- 1.What is automated document conversion?
It is the conversion of an electronic document into a documentary form with an endorsement. There is a distinction between non-automated and automated conversion, both of which differ in output. The output of an automated conversion has higher protection than the output of a non-automated conversion.
Conversion means:
- the complete conversion of a document in documentary form into a document contained in a data message or data file in a manner that ensures that the content of these documents is identical, and the attachment of a conversion clause; or
- the complete conversion of a document contained in a data message or data file into a document in documentary form in a manner ensuring that the content of those documents is consistent and a conversion clause is attached.
The conversion clause shall be stored in the central repository of verification clauses. Documents in a data message or data file which are the input or output of a conversion may be stored in the CzechPOINT document repository.
The conversion can be performed by public authorities for internal use free of charge, it is a so-called ex officio conversion. Conversions are also carried out for a fee by public administration contact points (CzechPOINT), i.e. conversion on request.
Konverzi mohou provádět orgány veřejné moci pro vnitřní potřebu zdarma, jedná se o tzv. konverze z moci úřední. Konverzi dále provádějí za úplatu kontaktní místa veřejné správy (CzechPOINT), jedná se o tzv. konverzi na žádost.
Conversion on request is intended for the public. Conversion on request is carried out by all public administration contact points - Czech POINT (https://www.czechpoint.cz/public/verejnost/co-jak-kde/).
- 2.What is the procedure for converting electronic documents?
A document contained in a data message or data file to be converted into paper form must bear a valid qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal.
The fee for conversion is 30 CZK per page. The minimum format of the conversion output is A4.
The verification clause for the authorized conversion is an output from the CzechPOINT system, the verification clause according to § 69a of the Archive Act contains:
- the designation of the entity that carried out the conversion,
- the number of sheets of which the converted document consists,
- information on the existence of a visible element which cannot be fully transferred to the document in digital form,
- the date of the authentication clause,
- the name and surname of the natural person who carried out the conversion.
- 3.What is a document conversion clause and what is its meaning?
When an electronic document is converted into a documentary form, a conversion clause is added to the document. Each of these conversion clauses is kept by the Czech POINT system in a central register of all conversion clauses on the basis of Act No. 300/2008 Coll., on electronic acts and authorised document conversion. The authenticity of the issued authorised conversion can be verified at this place, i.e. it can be verified that the document is really the same as the electronic one.
1 Sample clause for conversion to a documentary document (conversion from electronic to documentary form). Taken from the document "Konverze elektronických a listinných dokumentů", Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky, Praha, 2022 (https://www.mvcr.cz/soubor/konverze-elektronickych-a-listinnych-dokumentu-prakticky-pruvodce-a-radce-urednika.aspx)
The central repository of the authentication clauses is located at the following address:
On the above page it is possible to verify the document that was created by performing the conversion. In order to check, you must enter the number of the conversion in the Verification Clause Identification Number field.
If the clause identification number cannot be found in the system, the document cannot be considered to have been created by an authorised conversion.
1 Application for verification of conversion clauses.
- 4.The importance of the custody of transferred documents
The document repository serves as a support system for document conversion. The document store allows temporary storage of documents as part of the conversion process. The document store is located at
If the conversion to documentary form is carried out, it is possible to store the file to be converted in the depository; after storing the file in the depository, it is necessary to print a conversion ticket which will enable the file to be traced at the contact point of the public administration – Czech POINT. The document to be converted is stored in the depository for 30 days. After that it is deleted.
When converting a document in paper form into a document in digital form, the file created by the conversion can be stored in the depository. The document will be stored there for 30 days.
The following types of documents can be stored in the repository for conversion purposes:
- a document in PDF version 1.3 or higher, bearing a qualified electronic signature or a qualified electronic seal,
- an FO or ZFO file containing the original data message.
1 Application for temporary storage of electronic documents to be converted.
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