- 1.What is the course opinion poll?The course opinion poll, which is anonymous, provides teachers and their superiors with useful feedback related to their courses. The information is collected via an electronic questionnaire only filled out by the students enrolled in these.
- 2.Is the poll really anonymous?Yes, it is. The University guarantees that the respondent's identity will never be disclosed to anyone. That is also why there is no way of finding out whether he/she has really used his/her name or someone else's when signing his/her additional comments (provided he/she did so). For further information, please read through the section on the opinion poll anonymity.
- 3.What courses do students provide their answers for?Students can only answer the questions related to the courses they have signed up for in the current term. They do so for every teacher the following way: Answers are provided for the teachers listed in the Course Catalogue as lecturers separately and, if no seminar group has been created for the course selected, also for the teachers listed as seminar tutors. No answers are provided for the ones listed as alternate examiners, assistants, or deputies. If a course has no teacher specified, it is included in the opinion poll as the one with no teacher assigned. Students also provide answers to the questions related to the seminar groups in which they have enrolled. Provided a seminar group has several teachers assigned, they do so for these separately. If there is a seminar group which has no teacher specified, it is included in the opinion poll as the one with no teacher assigned. The courses in the opinion poll thus have the following specifications:
- name of the course and that of its teacher
- name of the course
- name of the course, seminar group ID, and name of the teacher of the seminar group
- name of the course and seminar group ID
- 4.Jak zadám instrukce k anketě?If you want to get students feedback about your subject to a specific topic, you can specify custom instructions inTeacher Students .. Instructions for studentsInstructions can be copied from the previous period. Students receive instructio n during filling the polls the open answers in front of open answer.
[1] show students the instructions in a poll - 5.What information is collected and how much of it is made public?The course opinion poll questionnaire lists the following items:
Interesting x uninteresting completely uninteresting .................. very interesting Beneficial or not not beneficial at all ..................... very beneficial Difficulty very easy ................................. very difficult Demands on preparation very easy .............................. .. very difficult Study material accessibility unavailable ............................... readily available Way of teaching not at all ................................ very much Teacher as a specialist I do not consider him/her a specialist .... I consider him/her a specialist
Students provide their feedback by selecting one of the eleven values making up the evaluation scale. After the poll closes, the following information is made public:- average values calculated for the course and teacher
- The average values are calculated from all the values selected for the course and its teacher.
- standard deviation
- The standard deviation indicates the dispersion of selected values around the mean. The narrower it is, the more consistent in the selection the respondents are.
- faculty mean
- The faculty mean is calculated from all the values selected for a certain item in all the courses (offered by the faculty in the same term) and their teachers.
- 6.Who can view the poll results and when do they become accessible?The opinion poll opens two weeks before the end of teaching period at the earliest and closes before February 15 (applies to the autumn terms) or July 15 (applies to the spring terms). The opening and closing are done automatically. Students can change their answers (i.e. the values they have selected) or edit their additional comments repeatedly any time during the period the poll is open. The opinion poll results become available only after the poll closes. Besides, these are only accessible to teachers (all) and those of the students who have provided a sufficient number of answers (selected a sufficient number of values). The teachers listed under the course as lecturers can access all the results related to it, whereas those listed under the course as seminar tutors can only access the results pertaining to their seminar groups. The reason why the results always become available only after the poll closes is that these might otherwise influence the feedback provided by the students who have not participated in it yet. The respondent's additional comments are not made public and they can only be read by the teacher of the course, its guarantor, and users with the appropriate access right (usually Dean or another person authorized by the faculty). The statistics indicating how many respondents have already provided their answers are usually made available during the period the poll is under way.
- 7.Where are the course opinion poll results located?Following the end of the response collection period, the results may be found here:Teacher Students .. Course opinion poll: results
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