USESEP183 Nations and Nationalism

Fakulta veřejných politik v Opavě
léto 2016
1/1/0. 4 kr. Ukončení: z.
Johana Musálková (přednášející)
Johana Musálková (cvičící)
Johana Musálková
Ústav středoevropských studií – Fakulta veřejných politik v Opavě
This course is complementary to my other course "Introduction to Memory Studies" and may be profitably taken together however this is not a requirement.
Omezení zápisu do předmětu
Předmět je nabízen i studentům mimo mateřské obory.
Mateřské obory/plány
Cíle předmětu
This course explores the sources of our most basic and powerful feelings of political loyalty - our ideas about who we are, who has the right to rule over us, who we are willing to kill and for whom we are willing to die. Throughout the upcoming semester, we shall consider the major theories of ethnicity and of nationalism and use them to explore such fundamental political loyalties with particular attention paid to the European past and present. Topics covered will include the economic and political foundations of nationalism, the construction of nationalist ideologies, the rise of ethnic consciousness, the relationship between ethnicity and the state, and the role of religion, language and violence in ethnic/national movements. The course will be composed of lectures (fortnightly), class-based discussions-cum-seminars (fortnightly), and one fieldtrip.
  • 24th February
    Lecture&Seminar (45&45 minutes)
    An Introduction to the Course and to Nationalism Studies.
    In this class we will discuss basic concepts and definitions regarding Nationalism Studies. Concrete presentations will be assigned to each student and requirements for the Fieldwork Report will be explained. Students will receive a detailed course description and a comprehensive reading list.
    9th March
    Lecture&Seminar (90&90 minutes)
    The Political Uses of Loyalty and Identity - Elites and the Politics of People-Building
    23th March
    Lecture&Seminar (90&90 minutes)
    Nations, Nationalism and the Individual.
    6th April
    Fieldwork trip to Hlučín
    20th April
    Fieldwork Reports presentation and joint discussion

    4th May
    Lecture&Seminar (90&90 minutes)
    Nationalism in Cross-Cultural and Cross-Continental Comparison.
    18th May
    Lecture&Seminar (45&45 minutes)
    Overview of the course behind us, outline of future prospects, final discussion and last comments.
    povinná literatura
  • Alonso, Ana Maria, (1994) "The Politics of Space, Time and Substance: State Formation, Nationalism and Ethnicity." Annual Review of Anthropology 23: pp. 379-405. info
  • Anderson, Benedict., (1983) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. London: Verso. info
  • Billig, Michael (1995) Banal Nationalism. Sage Pub. info
  • Connor, Walker. (1990) "When is a nation?." Ethnic and Racial Studies 13: 92-103. info
  • Frederik Barth, (1969) "Introduction," in Frederik Barth, ed. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. Boston: Little Brown, 9-38. info
  • Gellner, Ernest. (1983) Nations and nationalism Ithaca: Cornell University Press. info
  • Hayden, Robert M. (1996) "Imagined communities and real victims." American Ethnologist 23: pp. 783-801. info
  • Hobsbawm, Eric & Terence Ranger, ed. (1983). The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge University Press. info
  • Hobsbawm, Eric. 1992. 'Ethnicity and Nationalism in Europe Today'. Anthropology Today, 8(1): 3-13. info
  • Malkki, Liisa. (1992) "National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and the Territorialization of National." Cultural Anthropology 7: pp. 24-44. info
  • Smith, Anthony D. (2009) Ethno-symbolism and nationalism: a cultural approach. London: Routledge. info
Metody hodnocení
Kombinovaná zkouška
Rozbor zadaných úkolů (koncepce služeb, strategie knihovny)
Projekt (zápočtový, semestrální, seminární)
Vyučovací jazyk
Informace učitele
In order to complete this course successfully, the students should be able to comprehend and communicate in English without any difficulties. Also, please note that the amount of reading is extensive and careful reading of all required texts is a must.
For each seminar three or four students will be required to prepare a single sheet of A4 presenting an article on the compulsory reading list for that day in the format of ARGUMENT, QUESTION, CONNECTIONS, AND IMPLICATIONS: AQCI (further explanation of what AQCI means will be provided on the first day of the course).
Apart from lectures and seminars, the course will include a fieldwork trip to Hlučín. After the fieldwork, the students will be required to hand in a fieldwork report based on constructive critique of any of the theories and/or concepts we discussed during the class in particular relation to the case study of Hlučínsko people(s). The students will also have an opportunity to present their fieldwork reports during class.
Finally, only rigorous attendance and active participation in class discussion can create environment conductive of learning. Therefore, attendance and participation in class-based discussions is strictly required.
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Předmět je dovoleno ukončit i mimo zkouškové období.
Předmět je zařazen také v obdobích léto 2017, léto 2018, léto 2019.