Dějiny a reálie Itálie 1
Mgr. Jaroslava Malá
Dějiny a reálie Itálie 1

stručný přehled italských dějin do sjednocení

Teacher recommends to study from 27/9/2023 to 3/10/2023.

přehled obyvatel Apeninského poloostrova před vznikem Říma; Etruskové

Teacher recommends to study from 4/10/2023 to 10/10/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 11/10/2023 to 17/10/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 18/10/2023 to 24/10/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 25/10/2023 to 31/10/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 1/11/2023 to 7/11/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 8/11/2023 to 14/11/2023.

samostatná práce

Teacher recommends to study from 15/11/2023 to 21/11/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 22/11/2023 to 28/11/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 29/11/2023 to 5/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 6/12/2023 to 12/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 13/12/2023 to 19/12/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 20/12/2023 to 26/12/2023.