Degree programme objectives

The aim of the study programme (hereinafter referred to as SP) is to provide a university education corresponding to the composition of subjects in the study plan. The study programme emphasizes the specific historical and legislative context that museology in the Czech Republic has to deal with.

The SP responds to the lack of professional staff who would have both theoretical knowledge and practical skills that would correspond to the scope of museum practice in memory institutions, especially in various types of museums, galleries and country houses, and thus be able to respond to the diversity of collection funds in the Czech lands, their management, protection, presentation, documentation and care.

The SP presents museology in a historical context as an activity that goes beyond the horizon of service to memory institutions and especially to the network of museums and galleries in the Czech Republic. Museology, or museography, is understood as a historically and theoretically substantiated activity, the basis of which lies in history, art history and other social science disciplines.

In addition to the theoretical focus, anchored in the sphere of history, auxiliary historical sciences and related disciplines (cultural and natural heritage, history of material culture, archaeology, monument care), the graduate will gain experience with the practical management of collections, which corresponds to the involvement of experts from practice who have knowledge and experience gained in the practical performance of museum practice in its various forms (registration and documentation of collections, legislation and organization, communication with the professional and lay public, etc.).

Students will acquire practical skills necessary for subsequent professional employment within the framework of professional practice carried out in a museum, gallery or other memory institution. The graduate has mastered the facts of Czech and world history from antiquity to the most recent history, which he or she is able to use in practice. At the same time, he or she has the knowledge of museum practice necessary for employment especially in memory institutions. He or she is able to take care of entrusted collections, document and present them in exhibition projects, and perform comprehensive professional, presentation and organizational activities in memory institutions.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The aim of the study programme (hereinafter referred to as SP) is to provide a university education corresponding to the composition of subjects in the study plan. The study programme emphasizes the specific historical and legislative context that museology in the Czech Republic has to deal with.

    The SP responds to the lack of professional staff who would have both theoretical knowledge and practical skills that would correspond to the scope of museum practice in memory institutions, especially in various types of museums, galleries and country houses, and thus be able to respond to the diversity of collection funds in the Czech lands, their management, protection, presentation, documentation and care.

    The SP presents museology in a historical context as an activity that goes beyond the horizon of service to memory institutions and especially to the network of museums and galleries in the Czech Republic. Museology, or museography, is understood as a historically and theoretically substantiated activity, the basis of which lies in history, art history and other social science disciplines.

    In addition to the theoretical focus, anchored in the sphere of history, auxiliary historical sciences and related disciplines (cultural and natural heritage, history of material culture, archaeology, monument care), the graduate will gain experience with the practical management of collections, which corresponds to the involvement of experts from practice who have knowledge and experience gained in the practical performance of museum practice in its various forms (registration and documentation of collections, legislation and organization, communication with the professional and lay public, etc.).

    Students will acquire practical skills necessary for subsequent professional employment within the framework of professional practice carried out in a museum, gallery or other memory institution. The graduate has mastered the facts of Czech and world history from antiquity to the most recent history, which he or she is able to use in practice. At the same time, he or she has the knowledge of museum practice necessary for employment especially in memory institutions. He or she is able to take care of entrusted collections, document and present them in exhibition projects, and perform comprehensive professional, presentation and organizational activities in memory institutions.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • independently identify and critically interpret key historical phenomena and reflect on their mutual connections;
    • study source materials and professional literature in the original version (English, German);
    • perceive historical facts, phenomena and processes in the context of the results of research in other scientific disciplines;
    • apply the acquired knowledge and skills in a museum, gallery, or other memory institution;
    • take care of entrusted collections, document and present them in exhibition projects;
    • perform comprehensive professional, presentation and organizational activities in memory institutions.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The SP has defined the framework employment of SP graduates and the typical job positions that the graduate can hold.

    Graduates of the SP will find employment in professional scientific and cultural institutions (museums, galleries, cultural organizations, archives, institutes of monument care), as well as in state administration and local government bodies - departments of culture and monument care, in the media sphere, in the non-profit and private sectors.

    Typical job positions in which SP graduates can find employment are: all positions in museums and galleries, country houses, archives, institutes of monument care, positions in departments of culture and monument care in state administration and self-government bodies, as well as in other professional scientific and cultural institutions.

    Examples of job positions for a graduate of the Secondary School are: curator of museum collections, exhibition manager, documentator, conservator, public relations specialist, manager of a country house, cultural and programme specialist, museum educator, archivist, officer in the departments of culture and monument care in state administration and local government bodies.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The creation of study plans is based on the standards and methodology recommended by the National Accreditation Bureau and the rules of the International Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The length of one lesson is standard (45 minutes).

    The structure of the study plan and the ratio of credits obtained in individual groups of courses are specified in Annex B-IIa. The student chooses compulsory elective and elective courses according to his/her professional specialization and the topic of the bachelor's thesis; Compulsory courses are set in such a way as to fulfil the professional profile of the graduate.

    The study plan maintains a balanced ratio between the theoretical part of teaching, i.e. lectures, and the seminar form of teaching. The study plan maintains the prescribed ratio between the subjects of the common core and the focus. The study plan includes practical training on the premises of the university, in specialized classrooms and in the field; The study includes professional practice in contractual institutions.

    The sum of acquired knowledge and skills corresponds to the described profile of the graduate. Students are evaluated according to the ECTS unified grading scale.

  • Practical Training

    Professional practice leads the student to employment in cultural and historical facilities in accordance with the graduate profile. The aim of the practice is to equip students with the initial skills to perform activities and provide selected services in the field of cultural heritage care and cultural-historical practical activities, to stimulate the development of their organizational skills. Completing the practice contributes to greater motivation of students to apply the knowledge and skills gained from teaching and thus increase their employability in the labor market.

    Professional practice is usually organized with an initial one-week block of theoretical training and then 3 weeks in a contractual institution. It typically takes place in memory institutions (museums, galleries, archives), or in country houses, castles, chateaux, monasterys, etc., or at workplaces of monument care, etc. The completion of the professional practice is in the total extent of 12 weeks (480 hours).

    The student participates, for example, in the preparation of guided tours and conducts observations, participates in the preparation of thematic cultural and historical products (lectures, animation programs for children, seniors, etc.), in basic activities related to the administration, documentation and presentation of collections, in organizational support.

    The practice is carried out under the methodological guidance of a mentor – a cooperating expert from practice/institution and under the general supervision of a teacher – supervisor; The final evaluation of the practice is the responsibility of the course guarantor. The student keeps a written diary; Receive a mentor and supervisor evaluation report. Knowledge is verified in the form of an oral discussion, usually with the participation of

    student, guarantor and supervisor.

  • Goals of Theses

    The Bachelor's thesis is a verification of the student's ability to apply the acquired knowledge, methodology and specific field terminology in practice, it is a proof of his independent professional work and original approach to the contribution of new knowledge. The defence of the Bachelor's thesis consists of a presentation of the thesis, a statement on the reviews and a discussion on the thesis.

  • Access to Further Studies

    Graduates of the study programme can develop their education within the framework of follow-up study programmes in the field of Historical Sciences and other related study programmes.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Programme guarantor