Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics – Katalog oborů SU
Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics |
- relativistic physics and astrophysics
- theoretical nuclear and sub-nuclear physics
- quantum theory of multi particle systems
Other topics, such as topics dealing with astrophysical applications of nuclear and sub-nuclear physics or quantum theory of multi particle (molecules) systems, will be considered.
The acquired knowledge and skills can also be very effectively applied in research institutes and industrial companies dealing with modeling of physical processes (eg. in the field of hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, elasticity, and others). Acquired skills in working with computer methods can be applied anywhere in industry, services and public administration. For more information please visit
vědecko-výzkumný pracovník, odborný asistent na VŠ, post doktorand, analytik, vedoucí programátor, fyzik
Aktivní studenti