OPF EMEp Economics and Management
Name in Czech: Economics and Management
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: OPF N_EME Economics and Management

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The final state examination is oral and consists of:
    - economic part - questions from the courses Advanced microeconomics and Advanced macroeconomics
    - profile part - questions from the courses Managerial economics, Strategic management, Retail management, Strategic marketing, International financial management
    - defense of a Diploma thesis.

    Requirements for the defense of the Diploma thesis (DT)
    The Diploma thesis will be prepared by the student on a topic that corresponds to the focus of the selected programme. In the state final exams, the student presents the goals and content of a DT, selected research methods and results.
  • Requirements of the study
    The student is obliged to choose the topic of the Diploma thesis (DT) in the 1st year and to agree on the structure and the procedure for elaboration with the supervisor of DT. The choice of topic, including the supervisor of the DT, and the requisites of the DT are given in the material Dean's Instruction No. 03/2020 "The Implementation Procedure for the Description of Final Theses", and its elaboration in Dean's Instruction No. 02/2020 "Editing, Publishing and Storing Final Theses". Formally, the DT assignment is realized through the SW application Tematikon (www.tematikon.opf.slu.cz), to which students and teachers of SU SBA have access. DT is one of the most important parts of the study, so DT is awarded 20 credits. In addition, the student completes a special Master thesis seminar evaluated 7 credits. During the elaboration of his / her DT, the student demonstrates the continuity of work on the topic, the ability to think independently, problem analysis and relevant expertise.
    Within the study plan, the required exams and credits are evenly distributed throughout the study, except for the last semester, when the demands on the exams are minimized, and emphasis is placed on completing the DT. These requirements are in accordance with the number of exams / credits in other study programs at SU SBA.
    The study load per one credit is 25 hours. The courses in the study programme are usually evaluated with 5 credits, which gives the study load of one course 125 hours per semester. The total minimum number of credits that a student must obtain during his / her Master's study is 120. The total study load is 3000 hours for the entire period of study.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    - Establishment of a business corporation or international branch abroad
    - Implementation of a CRM system in a business company
    - Optimization of capital structure and leverage in the company
    - Business strategy of small and medium enterprises
    - Process management in the digitization of the company
    - The use of economic instruments in the management of a business entity
    - International marketing strategy of a selected company
    - Retail chain sales support tools
    - Online marketing communication of a selected company

    Based on the methodical instructions of the Dean of SU SBA for editing, publishing and storing students' final theses, the final theses, including the assessment of opponents and a record of the course and results of the defense, are published in the study room of the University Library of Silesian University, Karviná, both in written and electronic form. Viewing and making extracts, transcripts or reproductions is subject to records provided by the study room of the SU University Library.

Recommended progress through the study plan

Obligatory courses of EMEp MA full-time study programme

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
OPF:EVSNAAMAAdvanced Macroeconomics M. Tvrdoňzk 2/2/07 2Z
OPF:EVSNAAMIAdvanced Microeconomics M. Tvrdoňzk 2/2/07 1Z
OPF:FIUNAIFMInternational Financial Management D. Stavárekzk 2/1/06 2Z
OPF:INMNAMAEMathematics in Economics J. Mazurekzk 2/1/06 3-
OPF:INMNASDPStatistical Data Processing D. Bartlzk 2/1/06 1-
OPF:OPFNAMATMaster Thesis -z 20 4-
OPF:OPFNAMTSMaster Thesis Seminar R. Šperkaz 0/5/07 3-
OPF:PEMNAHRMHuman Resource Management J. Duháček Šebestovázk 2/1/06 2P
OPF:PEMNAMAEManagerial Economics R. Šperkazk 2/2/06 1Z
OPF:PEMNAPMOInternational Business Law D. Dudazk 2/0/05 4Z
OPF:PEMNAREMRetail Management H. Starzycznázk 2/1/06 3P
OPF:PEMNASMAStrategic Management Š. Zapletalovázk 2/1/06 1P
OPF:PEMNASMRStrategic Marketing M. Stoklasazk 2/1/06 1P
94 credits

Mandatory-elective courses of EMEp MA full-time study programme

It is necessary to obtain a minimum of 26 credits from mandatory-elective courses.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
OPF:FIUNAITSInternational Taxation and Tax Systems J. Janouškovázk 2/1/06 2-
OPF:FIUNAMACManagerial Accounting M. Skupieňovázk 1/2/06 3-
OPF:INMNARAEDecision Analysis for Managers D. Bartlzk 2/1/06 3-
OPF:PEMNABUEBusiness Environment Š. Zapletalovázk 2/0/06 4-
OPF:PEMNACOSCorporate Social Responsibility P. Adámekzk 2/0/06 3-
OPF:PEMNAINMInternational Marketing H. Starzycznázk 2/1/06 2-
OPF:PEMNAMFSMarketing of Financial Services K. Matušínskázk 2/1/06 2-
OPF:PEMNAMINManaging Innovation J. Duháček Šebestovázk 2/1/06 2-
48 credits