Semester-Long Team Project Instructions
Project Overview: This semester-long project aims to provide students with hands-on experience in applying marketing principles to a real-world scenario. Students will work in teams to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for a chosen product or service. The project will culminate in a detailed report to be submitted in the last week of the course.
- Objective: Apply marketing concepts learned in class to a real-world scenario.
- Teams: Formed in the first week, consisting of 4-6 students combining onsite and online students.
- Check-ins: Each seminar will include a brief 1-minute check-in to ensure teams are on track. In-depth team discussions will be part of homework workload.
Project Milestones:
Week 1: Team Formation and Topic Selection
- Task: Form teams and select a product or service.
- Deliverable: Submit team member names and selected topic to the instructor by the end of the week.
Week 2: Initial Research and Project Plan
- Task: Conduct initial research on the chosen product/service and outline the project plan.
- Deliverable: Submit a brief summary of initial research and project plan.
Week 3: Marketing Environment Analysis
- Task: Perform a PESTEL analysis to understand the marketing environment.
- Deliverable: Submit a detailed PESTEL analysis.
Week 4: Consumer Behavior Analysis
- Task: Research the target market and consumer behavior.
- Deliverable: Submit a report on consumer behavior insights.
Week 5: Market Segmentation
- Task: Develop market segmentation based on consumer behavior research.
- Deliverable: Submit the segmentation strategy.
Week 6: Marketing Strategy Development
- Task: Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy for the product/service.
- Deliverable: Submit a summary of the marketing strategy.
Week 7: Positioning Statement
- Task: Create a positioning statement for the product/service.
- Deliverable: Submit the positioning statement.
Week 8: Product Strategy (Marketing Mix)
- Task: Plan the product strategy including features, benefits, and branding.
- Deliverable: Submit the product strategy.
Week 9: Pricing Strategy (Marketing Mix)
- Task: Develop a pricing strategy for the product/service.
- Deliverable: Submit the pricing strategy.
Week 10: Distribution Strategy (Marketing Mix)
- Task: Plan the distribution strategy for the product/service.
- Deliverable: Submit the distribution strategy.
Week 11: Promotion Strategy (Marketing Mix)
- Task: Develop the marketing communication plan.
- Deliverable: Submit the promotion strategy.
Week 12: Integration and Final Report
- Task: Integrate all elements into a cohesive marketing plan and finalize the report.
- Deliverable: Submit the final marketing plan report by the end of the week.
Report Structure:
The final report should be comprehensive and professionally presented. It should include the following sections:
Title Page
- Project title
- Team member names
- Course name and code
- Instructor name
- Date of submission
Table of Contents
- Include page numbers for each section.
Executive Summary
- A brief overview of the marketing plan, highlighting key points.
- Introduction to the product/service and the objectives of the marketing plan.
Marketing Environment Analysis (PESTEL)
- Detailed analysis of the external factors affecting the market.
Consumer Behavior and Market Segmentation
- Insights into target market behavior.
- Segmentation strategy and rationale.
Marketing Strategy and Positioning
- Overall marketing strategy.
- Positioning statement and strategy.
Marketing Mix
- Product: Features, benefits, and branding.
- Price: Pricing strategy and rationale.
- Place: Distribution strategy.
- Promotion: Marketing communication plan.
Integrated Marketing Plan
- Comprehensive plan integrating all elements of the marketing mix.
- Summary of the marketing plan and expected outcomes.
- List of all sources cited in the report.
Appendices (if applicable)
- Any additional material that supports the report.
Submission Guidelines:
- The report should be submitted in electronic format (PDF) via the IS SU system.
- Ensure the report is well-organized, free of grammatical errors, and professionally formatted.
Grading Criteria:
- Research and Analysis: Depth and relevance of research and analysis.
- Strategy and Planning: Clarity, coherence, and creativity of the marketing strategy and plan.
- Integration: Effective integration of all elements of the marketing mix.
- Presentation: Professionalism and organization of the final report.
- Team Collaboration: Evidence of effective teamwork and collaboration throughout the project.
Additional Support:
- Regular brief check-ins with the instructor during seminar sessions.
- Access to online resources in IS SU subject folder.
Final Note: This project is an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to a practical scenario, develop teamwork skills, and produce a professional marketing plan. It will require consistent effort and collaboration throughout the semester.
40% of the course grade is at stake. Good luck!