Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 17/2/2025 to 23/2/2025.
Sciascia, Leonardo, Il giorno della civetta, pp. 9-35 1. Che cosa hanno in comune le parole: sordo, nel grigio, (9), morto, vecchie (10) 2. Esaminare la formazione delle parole p. 9, 10 3. Esaminare l’ordine dei costituenti dalla p. 12 alla p. 14, fino alla fine del primo paragrafo 4. Esaminare i tipi di frase: p. 12, 18, 19, 20, 21 5.Esaminare l’uso del passivo 6. Esaminare gli elementi linguistici della modalità epistemica (EM) nelle pp. 16, 18, 19, 22, 23 7. Esaminare diversi tipi di periodo ipotetico
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 24/2/2025 to 2/3/2025.
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 3/3/2025 to 9/3/2025.
Study now
Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study now - from 10/3/2025 to 16/3/2025.
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 17/3/2025 to 23/3/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 24/3/2025 to 30/3/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 31/3/2025 to 6/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 7/4/2025 to 13/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 14/4/2025 to 20/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 21/4/2025 to 27/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 28/4/2025 to 4/5/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 5/5/2025 to 11/5/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 12/5/2025 to 18/5/2025.