OPF EMEp Economics and Management
Name in Czech: Economics and Management
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: OPF N_EME Economics and Management

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
OPF:EVSNAAMIAdvanced Microeconomics M. Tvrdoňzk 2/2/07 Z P
OPF:INMNASDPStatistical Data Processing D. Bartlzk 2/1/06 - P
OPF:PEMNAMAEManagerial Economics R. Šperkazk 2/2/06 Z P
OPF:PEMNASMAStrategic Management Š. Zapletalovázk 2/1/06 P P
OPF:PEMNASMRStrategic Marketing M. Stoklasazk 2/1/06 P P
31 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
OPF:EVSNAAMAAdvanced Macroeconomics M. Tvrdoňzk 2/2/07 Z P
OPF:FIUNAIFMInternational Financial Management D. Stavárekzk 2/1/06 Z P
OPF:FIUNAITSInternational Taxation and Tax Systems J. Janouškovázk 2/1/06 - PV
OPF:PEMNAHRMHuman Resource Management J. Duháček Šebestovázk 2/1/06 P P
OPF:PEMNAINMInternational Marketing H. Starzycznázk 2/1/06 - PV
OPF:PEMNAMFSMarketing of Financial Services K. Matušínskázk 2/1/06 - PV
OPF:PEMNAMINManaging Innovation J. Duháček Šebestovázk 2/1/06 - PV
43 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
OPF:FIUNAMACManagerial Accounting M. Skupieňovázk 1/2/06 - PV
OPF:INMNAMAEMathematics in Economics J. Mazurekzk 2/1/06 - P
OPF:INMNARAEDecision Analysis for Managers D. Bartlzk 2/1/06 - PV
OPF:OPFNAMTSMaster Thesis Seminar R. Šperkaz 0/5/07 - P
OPF:PEMNACOSCorporate Social Responsibility P. Adámekzk 2/0/06 - PV
OPF:PEMNAREMRetail Management H. Starzycznázk 2/1/06 P P
37 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
OPF:OPFNAMATMaster Thesis -z 20 - P
OPF:PEMNABUEBusiness Environment Š. Zapletalovázk 2/0/06 - PV
OPF:PEMNAPMOInternational Business Law D. Dudazk 2/0/05 Z P
31 credits