OPF EMDEk Economics and Management
Name in Czech: Economics and Management
doctoral combined, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: OPF D_EME Economics and Management

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
OPF:EVSDAEKTEconomic Theories M. Tvrdoňdzk 24 hodin.15 - P
OPF:OPFDAMVPMethodology of Science and Research I. Palečkovádzk 16 hodin15 - P
30 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
OPF:FIUDAEAMEconomics and Management D. Stavárekdzk 24 hodin.15 - P
OPF:INMDAKKMQuantitative and Qualitative Methods D. Bartldzk 16 hodin.15 - P
30 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
OPF:EVSDAIVPInstitutional and Government Business Support J. Nevimadzk 16 hodin.10 - PV
OPF:FIUDAATSAccounting and Tax Systems J. Janouškovádzk 16 hodin.10 - PV
OPF:FIUDAFIRFinancial Management P. Růčkovádzk 16 hodin.10 - PV
OPF:INMDAMISManagement Information Systems P. Suchánekdzk 16 hodin.10 - PV
OPF:PEMDAMCRMarketing and Customer Relations Management H. Starzycznádzk 16 hodin.10 - PV
OPF:PEMDARPIProcess and Innovation Management R. Šperkadzk 16 hodin10 - PV
60 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
OPF:OPFDABP1Supervision of Bachelor Thesis -z 5 - V
OPF:OPFDACJ1Citation in Journal Paper Jimp, Jsc -z 5 - PV
OPF:OPFDACO1Citation in Other Publications -z 2 - PV
OPF:OPFDAJI1Journal Paper Jimp -z 30 - PV
OPF:OPFDAJIMJournal Paper Jimp -z 30 - P
OPF:OPFDAJO1Journal Paper Jost -z 5 - PV
OPF:OPFDAJS1Journal Paper Jsc -z 20 - PV
OPF:OPFDAJSCJournal Paper Jsc -z 20 - P
OPF:OPFDAKM1Chapter in Monograph -z 5 - PV
OPF:OPFDAODPDissertation Thesis Defense -z 30 - P
OPF:OPFDAPK1Conference Paper -z 2 - PV
OPF:OPFDAPS1Professional Internship -z 10 - PV
OPF:OPFDASDZState Doctoral Exam -dzk 20 - P
OPF:OPFDAVS1Teaching in Seminars -z 5 - V
OPF:OPFDAVS2Teaching in Seminars -z 5 - V
OPF:OPFDAVS3Teaching in Seminars -z 5 - V
OPF:OPFDAVS4Teaching in Seminars -z 5 - V
OPF:OPFDAZS1International Research Internship -z 10 - P
OPF:OPFDAZV1Research Project Participation -z 20 - P
234 credits