Úvod do studia
Úvod do studia
Winter 2023

Veškeré potřebné informace studenti naleznou ve studijní opoře v IS SU a také na úvodní přednášce.

V případě potřeby kdykoliv kontaktujte vyučujícího.

Teacher recommends to study from 25/9/2023 to 8/10/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 9/10/2023 to 22/10/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 23/10/2023 to 5/11/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 6/11/2023 to 19/11/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 20/11/2023 to 3/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study until 15/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study until 15/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study until 15/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study until 15/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study until 15/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study until 15/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study until 15/12/2023.
