doc. PaedDr. Vlasta Cabanová, PhD.
léto 2024
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 19. 2. 2024 do 25. 2. 2024.

In modern concept pedagogy is a science about education. Pedagogy, andragogy and geragogy as practical sciences do not fulfill the strict criteria of scientism as physics or biology; they do not have maturity of practical branches of medical sciences of this methodological model of homogenous cognitive-transformational paradigm (Švec). Pedagogy - examines educational process - looks for generally valid rules Pedagogy as a science in the period of socialism was deformed by the overestimating of normative side of pedagogical science. In accordance with worldwide trends (we mentioned Freinberg who says that pedagogy should provide neutral description of how educational mechanisms work) we must say that the role of pedagogy is explanation, i.e. explication and clarification of pedagogical causes and phenomena. Therefore pedagogy must be neutral. Right at the beginning I will disturb the image of those, who assume that contemporary pedagogy is a kind of universal, unanimously accepted science. UNANIMOUS CONCEPTION OF PEDAGOGY IN THE WORLD DOES NOT EXIST NOWADAYS. Pedagogy as a science has different variants which differentiate according to: - authors, - theoretical movements, - cultural orientation, - given country. Pedagogy in our country was based mainly on psychology. In German speaking countries pedagogy developed as a monodisciplinary branch with a strong orientation on philosophy and hermeneutics. In German textbook by Kaiser – Kaiser is an analysis of anthropological bases of education, because they see in education something what occurs in all cultures: “everywhere were people educated and everywhere are people educated”. In France pedagogy is understood as one of the group of social sciences as an interdisciplinary branch with strong orientation on sociology, social economics and anthropology. The closest connection is that with sociology. Sociology is orientated on social relations and processes of learning running at school. In English speaking countries as well as in international scholarly communication the term educational science is used instead of the term pedagogy. All movements and streams have this in common: PEDAGOGY DEALS WITH EDUCATION in the human society, IT DEALS WITH INTERACTION BETWEEN TEACHERS AND PUPILS, IT EXPLAINS PHENOMENA OF LEARNING AND TEACHING. The connection of education and schooling Education and schooling are mutually connected processes. These two categories and their lower sub-concepts are complementary, in the European pedagogical thesaurus, which was published in Czech in 1992, are words education and schooling replaced by one single word education. Modern conception of pedagogy in our country is represented by professor Štefan Švec, who is in accordance with European terminology. The conception of his understanding of pedagogy in modern conception of sciences about education: Pedagogy deals with education and schooling of children and youth. Anthropogogy deals with education and schooling of adults. Gerontology deals with education and schooling of older people. All these branches, sciences about education are included in anthropogogy. We must accept this new understanding like it is in the European Thesaurus (European dictionary of codified international pedagogical terms, which was published by UNESCO in 1991), which was published in Czech Republic in 1992.

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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 26. 2. 2024 do 3. 3. 2024.
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 4. 3. 2024 do 10. 3. 2024.
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 11. 3. 2024 do 17. 3. 2024.
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 18. 3. 2024 do 24. 3. 2024.
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 25. 3. 2024 do 31. 3. 2024.
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 1. 4. 2024 do 7. 4. 2024.
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 8. 4. 2024 do 14. 4. 2024.
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 15. 4. 2024 do 21. 4. 2024.
Kapitola obsahuje:
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Učitel doporučuje studovat od 22. 4. 2024 do 28. 4. 2024.