Degree programme objectives

The study program provides students with a practically oriented education in the field of film, television and other media with regard to all phases of their creation and existence (preparation, production, post-production, distribution and reception) and at the same time provides a broad overview in the historical science, cultural history, theory art, mass communication and journalism, so that its graduates are able to present historical knowledge in an innovative, creative and theoretically grounded way through audiovisual production and media.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The study program provides students with a practically oriented education in the field of film, television and other media with regard to all phases of their creation and existence (preparation, production, post-production, distribution and reception) and at the same time provides a broad overview in the historical science, cultural history, theory art, mass communication and journalism, so that its graduates are able to present historical knowledge in an innovative, creative and theoretically grounded way through audiovisual production and media.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • The graduate is capable of independent work in the field of news, publicism and documentary, mastering the basic methods and techniques of camera work, editing composition, film sound, television and radio screenwriting, dramaturgy, production.
    • She/he masters the basic methods and techniques of historiographical work, heuristics and working with various types of historical sources.
    • The graduate is able to independently and proactively acquire historical knowledge from various sources.
    • She/he will then be able to apply all of this in practice, whether in the field of traditional media and memory or cultural institutions, or in the field of emerging digital works distributed over the Internet or via new media.
    • She/he will then be able to apply all this in practice in companies and teams that produce cultural-historical projects in a wide range of fields and genres, in production film companies, in electronic and print media.
    • She/he will then be able to apply all this in practice in companies belonging to the field of cultural industries (production of computer games, publishing houses and music publishers, photo agencies, etc.).
    • She/he will be able to work in the field of marketing communications (evaluate the market situation, create a SWOT analysis and media plan, design a communication and media campaign, communicate with the media.
    • An integral part of the described skill complex is the ability to think critically and assess information.
    • The graduate can work in a team of scientific experts and creative workers, or create and lead a team.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    A graduate of the professional bachelor's study program Historical Documentary and Media Presentation of History will acquire comprehensive, theoretical and practical, interconnected knowledge, skills and competences that will enable him to (re)present knowledge of history primarily through documentary, news and journalistic genres of traditional and new audiovisual media, secondarily within the framework of presentation and interpretation forms applied by memory, cultural and artistic institutions. The graduate is able to find and apply theoretical knowledge in practice, can communicate not only in Czech, but also in English, is able and willing to further his education, either in a follow-up master's study or in the form of self-study, is open to new experiences and ready to independently search for optimal methods work given the problems he has to face and is also able to work in a team. With regard to the requirements placed on this type of study, professional competences are developed in the bachelor's degree, which will enable the student to smoothly transition between this degree and a wider range of follow-up humanities, social science or art-oriented study programs, or transfer to practice in the field of media, marketing, or memory and cultural institutions. The level of academic skills of a bachelor's degree graduate is fully compatible with the model of education in the humanities and arts disciplines provided at domestic and foreign universities.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The creation of study plans is based on the standards and methodology recommended by the National Accreditation Office and the rules of the International Credit System (ECTS); their changes are subject to approval by the FPF SU Academic Senate. The scope of one lesson is standard (45 min.). The structure of the study plan and the ratio of credits obtained in individual groups of subjects is specified in Annex B-II. The study plan maintains a balanced ratio between theoretical and practical teaching, as well as between the form of lecture and seminar (or exercise). The study plan maintains the prescribed ratio between the subjects of the profiling foundation and basic theoretical subjects. An essential part of the study plan is practical teaching in the premises of the university and in specialized classrooms. The sum of acquired knowledge and skills corresponds to the described profile of the graduate. Students are evaluated according to the unified ECTS classification scale.

  • Practical Training

    In each year, the student completes a four-week professional practice (subjects Professional Practice I–III). A third of the practice (subject Professional Practice I) is typically carried out in memory institutions (such as museums, galleries, archives; an alternative is selected positions in the National Institute of Monuments, mainly related to the care of movable cultural heritage). Two-thirds of the practice (subjects Professional Practice II and III) are typically implemented in audiovisual-media or cultural institutions in the region; during it, the student will try out activities related to the content of the study – camera work, screenwriting, directing or post-production audiovisual work, organizational or project work in the field of cultural industries.

  • Goals of Theses

    1 062 / 5 000

    Proposal of topics for qualification theses:

    1) Oral history in Czech documentary film after 1989

    2) Ethics of spoken word editing in documentary film

    3) Cinematic (re)presentation of the Baroque as an epoch of cultural and spiritual history and as an aesthetic system

    4) Amadeus and the Lion with the White Mane: a musical film, the truth of history and the truth of art

    5) Development of formats and visuality in the Czech historical document of the last two decades

    6) Media image of football player František Plánička (1923–1938)

    7) Media reflection of Czechoslovak-Soviet sports relations (1934–1938)

    8) The second life of the great-grandfather Czech. Reflection of a mythical figure of Czech history in modern literature and popular culture

    9) Image of the bad queen. Depicting the life and deeds of Kunhuta Uherská in the context of Western and Central European tradition

    10) Heraldic heritage of the Liechtenstein family on architectural, sfragistic and numismatic monuments in Silesia

    11) Finds of Prague pennies in memory institutions in the Moravian-Silesian Region

    13) Film as a historical source

    14) Presentation of political processes in a poly-trace Czech document

  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduates of the study program can develop their education within the framework of follow-up study programs in the areas of historical science and art education, as well as in other related study programs.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students

Programme guarantor