Degree programmes and study fields and plans
Programmes and fields
Programmes and fields
Collapse all fields Name in Czech: Celoživotní vzdělávání
lifelong learning, 5 y.
lifelong learning, 5 y.
Rek ELK ELK E-learningové kurzy
Name in Czech: E-learningové kurzy
Name in Czech: Univerzita třetího věku
lifelong learning, 1 y., language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
lifelong learning, 1 y., language of instruction: Czech
Rek PC SPC Computer literacy
Name in Czech: Počítačová gramotnost
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Rek AJ SAJ English
Name in Czech: Anglický jazyk
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: English![English English](/pics/flags_svg/gb.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: English
Rek NJM SNJM German for Intermediate Students
Name in Czech: Německý jazyk pro mírně pokročilé
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Rek IJK SIJK Konverzace v italském jazyce
Name in Czech: Konverzace v italském jazyce
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Rek IJM SIJM Italský jazyk pro mírně pokročilé
Name in Czech: Italský jazyk pro mírně pokročilé
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Rek PHIS SPHIS Selected chapters from history and museology
Name in Czech: Vybrané kapitoly z historie a muzeologie
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek PMED SPMED Media, film and art
Name in Czech: Média, film a umění
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek MM SMM Multimedia
Name in Czech: Multimédia
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek JC SJC Yoga exercises
Name in Czech: Jógová cvičení
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek VS SVS Balanced diet
Name in Czech: Vyvážené stravování
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Historie a kulturní dědictví: Cesta skrze staletí
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Rek RU3VAI SRU3VAI Artificial Intelligence
Name in Czech: Umělá inteligence
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek BT SBT Bibliotherapy
Name in Czech: Biblioterapie
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Name in Czech: Společenská etiketa a základy netikety
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Rek KOUC SKOUC Self-knowledge and self-development, or I am my own coach
Name in Czech: Sebepoznání a seberozvoj, aneb sám sobě koučem
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Name in Czech: Poznej regiony ČR všemi smysly
University of the Third Age
University of the Third Age
Rek TP STP Memory training
Name in Czech: Trénink paměti
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek I SI Italština
Name in Czech: Italština
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek CEST SCEST Traveling across continents
Name in Czech: Cestování napříč kontinenty
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek MOB SMOB Jak na "chytrý" telefon nebo tablet
Name in Czech: Jak na "chytrý" telefon nebo tablet
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek FJK SFJK Conversation in French
Name in Czech: Konverzace ve francouzském jazyce
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek NJK SNJK Conversation in German language
Name in Czech: Konverzace v německém jazyce
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek A SA English
Name in Czech: Angličtina
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek INF SINF Informatics
Name in Czech: Informatika
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek TFOT STFOT Creative photography and editing
Name in Czech: Tvůrčí fotografie a úpravy
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Rek AJK SAJK Konverzace v anglickém jazyce
Name in Czech: Konverzace v anglickém jazyce
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
University of the Third Age, language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Rozvojové programy
lifelong learning, 1 y., language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
lifelong learning, 1 y., language of instruction: Czech
Rek PREZINF SPREZINF Jak prezentovat nekomerční informace
Name in Czech: Jak prezentovat nekomerční informace
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
Rek ORIENTNO SORIENTNO Orientace na noční obloze
Name in Czech: Orientace na noční obloze
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
Rek REDHAT SREDHAT Red Hat Academy
Name in Czech: Red Hat Academy
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
Name in Czech: Programy akreditované ministerstvy
lifelong learning, 1.5 y., language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
lifelong learning, 1.5 y., language of instruction: Czech
Rek R201401 SR201401 Study of pedagogy for teachers of vocational subjects, practical training and vocational training
Name in Czech: Studium pedagogiky pro učitele odborných předmětů, praktického vyučování a odborného výcviku
extension education, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
Accreditation: 19/9/2023 – 19/9/2026
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 19/9/2023 – 19/9/2026
Rek R201701 SR201701 Study for teaching assistants
Name in Czech: Studium pro asistenty pedagoga
extension education, language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
Accreditation: 19/9/2023 – 19/9/2026
extension education, language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 19/9/2023 – 19/9/2026
Name in Czech: Zájmové a zážitkové programy
lifelong learning, 1 y., language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
lifelong learning, 1 y., language of instruction: Czech
Rek BARISTA SBARISTA Barista/O kávě a dalších nápojích
Name in Czech: Barista/O kávě a dalších nápojích
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
Rek SOMMEL SSOMMEL Sommeliér/O víně a vinařství
Name in Czech: Sommeliér/O víně a vinařství
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech![Czech Czech](/pics/flags_svg/cz.svg)
Lifelong Learning (provided on a one-off basis), language of instruction: Czech
Time the data were pre-processed: 16/2/2025 18:10