Degree programme specification

The Master's degree programme Economics and management is designed to prepare university-educated professionals with economic knowledge and managerial skills that are able to act in higher or top management positions not only in the business sphere after acquiring appropriate practice. Emphasis is placed on international accents of entrepreneurial activities during study. Successful graduates get the title of ‘engineer’ and are prepared to enter job market immediately or they have the opportunity to continue in PhD studies.


- Professional knowledge and practical experience in the field of advanced microeconomics, advanced macroeconomics and managerial economics.

- You will get the awareness of how business organizations function.

- Understand the mission and vision of crisis management and international business law.

- Acquire knowledge of international marketing, international financial management and retail management.

- You will be able to process financial analyses and valuate the company‘s assets and much more.

- You will meet people from all over the world with similar aims and interests.


Advanced microeconomics, Advanced macroeconomics, Strategic marketing, Strategic management, Human resource management, International taxation and tax systems, Managing innovation, etc.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
SPECIAL admission procedure to the master's degree program in English 2023/2024 FOR ACTUAL STUDENTS
Submission deadline until midnight 15/6/2023

  • Acceptance round information

    Conditions for the admission to the follow-up Master’s degree study program Economics and Management accredited in English in the full-time form of study at the Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná (hereinafter referred to as the "SU SBA") for students studying at SU SBA in the followup Master’s degree study program Economics and Management, field of study Business Economics and Management accredited in English with the validity of accreditation until 31. 12. 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "Conditions") for the academic year 2023/2024

    Approved by the Academic Senate of the SU SBA on January 25, 2023

    On the basis of provisions of § 49 par. 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on amendments and supplements to other acts, as amended, (hereinafter the Higher Education Act), and in accordance with the Regulations of the Admission Procedure at the Silesian University in Opava, as amended, and the Statute of the Silesian University in Opava, as amended,

    I set forth the conditions for admission for the academic year 2023/2024:

    1. Submitting an electronic application at from 12th - 15th June, 2023.
    2. An administrative fee of 0 CZK for acts related to the admission procedure.
    3. An entrance examination remission without setting other conditions for admission to study - students of the follow-up Master’s degree study program Economics and Management, the field of study Business Economics and Management accredited in English at SU SBA will be admitted to the study program without an entrance examination.

    All activities and related administrative procedures in the context of the above study degree program will be conducted in English.

    Enrolment period: September 2023
    In justified cases, the SU SBA reserves the right to use electronic communication with the applicant.


  • Objectives

    The aim of the Master's academic programme Economics and management is to equip students with new knowledge and skills, and to deepen and expand existing professional competencies achieved by completing a Bachelor's degree program. Students are intended to apply in the international labor market in the fields of economics and management or to implement own business plan. In the Master's study, emphasis is placed on more advanced and demanding issues of a strategic nature and international overlap, such as managerial economics, international financial management, strategic management and marketing, human resources management or law in international trade. The study programme and individual courses are designed to deepen students' ability to obtain and sort important data and then analyze them using appropriate quantitative and econometric methods with the support of software tools. The frequent inclusion of managers of cooperating companies in the teaching of profiling courses also significantly contributes to the correct understanding of the issues. An important goal of the study is also to support the interest of gifted students in scientific research and to motivate them to start doctoral studies.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates


    - In management positions of higher management of companies, non-profit or contributory organizations and financial institutions.

    - In managerial positions in international business environment.

    - In accounting departments of companies and in audit organizations.

    - In scientific and pedagogical fields focused on the issues of economics and management with the possibility of continuing the study in the PhD programme of Economics and management.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The study programme is fully based on the ECTS credit system. The length of the lesson is 45 minutes. The length of the semester is 13 weeks. The student is obliged to obtain 120 ECTS credits within the study. During the study, the student completes a total of 11 compulsory subjects of the programme basis, representing 67 ECTS credits (56 % of the study plan). Within the category of compulsory courses, 5 courses are conceived as basic theoretical courses (Advanced microeconomics, Advanced macroeconomics, Managerial economics, International financial management, International business law). The other four compulsory courses fall into the category of courses of the profiling basis (Strategic management, Strategic marketing, Human resource management, Retail management). The remaining compulsory courses are programme-based courses, covering the quantitative data processing area and their completion thus completes the complex profile of the graduate. Within the compulsory elective courses, the student has the opportunity to choose from 8 courses with the obligation to obtain 26 credits (22 % of the study plan). This means successful completion of 5 courses. The study plan does not include optional courses, but the student can choose them voluntarily and can pick out from all courses of the Master's study that are offered at the faculty. This enables the student to profile himself in another discipline in addition to the study program (e.g. managerial informatics, public economics and administration, etc.). On a similar principle, a student can complete a study stay abroad or participate in solving real problems and the tasks of economic practice within the Business Gate Academy. During the study, students prepare a diploma thesis (DT) on a given topic under the guidance of the thesis supervisor. DT forms a compulsory component of the study programme, as well as a special diploma seminar (Master thesis seminar). The student demonstrates the ability of independent thinking, problem analysis and relevant expertise. For these activities the student will receive a total of 27 ECTS credits (22 % of the study plan).

  • Access to Further Studies

    The Master's academic study programme Economics and Management is a direct follow-up to the Bachelor's study programme Economics and Management at SU SBA. Students of the Master's study programme Economics and Management have the opportunity to participate in scientific research activities carried out at the departments participating in the teaching of the study programme. Graduates of the Master's degree in Economics and Management with an interest and prerequisites for scientific and innovative activities can advance to the doctoral degree (PhD) in the Economics and Management study programme, which is accredited at SU SBA. In the doctoral study, they can subsequently develop topics related mainly to the issue of managing the economic activities of organizations, their strategic or business activities.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
English English

number of active students