Theoretical Physics – Field of study catalogue SU
Theoretical Physics |
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The field of study will deepen the knowledge of theoretical physics. Prepares for application in a number of areas of classical and modern physics, mathematics and informatics; meets the needs of independent scientific work. Provides knowledge of computer modeling of physical processes with knowledge of numerical methods and special mathematical software, preparing for development of software products. In the specialization / field of Theoretical Physics emphasis on knowledge from classical, relativistic and quantum physics.
After acquiring general knowledge in all areas of theoretical physics, graduates can focus in more detail on areas of relativistic physics and astrophysics, partical physics, or quantum theory of atoms and molecules. A significant aspect of the studies is computer modeling of physical processes which requires the knowledge of numerical methods and special mathematical software as well as creating personalised software products.
Graduates will be ready to participate in basic or applied research, in engineering companies or in services. However, this qualification represents also a perfect building ground for further scientific work within doctoral studies, enabling PhD graduates to work at universities or research institutes. More information available online at
P1703 Physics