Evaluation of the level of use of socially responsible activities (CSR) in the company / organization CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – PEM/NACSR Name, middle name and surname: SU OPF Winter term 2024/2025 CONTENT 1. Introduction Introduction of the company/organisation, how it approaches socially responsible activities, initial definition of the entity's relationship to CSR/ESG. 2. The approach of the company / organization to the social pillar What activities are used, planned to be used, how they are measured, evaluated, etc. The aim is not to copy everything the organisation does, but to give the main facts. 3. The approach of the company / organization to the environmental pillar What activities are used, planned to be used, how they are measured, evaluated, etc. The aim is not to copy everything the organisation does, but to give the main facts. 4. The approach of the company / organization to the economic pillar What activities are used, planned to be used, how they are measured, evaluated, etc. The aim is not to copy everything the organisation does, but to give the main facts. 5. How the company / organization approaches evaluation (use of socially responsible activities) and what is the main motivator / demotivator in the use of socially responsible activities Whether there are company mechanisms for collecting ESG data, whether there is ESG monitoring, whether the company evaluates these activities and uses them as a strategic management tool or as green marketing, etc. 6. What are the advantages / disadvantages of the company / organization when it uses / does not use socially responsible activities Identify the main benefits and drawbacks associated with ESG, monitoring activities and add some advantages or disadvantages if the entity is or is not responsible (e.g. perception of the entity, its products, influence on stakeholder behaviour, compliance with mandatory regulations, etc. 7. How does the company / organization approach to informing its interest groups (stakeholders) about its socially responsible activities Identify how the company communicates to its stakeholders, whether it has a specific strategy or is it ad hoc, what is the narrative value of the information, misuse of information, misleading consumers, greenwashing activities, manipulation of stakeholders, etc. What form of communication it uses, frequency, whether it evaluates this communication or is passive, etc. 8. Whether the company / organization seeks / has an appropriate form of certification Whether the entity has some certification in CSR, ESG (audited reports), product certification, participation in CSR competitions, meets supply chain standards, is part of CSR/Sustainability ratings, etc. 9. Conclusion Summarize the main findings and formulate your recommendations for the company/organization. Resources used: 1. CSR Report... 2. Internal material.... Recommendations: Choose an entity according to your interest (e.g. you want to know details about the company, it is an inspiration to you, you care about what and how the company implements/manufactures, etc.) The aim is to demonstrate your knowledge in the application level, for the evaluation of the selected entity and to demonstrate orientation in the given issue (CSR/ESG) and to be able to draw an adequate conclusion - the output of the given evaluation in the form of specific recommendations (these have the highest added value for the entity and for you). To obtain information - there is room for a combination of different approaches - whether desk research within CSR reports, annual reports, websites, internal documents, AI tools, etc. or proactive collection in the form of self-questioning, context finding, internal/external stakeholder perspectives, etc. The aim is not to copy CSR reports or other documentation, but to process the relevant information from them as required in the given structure of the seminar paper template.