FPF MuMeTbp Multimedia techniques
Name in Czech: Multimediální techniky
bachelor's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FPF MuMeT Multimedia Techniques

Semester 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UFMMTBP001Selected parts of applied mathematics 1 J. Kovářzk 1/3/05 P P
FPF:UFMMTBP003Mechanics and thermal physics J. Kovářzk 4/2/07 Z P
FPF:UFMMTBP009Thinking by Image M. Petrásekz 0/2/03 - P
FPF:UFMMTBP014Introduction to screenwriting and dramaturgy P. Jančárekzk 1/2/05 P P
FPF:UFMMTBP017Analysis of audiovisual works J. Vašekz 0/1/02 - P
FPF:UFMMTBP019English 1 G. Entlováz 0/2/02 - P
FPF:UFMMTBP033Introduction to Art Photography Z. Stuchlíkzk 2/1/03 - PV
27 credits

Semester 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UFMMTBP002Selected Problems in Applied Mathematics 2 J. Kovářzk 1/3/05 P P
FPF:UFMMTBP004Critical Thinking and the Scientific Method S. Hledíkzk 4/2/07 Z P
FPF:UFMMTBP010Introduction to Camera 1 P. Jančárekzk 1/2/05 Z P
FPF:UFMMTBP012Introduction to film edition structure 1 J. Mudrazk 1/2/05 Z P
FPF:UFMMTBP015Introduction to film direction and communication in audiovisual art P. Jančárekzk 1/2/05 Z P
FPF:UFMMTBP016Sound recording and processing 1 J. Menšíkz 0/2/03 P P
FPF:UFMMTBP020English 2 G. Entlovázk 0/2/02 - P
FPF:UFMMTBP025Science communication T. Gráfz 2/1/04 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP029Physics, philosophy and the arts Z. Stuchlíkz 0/1/02 - PV
38 credits

Semester 3

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UFMMTBP005Optics P. Slanýzk 4/2/07 Z P
FPF:UFMMTBP007Fundamentals of astronomy and astrophysics T. Gráfzk 4/2/06 P P
FPF:UFMMTBP008Critical Thinking and the Scientific Method M. Petrásekz 0/2/02 - P
FPF:UFMMTBP011Introduction to Camera 2 P. Jančárekzk 1/2/05 P P
FPF:UFMMTBP013Introduction to film edition structure J. Mudrazk 1/2/05 P P
FPF:UFMMTBP024Physics in Digital Photography S. Hledíkz 1/1/04 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP026Popularization of Astronomy T. Gráfz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP032Sound recording and processing 2 J. Menšíkz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP035Planetarium shows T. Gráfz 0/1/02 - PV
37 credits

Semester 4

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UFMMTBP006Atomic and Nuclear Physics J. Juráňzk 4/2/07 Z P
FPF:UFMMTBP018Introduction to documentaries P. Jančárekz 0/2/03 P P
FPF:UFMMTBP023Optics for film and the photography M. Petrásekzk 1/1/04 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP028Basics of sound engineering J. Menšíkz 1/1/03 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP030Legislative in AV works R. Bužkovázk 1/0/02 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP031Visual Sociology J. Siostrzonekz 1/0/02 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP036Sound and musical part of AV work J. Menšíkz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP038Original "SciCom" show T. Gráfz 0/1/010 - PV
34 credits

Semester 5

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UFMMTBP021Practice in Multimedia M. Petrásekz 12 týdnů/sem.40 - P
40 credits

Semester 6

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:UFMMTBP022Bachelor Thesis M. Petrásekz odevzdání BP.15 - P
FPF:UFMMTBP027Experimental photography and astrographotography H. Kučákováz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP034Modern publication methods L. Kyšaz 0/2/03 - PV
FPF:UFMMTBP037Basics of Music Creation M. Petrásekz 0/2/02 - PV
23 credits

Any semester

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Profile Cat. Requirement
FPF:FSZZKVETENFinal State Examination - May -- - - -
FPF:FSZZSRPENFinal State Examination - August -- - - -
FPF:FSZZUNORFinal State Examination - February -- - - -
0 credits