution


This lecture is about the basic distribution terminology and distribution strategies.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Answer the questions in Vevox.

10 minutes moderated discussion.


Design a distribution strategy for a selected product.

20 minutes work with teacher supervision, 10 minutes moderated discussion.

Lecture 12 - Online Communication

Online Communication

This lecture covers the online communication with all its tools, but mainly the content marketing and designing its campaign.

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Choose one of your favorite companies and analyse what content they are doing. Why do you think they do this type of content?

10 minutes work, 5 minutes discussion.


With the newly-achieved knowledge - what content should your selected company do and why?

10 minutes work, 10 minutes discussion.


For your selected company, design a content strategy and what specific content should be done and why.

20 minutes work with teacher supervision, feedback online.

Study materials

Information on materials

All necessary materials can be found in the course materials folder. 

The course is structured into 12 lecture blocks, see the organizational block and the 1st lecture, hence the 12 Powerpoint presentations. 

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Tests, tasks

Tasks, voluntary work

Here you will find a link to the submission folder where you can upload your optional tasks and bonus tasks.

Domácí úkoly, sběr souborů.