Degree programme objectives

The aim of the study is to prepare proficient professionals who are able to successfully invent, implement and operate digital businesses in both goods and services. This goal is achieved by acquiring interdisciplinary knowledge in business, marketing and informatics. In the study programme, students are provided with knowledge predominantly as a basis for practical application in the acquisition of specific skills. Given the speed of change in the field, the programme aims to prepare students for the dynamically evolving conditions of the domestic and global world of digital business. The student gradually moves from an understanding of the basic concepts of business, marketing and computer science to the more complex processes of digital business as a whole. Specific practical skill-developing courses are thus set in the broader context of the student's understanding. At the end of the course, the student is thus able not only to think in context, but also to create new market opportunities for themselves or their employer based on their understanding of current economic realities. Assessment of the learning process is largely based on the ability to solve practical problems through teamwork on assigned projects. The involvement of companies and their assignments through case studies, seminar and bachelor thesis topics and lectures by experts in the classroom is a matter of course. Modern hardware and software technologies are used extensively throughout the course of study.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The aim of the study is to prepare proficient professionals who are able to successfully invent, implement and operate digital businesses in both goods and services. This goal is achieved by acquiring interdisciplinary knowledge in business, marketing and informatics. In the study programme, students are provided with knowledge predominantly as a basis for practical application in the acquisition of specific skills. Given the speed of change in the field, the programme aims to prepare students for the dynamically evolving conditions of the domestic and global world of digital business. The student gradually moves from an understanding of the basic concepts of business, marketing and computer science to the more complex processes of digital business as a whole. Specific practical skill-developing courses are thus set in the broader context of the student's understanding. At the end of the course, the student is thus able not only to think in context, but also to create new market opportunities for themselves or their employer based on their understanding of current economic realities. Assessment of the learning process is largely based on the ability to solve practical problems through teamwork on assigned projects. The involvement of companies and their assignments through case studies, seminar and bachelor thesis topics and lectures by experts in the classroom is a matter of course. Modern hardware and software technologies are used extensively throughout the course of study.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • describe essential marketing concepts such as the 4 Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and illustrate their application in digital marketing;
    • recognize and describe fundamental entrepreneurial concepts, such as business ideation, risk-taking, and opportunity recognition;
    • describe core management principles, such as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling;
    • design innovative business models tailored to digital enterprises, judging their viability and sustainability based on market conditions and customer needs;
    • demonstrate teamwork by actively contributing to group projects, working collaboratively with peers to meet project goals and resolve challenges;
    • integrate information systems (such as databases, ERP, and CRM systems) into business processes to optimize operations;
    • use digital marketing tools, including SEO, social media and paid advertising campaigns;
    • analyse performance indicators such as sales, installs, usage or conversion rates;
    • design a digital transformation plan, such as cloud migration or automation;
    • design and administer websites including e-shops.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    As it is a professional study programme, the Digital Business graduate will have practical skills in the development, implementation and operation of digital business. They will have a deep knowledge of business development, marketing, IT and digital commerce. They will also have a basic understanding of business economics, internet law, innovation and project management. He/she will understand how technologies commonly used in the field work and will be able to not only work with them proactively but also advocate for their implementation in the business. His/her problem management competencies will reflect the marketplace, which is characterized by the constant solving of unique problems rather than the application of a one-size-fits-all approach.

    The graduate will gain expertise in the functioning of economic entities in the market. He/she will understand the behaviour of customers, public administrations and businesses and be able to analyse these market forces appropriately. As a result, the student will be able to interpret the state and development of the local and global economy and evaluate the impact of the external environment on the functioning of an organisation, both before and during its lifetime. He/she will be familiar with the legal regulations that necessarily affect the issues of digitisation and digital commerce. It will also understand the context of running and managing a business and aspects of its financial management.

    The graduate will acquire professional skills related to the use of office, project, accounting and statistical software, the creation and editing of web applications and websites, as well as social media profile management. He/she will be able to search and process information online and offline and critically evaluate and use it for decision making. They will acquire the skills needed to implement transformation projects towards the digitalisation of business processes. They will learn to work in a cloud services environment and on shared projects and digital documents. They will be able to prepare a concise and concise presentation of their business, project, product or idea and present the key steps to achieve their objectives.

