Psychosocial Dynamics Across the Lifespan
Mgr. Nataša Matulayová, PhD., BSBA
Psychosocial Dynamics Across the Lifespan
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Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory (Erikson): Introducing key stages such as Trust vs. Mistrust and Autonomy vs. Shame Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner): Understanding the multiple layers (microsystem to macrosystem) that influence development Bowlby’s Attachment Theory (Bowlby, Ainsworth): Examining secure versus insecure attachments within the family context

Teacher recommends to study now - from 6/3/2025.
Psychosocial Dynamics Session 1 060325
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Teacher recommends to study from 13/3/2025 to 19/3/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 20/3/2025 to 26/3/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 27/3/2025 to 2/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 3/4/2025 to 9/4/2025.