    The graduate will gain practical communication skills, being able to express themselves clearly, accurately and concisely so that their communication counterpart understands their intentions. He/she will be able to negotiate with various key persons such as investors, owners, customers, suppliers or representatives of government structures. He/she will always lead constructive discussions with the aim of mutual satisfaction and be able to listen actively. In terms of interpersonal skills, he/she will be able to work as part of a team, effectively build relationships with co-workers both inside and outside the company and resolve difficult situations and conflicts. He/she will be able to effectively share his/her experience and knowledge within the team. The mind-set of the graduate will be towards self-management, innovation, openness, flexibility, willingness to take risks and think strategically and in context. These skills will be reinforced through regular practice of presentations and teamwork in seminars, as well as through meeting representatives of different professions in class and working together during the professional practice. Verification of the practical skills acquired is part of the detailed assessment of the results of team and individual work in each subject.

    The acquired knowledge and skills will enable the graduate to continue further studies with a high degree of independence or to seek employment in practice as an entrepreneur, product manager, project manager, marketing specialist, product owner, data analyst or business analyst.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    During their studies, students prepare a Bachelor's thesis (BP) on a given topic under the guidance of a BP supervisor. The choice of the topic, including the BP supervisor, and the requirements of the BP are specified in the Dean's instruction, which is available on the faculty's website. The BP forms a compulsory component of the study programme, as does the special undergraduate seminar. The Bachelor's thesis should also be based on the experience gained by the student during the professional practice. Here the student demonstrates independent thinking and problem analysis skills as well as relevant professional knowledge.

    The student will take a total of 25 compulsory courses, representing 149 ECTS credits. Within the category of compulsory subjects, 5 subjects are designed as basic theoretical subjects. The remaining compulsory subjects cover the basic economic and managerial disciplines, the completion of which completes the graduate of any economics programme.

    Within the compulsory elective courses, the student has the possibility to choose from 7 courses with the obligation to obtain 20 credits. This most often means the successful completion of 4 courses. Within the compulsory elective courses, the student can also choose to take a course in a foreign language. In such a course, all communication, including the examination and the fulfilment of all study requirements, is conducted in English. In doing so, the student demonstrates, among other things, his/her ability to communicate actively in a world language.

    A total of 11 ECTS credits are reserved for elective courses in the curriculum. The student can choose from all the subjects of the Bachelor's degree offered at the faculty. This allows the student to profile himself/herself to a lesser extent in another discipline (e.g. finance, accounting, information technology, etc.) in addition to the study programme. A student may also fulfill the credit allowance for electives with credits earned during a study abroad experience or by engaging in real-world business assignments in the Business Gate Academy.

    As part of the compulsory elective courses, the student may also take a course in English (Intercultural Communication). In these courses, all communication, including examinations and the fulfilment of all study obligations, takes place in English. The student will thus gain the ability to communicate actively in a world language, which will make it easier for him/her to enter global markets as part of the scalability of his/her own business or employment in a globally oriented company.

    The state final examinations consist of a defence of the BP, a part focused on economic and managerial areas and a part covering thematic areas in the field of digital business. The questions for the economic-managerial part will be based on the content of the courses Economics, External Economic Environment, Business Economics and Finance in Business. The questions for the digital business part will cover the topics discussed in the subjects Business Models, Innovative Entrepreneurship, Creative Thinking, E-marketing, Information Support for Company Activity.

    The study programme is fully based on the ECTS credit system. The length of the lesson is 45 minutes.

  • Access to Further Studies

    If students are interested in further study, they can continue their studies in all study programmes. In the Business Economics and Management programme, they can choose to specialise in Entrepreneurship, Business Finance, Marketing and Business or Accounting and Taxation. In addition, the Management Informatics or Banking, Money Management, Insurance programme.

    After the completion of the follow-up studies, it is possible to continue to the doctoral level of study in the Economics and Management programme, which is accredited at the OPF.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Programme guarantor